tirsdag 4. september 2012

starting to forget the way you look at me

(Picture: this Tumblr here)
Hiya. Today I didn't have a nightmare about missing a flight. Instead I woke up at 5-ish. And I can't decide what I dislike most. Yeah, I'm gonna go with the last, especially since I went to bed at 1:00 am. Which means I only had about four hours of sleep. I don't like being sleep deprived. I just woke up completely awake at 5:00, so I just thought fuck it, might as well just wake up then. So instead of trying to get more sleep (I already knew that wouldn't work), I read another story on Wattpad. Surprise. And when I was waiting for the bus I saw this guy that really reminded me of Chris from Skins, cast number one - which is where I got the "fuck it-attitude" from. And I just had to stifle my little laugh. Since I've come home from school, I made myself some pasta. It's probably my guilty pleasure. But it's soo yummy sometimes. I felt bad about eating just pasta and scrambled eggs, so I decided to eat some avocado with it as well. Some days ago, my dad just came in to the living room, and was like "Why haven't you eaten the avocado? I bought it for you". And I was like scrunching up my nose, trying to get my face to match my thoughts of avocado. "I don't even eat avocado," I shrugged. But seeing as it was the only "green" thing in the fridge, I thought I'd might as well use it too. And I must admit, I don't dislike it. I cannot make up my mind whether I like it or not. It was just there you know. Like cucumber sometimes. It tastes like water, nothing special (in the first world, not speaking for those who don't have the amount of water as us. Again, the voices inside my head is now shouting at me for being so careless). Wow, now you know how much I can write about the experience of eating avocado. I probably could have stretched it sooo much longer. Since eating my pasta, I've just been reading really. And spoken with my friends via. the lovely Internet. Oh what would I do without Internet? No, without electricity? It's a shame to say so, but I'd probably be smarter, spending even more time reading. I also skyped with my sister and my nephew, and he's growing up so fast. It's like every day his face becomes bigger and fatter. And his smile is so contagious. Seriously though, it really is. Since I've got to get up early tomorrow, I think I'm heading for bed soon. Plus the fact that I'm slightly sleep deprived now. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for tomorrow, it's stupid. It feels like Christmas morning to me. Talking about the surgery of course. I'm going to wear one of those hospital gowns! This is actually getting quite silly. Right, now I'm going to write a few notes before going to bed. That is if the house doesn't blow down by the ridiculous wind outside. And if I don't die of heat, because, it's getting hot in here so take off all your clothes. 

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