fredag 19. august 2011

please don't go

“@younglionsdance @ianefollowme is in the building :) and is teaching with his new tat! Looks nice :)”!/kristina_baaby
“Here’s “laughing Ian” -always good-natured right from the very beginning Happy Birfday @ianefollowme”!/younglionsdance
“Why are our NEW YL crew necks so comfy?! And oooooh so fresh. (The Back is even more G’d up) Email: to cop yours.”!/ianefollowme I WANT ONE!!!
(Pictures: Tumblr)
Fast forward to 00:50, and you'll find an awesome choreography. Yes, if you are wondering .. I am a bit infatuated with Ian Eastwood at the moment. But no worries! It'll blow over in a few days. Not his talent though. Check his youtube out, and his twitter.

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