søndag 22. januar 2012

hope for the hopeless

Okay. Skip this now, or never. Excuse the rage that will now be written down. I've just scrolled down a Tumblr, entirely dedicated to hate Owen Hunt. Yes, I am speaking of a fictional character from Grey's Anatomy. And I just have to wonder .. was I the only one who felt with Owen? When he shouted "you killed our baby" and that stuff, I'll admit that I thought that he was waay to harsh. But I also understand it. And when Christina and Teddy disobeyed him, and then proceeded to laugh at him behind his back. Oh my gosh, I was praying for him to go back in the room and fire them both. I really was! But that doesn't give Owen any right to take out his anger on the abortion-case. And I personally thought it was the right decision of Christina. If you know you aren't capable to love a child, don't bring it to the world. It would just make everything worse. And the last thing you want, is to screw up another human life. "The man is only human and being mad at him and calling him a douche is plain stupid. But I also believe that he does owe Christina a huge apology for what he said to her, it wasn’t right on any count, what I’m asking fans to understand is that Owen has a right to be upset and his anger reached a a boiling point where he just exploded. Was it the right place to blow up, no, did he have the right to be angry, yes he did". (Fan on Tumblr)

I'm sorry. Sorry that I'm spending all my time watching all Grey's Anatomy seasons, and just blogging about everything. But, hey, it really is a great show. It's got 8 seasons - that must mean that it does well on the ratings. And my favorite thing about the show, is that I can't make up my mind who's my favorite character.

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