søndag 13. juli 2014

don't wipe your eyes, tears remind you you're alive

I drew this as a birthday card for Oyster back in May. I can't believe it's been two months already. I a bit of a panic whilst I was cleaning my bedroom this morning, because I realised how little time I've got left of this summer holiday, which will probably be my last proper summer holiday. Because next year I'll be done with my (first?) bachelor, and I'll be expected to be an adult and whatnot. Technically I'll be 21 when I'm done too, which is bloody crazy. But that's far too long in the future for me to think about now. The weather today has been quite confusing. I woke up to a blue sky this morning and a bloody warm bedroom when I thought it was supposed to be cooler and a grey sky. Eventually it turned grey, and it has been fairly windy. That's when I decided to sit by the door with a cuppa, some biscuits and a book (Men From The Boys by Tony Parsons. I've yet to finish this bah). I quite enjoyed the weather, because I was feeling a bit sad today. And it's just comforting to have the weather match your mood, isn't it? I have a tendency to get in a sad mood sometimes, and there's almost never a proper reason for it. I just let myself be sad, and I don't try to change my mood because I think it's important to have these kind of days too. I don't believe in feeling on the top of the world all the time. My goodness, the match yesterday was interesting. I can't remember the last time I shouted as much as I did. I did of course wish for Brazil to win, but Netherlands are clearly superior. I've always known that Brazil isn't a very good team, and initially I only cheered for them because of Neymar. It was a sad sight to see him sitting on the side bench during the match. But I must admit that I was shocked about Netherland's performance. During second half and a bit of the first half it was mostly Brazil who had the ball. It was really strange. Oh and the judge did a lot of mistakes, which sucks. Oh well, hopefully there will be a better judge for the final in about fifteen minutes. We're having pizza for dinner tonight. Ha, football, pizza and beer? Probably not the latter. I've got work tomorrow, and I suspect my sister is coming this upcoming week? I'm a bit unsure, but I do faintly remember that she mentioned it before she left. Oh well, time will tell. 

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