fredag 28. juni 2013

I know that a love like this won't last forever

Arrrrrg, I have this melody and a faint remembrance of some lyrics stuck in my head. It's so bloody annoying. And I can't listen to any music until I find out which song it is. Well, sure I could, but I just really want to know which song it is. It's on the tip of my tongue. Oh god, I even asked my younger sister. OH MY GOD!!! It's To Be With You by Mr. Big. Searching "feel it too lyrics" on Google did little to help, but apparently it did on Youtube. Alright, back to actual blogging. If watching countless music videos on the telly counts as watching TV, then I have spent a big amount of watching TV today. I woke up at 8:30 am in order to start the cleaning. Except, when I wandered downstairs I poured myself a cup of tea and started reading a fan fiction. I've been postponing cleaning for ages. But after finishing reading the fan fiction, which was really really sweet by the way (I shed a lone tear), I got off my arse and started the long process. Thing is that my family are champions in soiling, but not cleaning. And whenever I clean, I tend to get really detailed. I become a bit of Monica about it. I'll have to remove dust and sort everything out. Except, I can't because it's not all my stuff, and whenever I do sort papers and whatnot, my family always come nagging about me throwing important stuff away. So I've stopped doing that, and every time I look at the mess, I think "I really really want to move out". Anyway, had to take a break in order to eat some breakfast. Sometimes I'm stupid enough to wait until I'm starving before I eat something. It's not something I suggest. But once I get caught up in something, it's like I cannot do anything else until I'm finished. So I was absolutely famished. And yes, I've been watching TV all day-- firstly MTV Live HD. My belieber friend has told me to watch this channel multiple times, but I've never taken time to actually sit down and watch the telly. But I figured since I was alone I might as well use that opportunity to watch telly with a high volume without anyone complaining. But then it got a bit boring, because there were none actual live sessions. I did watch MTV Live HD yesterday, and I watched Little Mix and Stooshe. The latter have such a funny name! I'm going to start saying it just to be annoying. Anyway, because there were none live sessions, I changed till' VH1? Or some channel that was broadcasting 90's music. And oh my god, you should definitely watch the music video to Lift Me Up by Geri Halliwell. It's one of the most hilarious things I've seen. And did you know that Bryan Adams and Mel C had a collaboration? And yet again, I do get a bit surprised whenever I recognize songs. Does anyone remember I Love You Always Forever by Donna Lewis? Well, apparently I do. And I've been pondering about why I do know all these songs, and I've decided that it's because of all the movies I've watched throughout the times. When I was younger I used to watch a movie probably each night, because I had my own telly in my bedroom. It's probably why I know a lot of stupid and unimportant things. Wait-- does anyone remember I'll Be Missing You by Puff Daddy and Faith Evans? I'm on a roll. I'm just going to listen to old music all day. Thing is, I sort of finished reading a sort of good fan fiction yesterday that mentioned Wouldn't It Be Nice by Beach Boys. And then I listened to it on Youtube, and whenever a video stops playing there are more suggestions, yeah? So next I listened to Lollipop by the Chordettes, Staying Alive by Bee Gees, Stand By Me by the Drifters and My Girl by The Temptations. The latter is one of my absolute favorites because of the movie My Girl. If you've not seen it, you definitely should! Okay one last song. Ready or Not by The Fugees-- did you know it was released in 1996? I thought it was more recent, something from the 00's. It's The Fugees that sings Killing Me Softly With His Song. You'll probably know the song if you've watched About A Boy. You see what I mean about my music knowledge existing because of movies? Anyway, I found my Youtube soulmates yesterday. Alright, maybe not soulmates, but close. They like furniture, design and thrift shopping(!). I spent two hours (less or more) watching their vlogs yesterday, opting to not watch my regular favorites. I'm going to catch up with the ones I ignored yesterday. But first a bit of One Direction: Narry is sunshine and weirdness. You know what's funny? Most of the times it's the lads in One Direction that inspires the fan fictions. We got what? Ballroom dancing from Niall and Harry last week? And now it's like loads of dancing fictions with Narry as a pairing. I just really long for a 50k word Narry fan fiction. Or a 100k word one-- god, that would have been heaven. You know how I love harmonies? Well, yesterday there was this other version of Kiss You by One Direction on Tumblr. An extended version, if you will. And there were harmonies. HARMONIES. And it was so good. Now I have to go listen to it again. And again. And maybe One Thing acoustic. Harmonies. You know what? I almost had a fit yesterday before I went to bed. Kodaline has released their new album In A Perfect World. But it's not available in the store I usually go to buy music. I fell in love with Kodaline when I first heard All I Want. And the funny thing is that I was just searching around for songs to put in my playlist for Kiwi. That's perhaps my favorite part about life, how accidental things are. I enjoy collecting CD's-- you know, having something to hold onto. I remember my old teacher saying that earlier; in his younger days, everyone used to be excited about the CD cover. It's less important these days, but I wish it still had the same importance today. I mean, I'd still love it to be cassettes, but you know-- technology forces time to go on. I still really want a VCR player though. Anyway, I think Kodaline might be the music for my summer this year. Last summer it was Ed Sheeran and One Direction. I'm really looking forward to Ed Sheeran's new music, but it's been a really long time since he wrote and recorded +, which means the new music might be considerably different. And I'm not quite sure how I'll feel about that. Anyway (how many times do I use this word?), Youtube videos and food. That's my schedule for the rest of the day. 

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