fredag 2. november 2012

you still have to squeeze into your jeans, but you're perfect to me

I think it's safe to say that this song has reached number one in my top 25 most listened to on iTunes. Apparently I've listened to it 260 times. That's in five days. Sure I know I've listened to Wanted by Hunter Hayes 222 times, but that was during a long period. To be honest, I've probably listened to it a lot more than 260 times because of Youtube. And the music video is on replay, you know, staring at their beautiful faces. I always try to figure out who sings the highest harmony. Or just in general, harmonies. I don't quite understand why, but it feels a bit like a secret that not everyone knows of. By now I can listen to a song of theirs and recognize the singer. But not harmonies, those are the hard ones. Oh god, I've now listened to more previews of the upcoming album. And I am impressed, I think I might actually really like this album. I went to the mall today, and wow, it's large. But to be honest, a part of me dislike it. But change has always been a term I am not completely comfortable with. On one hand I try to embrace it, because I know it'll eventually lead to something good. But on the other hand, I clutch to the known, scared to let it slip through my fingers. It's an odd feeling. I had planned on studying right now, but I think I might have to head for the bed a bit early. I feel slightly woozy, like I'm going to fall asleep any minute now. Sorry for all the One Direction by the way, but whether I'd like to admit it or not, they kind of dominate my life now. Yeah, I remember when I had my oral exam, and during the time I was supposed to make the presentation, study and practice, I actually went on Tumblr, checking up on new One Direction related things. I was speaking to my sister earlier about my obsession, and it became clear to me that it is in fact her fault that I am obsessed. In fact, it was her who pointed it out. And so when it dawned on me, I said "Yeah .. you're right. It is your fault! You are the one who made me obsessed". At this she nodded sadly and then sighed, probably regretting asking me if I wanted to see that episode with One Direction on iCarly. God, I even explained One Direction to my mum just now. My mum who isn't updated on anything. Anything. I'm so sleepyyyy .... bon nuit.

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