torsdag 22. august 2013

time is borrowed loose change that's already been spent

Whoever decided that it would be good putting Niall and Harry together for promo interviews for This Is Us (pronounced dees iz ouzz by Harry) are geniuses. The top comment on the video is: "August 21 was a big day. Zayn and Perrie's engagement announcement and Niall's is with Harry's talk about a 1D". And then there's another comment saying "How high are they?". Since all my favorite Youtubers had the opportunity to attend the This Is Us premiere, I've been watching several vlogs-- and I think I've seen Harry's speech before the film about five times. I even know his lines now. Anyway, I was properly knackered today, and the thought of staying in bed was far more enticing than attending school. But it was an important day, I suppose. So I went ahead and dragged myself out of bed and got ready for school. I think I stayed at school from 8:00 am to 07:00 pm. Give me a bed and I could probably live in my school. I gave another shot at finishing my paper that's a mix of math and questions about medicament's. Math and I are still having a row, albeit it's not quite so tense between us now. Before doing school work, though, I went through Tumblr, and all the blogs I usually read as I've not read any of them for over a week. And of course I did a fair share of Youtube watching. I've not got school tomorrow, and I'm glad, because I'd no doubt probably stay behind at school if I had any lectures tomorrow. But I think I need some sleep. And I need to be outside, not cooped up in a little room inside my school. I need to enjoy this weather before it's gone for months upon months. It's odd, because the temperature inside my school tends to be very cold. However, the weather outside is lovely. So whenever I am to get dressed in the mornings, I have to find a way to dress in something that'll both keep me warm, yet cool (as in chilled, not as in "I'm so bloody cool, everyone else are stupid"). But yes, I must enjoy the weather as long as it will last. And enjoy not having to wear jeans. I've not bared my legs for ages (it seems like it), because I've been in Aalesund where it was mostly cold all the time, and then it's been far too cold in the mornings here. I just cannot go ahead and wear shorts at 07:00 am waiting for the bus whilst freezing my kit off. Even if whenever I walk out of the school, it feels like I should be wearing a dress/shorts/jumpsuit. If I think I can manage to finish my paper due on Monday, I might go watch Kick Ass 2 tomorrow. It's a full moon outside, and the sky looks lovely. Still, I would probably much rather enjoy being on the mountain, staring at the sunset in awe. I wonder if the weather will allow me to climb the mountains in October when I go back there? Hopeful, but always expecting the worst. I think I might watch something sad because I long for a good cry. My head is dizzy with exhaustion. Yet, I am going to continue working on my paper. I am sure I'll feel good about it once it's finished. Sweet dreams lovelies xx. 

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