mandag 26. november 2012

find him sitting on my doorstep waiting for the surprise. And it will feel like he's been there for hours, and I can tell that he'll be there for life

I'll have you know that last week I dropped a burning match on my anatomy schoolbook, when I was trying to light a candle. It's not like I wanted to burn up my book, and it was an accident. But I can't help thinking that maybe my subconscious wanted it to burn and die. Nevertheless, panic took over, because it was an accident, and therefore I quickly blew some air on it and got the burning match off my book, leaving a little mark. I don't think I hate anatomy, I actually think I love it. It's just hard when you are supposed to know everything within a really really short amount of time. That's when it becomes frustrating.

I woke up today wanting to push the snooze button on my beeping phone, but instead I pushed the warm duvet off my body and got up. It's not like I had to get up, because I don't have any lectures nor any obligations today. It's just pure will - and the knowledge that I would regret sleeping in. It's snowing today too. And despite being cold and having to hide inside my coat while waiting for the bus and train, I'm quite content. Because I did wish for this. I just hope it won't melt and then freeze, because it's not like I want people to get hurt.

When I arrived at school today I got on Tumblr, instead of doing schoolwork like I should. And then I saw there was an ongoing war about Niall Horan's chesthair. I will link to the picture that started this war - the picture that made me gape and unable to decide whether to laugh or cry. It is not really a war, but a funny game between all the Niall-obsessed people I follow. And considering I only follow Niall-obsessed people, it's everyone. They've divided into two groups - TEAM fuzz and TEAM buzz. It's all very ridiculous and the arguments are poor. But it's banter. And fun. And this is why I love Tumblr, and can't seem to get off it. Oh wow, I just stumbled across a fiction dedicated to this "war". Yes, it is a crazy fandom. Indeed it is.

I am currently at school, and it feels very much like I've wasted the whole day procrastinating and doing everything else than studying. And now I'm really really tired and want to go home and sleep forever. Instead I'm trying to finish something so I at least can feel somewhat accomplished. Is it just me or has the day just flown by? It feels very much like it. And I don't like it at all. Oh well, happy Monday, and must you all be very productive this week. And the best of luck for everyone with upcoming exams. 

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