mandag 24. desember 2012

merry christmas

Hello! It’s Christmas Eve! I just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a merry Christmas, and I hope everyone gets what they wanted. And also, bear in mind, that sometimes you get things you weren’t even aware of that you wanted. And can we just all be very grateful today? And just in general, really? Also, a very happy birthday to Louis Tomlinson. Yesterday, or, well, technically today (2:00 am), half of the trending topics on Twitter were dedicated to Tommo, which I found very amusing. You have two kinds of birthday people in this world – those who are really excited, and those who don’t really care. I’m one of the latter. But Tommo definitely seems like one of those who get really excited and look forward to their birthday ages before it happens. It’s a bit endearing, really. Anyhow, merry Christmas!!!!! I need to go now, and maybe make a new snow light, because it was drenched in the snow today, and my dad managed to shovel it away. My sister was not impressed with him. Haha. 

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