søndag 11. september 2011

because of us

I can't wait to go back to this place. Right now I feel like Lucy from Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married (book). Her dark days, where she'd get upset by the smallest things as seeing a lost mitten. Well, I don't feel like that .. but reading for my history test, and just attending the human geography classes makes me feel bad. Actually, I feel guilty. I feel guilty for being Norwegian - we spend so much electricity .. it's crazy! And please .. don't blame it on the cold winter. I know many people who will just keep their lights on through the whole night, and when they're not even home. And people that doesn't shut down their computers. The worst feeling is the fact that I feel helpless. I don't know what to do about it. I can't barge into peoples houses, and yell "shut the lights, will you?" Even my neighbour. They keep their kitchen lighting on 24/7. But who am I to speak? I am sitting on this computer now .. and it uses electricy, which causes pollution, which again causes global warming. That is perhaps the thing that annoys me the most. The western countries faults have consequences for the poor countries. We sit here, and complain about the weather. Whereas there are people in Africa fighting for their lives. Because of us. Well, that's fair, isn't it?

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