torsdag 9. desember 2010

stuck in my head

I witnessed a car accident today. And it wasn't just a little one either. I sat in the bus, and looked out. It was over in a few seconds. Two cars collided like two balls bouncing at each other, and almost jumped back. It was a terrifying moment. As it was partly because of the bus-driver, he should have gotten out and checked if they were okay. However he drove away slowly, and nobody knew what to do. What do you do in a situation like this? A friend called the police, and nobody died. But I think one of them was really hurt - because I couldn't see her moving in the car until a minute after the crash. This is something I'll probably never forget. It was all so clear, and it happened right outside my bus-window. It's haunting. It could have been me, you, or anyone else.

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