tirsdag 28. mai 2013

she's up all night 'til the sun, I'm up all night to get some

I don't understand. Love-childs, what are you doing?? I will never ever understand what goes through One Direction's minds. Never (I can actually use this word in this context). Anyhow, my room is entirely too warm, and I've tried to fit everything I've wanted to do the last months into today. I actually did a bit of tanning, whilst reading The Catcher In The Rye. And then it started raining, so I went inside with my book and other things, but went outside again, sitting in my chair and letting the raindrops soak me. I also finished reading three fan fictions on my list to read. Also had a nap in the middle of the day, just because I felt this sudden exhaustion. And I thought "hey, I can actually nap now, without having a bad conscience. How nice". I still have so many other things I want to do, and it's somewhat annoying that I can't fit it all in one day, but my rational side tells me to calm down. Because there are so many things I want to do, and entirely reasonable that I cannot fit them all in one day only. It's so nice, walking around feeling like you can do everything you want. Except, I still feel a bit on edge. Like something's not quite right. And it is rather irritating, and I don't know what it is. Yet.

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