lørdag 31. august 2013

falling in love is easy to do with the wind in your hair

Aasfksdlogvnsersfkdm,viedhgvfghjn. What? Have you never heard of forehead-communication (also known as slamming your forehead on the dashboard)? This interview is great. I don't know whether I'd want to be Harry, Niall or in the middle of them in this situation. Oh god imagine having a NARRY hUG. That would be wonderful. Oh dear, now I'm going to be dreaming about that. Also, in this interview, Louis says: "If in doubt, the answer is always Niall". What GREAT wisdom Louis. Another GREAT thing is that the iTunes Festival starts tomorrow! And they've always got great line up, though I did prefer the last years. Because well-- One Direction performed then, and Niall looked so bloody great in his maroon colored grandpa jumper. He basically looks great in anything maroon colored item, such as the jumper he is wearing in this interview. But yes, iTunes Festival! Gabrielle Aplin, Bastille, The Lumineers, John Legend, Tom Odell-- they're all playing there and loads more. I'm so excited I've actually written the dates and times in my planner. Oh, I finally sat down to delete some pictures in my "summer 2013" folder, and I managed to halve them. But it's still 739 pictures. But hey, I've made an "autumn 2013" folder, and I'm starting from scratch. Hopefully I'm not taking as much pictures now, or I'll explode my hard disk. Anyway, I'm going to continue sobbing quietly at these gif's, and do some more school work. 

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