søndag 2. september 2012

my friends are in the bathroom, getting higher than the empire state

Do you ever wake up with new bruises? I do. And it's so odd sometimes. Mostly it's on my shins, and I don't think much more about it. Because who knows, I might have walked straight into something without noticing. But the other day, as I was applying body moisturizer after a shower, I noticed a bruise on the back of my thigh. And that really is suspicious - because how do you get a bruise there? I don't know. Maybe I walk in sleep and attack people, you know. Anyways. I've just finished cleaning my bedroom, changing my bed sheets  and giving my books a new home. Hence the pictures. I've actually placed them on a little shelf inside one of my closets. But seeing as I didn't actually use it (I like to have my clothing on display), I just thought I'd move my books in there. I've had them in my window ever since I switched to this room, and it was always a temporary place. You shouldn't place books in the window frame. They get discolored and things like that. But now as I've moved them there, my bedroom almost feels a bit naked. When we were in Trondheim, we went into this little used book store, and they had like a library in the basement. And there were so many books. Heaven, I tell you. I didn't actually buy anything, because I'm being good with my money. It was something there that really caught my eye, but I let it slip, since I couldn't say yes to the question I always ask myself in these sorts of times - do you really need it? My mum and sisters however, bought a load of books. I might actually snap a photo of my sisters, because it is a beauty. Yesterday I went to bed at 2:30, because I was so busy writing, I didn't actually notice the time. And then I woke up 10:00 today. And I don't know why. I've been waking up at that time each day this weekend, and it's really bugging me, seeing as I go to bed so late. It's like - hey I actually need my sleep you know. Anyways, I'm going to carry on writing notes for anatomy and physiology. Am I the only one dreading tomorrow? I don't like what Mondays symbolizes. Please listen to this cover of We Are Young. It's amazing.

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