søndag 26. mai 2013

fingers trace your every outline, paint a picture with my hands

Morning xx. Or, not? I did wake up at 6:00 am, so I've been awake for hours now. After sitting in my room studying for a while (and staring out the window), I decided to have my breakfast outside. And wow, I think I might have to start waking up early when no one else is awake, and the only sounds are the wind and the trees. It was so peaceful. My sister has been talking about taking a walk at 4:00 am. And apparently she did, yesterday. She told me the sky was purple, and she got to see the sunrise. I wish I'd gone with, but then I'd have to sleep in. And I don't have time for that. Don't have time for anything. The weather is like, so beautiful. And I know I've got my exam tomorrow. But I'm too happy to care about it? Like, I feel like I need to relax a bit today-- do other things than excessive studying (doesn't mean I'm not going to study at all) (I wonder if I'll even let myself relax at all). I think I might be ecstatic tomorrow afternoon. I'm either going to go back home and sleep, or I might celebrate it with some ice cream. Depends on the weather, and the kilo-gang. Oh-- Niall with a flower crown. The funny thing is that it's actually a fashion piece nowadays. I actually read a fan fiction with Harry wearing and explaining how to make flower crowns-- like .. alright. Flowerchilds.  Also, this is the best sign I've seen thus far (apart from the signs where they just write "thank you". It's so simple, but gets the message through). Get Lucky by Daft Punk is my jam (uhm, I don't usually say "my jam") at the moment. I don't know, it reminds me of the 80's? I also heard Daughter do a cover of it, and wow. She manages to make every song sad. But it's very beautiful. 

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