tirsdag 18. juni 2013

You're like twentytwo girls in one, and none of them know what they're running from. Was it just too far to fall for a little paper doll

Thus far today has been one of my favorite days this summer. I woke up at noon completely rested. I did my usual Twitter and Tumblr check, and then I went downstairs to eat some breakfast. I had some yogurt, banana and granola. After watching a few videos of One Direction, I went to a work meeting, which was supposed to last from 2:00-4:00 pm, but it ended at 3:00 pm. I had planned on going to the park with the kilo-gang today, but I figured we wouldn't go before 3:00 pm, but then it turned out they wanted to go at 1:30 pm. And well, I was unsure if they would still be in Oslo after I was done with the meeting, but I called my belieber friend and she confirmed that they were still there. Although not in the park, but at a lunch cafe/bar/restaurant. When I spotted them Kiwi tried to signalize something to me, but I couldn't figure out what she meant. I think maybe I'm not meant to understand Kiwi in this life. Anyway, it turned out that she had wanted me to look behind her, because Kurt Nilsen was sat not so far away. And I think the kilo-gang thinks I am a huge Kurt Nilsen fan, because I urge them to listen to his Christmas record so often. But I think Sugar was a lot more starstruck than me. Or anyone else really. On the other side of us there were all these old ladies drinking either vine or champagne, and I leaned over to Sugar and said that they looked a bit like "The desperate housewife's of Norway", although quite a bit older. After chatting for awhile (and being stupid) we decided to leave because we were hungry and the waitress never seemed to notice us. Actually, I think maybe we're just horrible to signalize that we want something, because waitresses never notices us. Sugar decided to part from us then, because she wanted pizza more than us. Kiwi, my belieber friend and I continued on our search for proper food and settled on Jacob Aall. We all went for burgers. I was torn between a burger and an avocado and scampi salad. Because it's been so long since I last ate a burger in a restaurant. But then I really love avocado, and it's been so long since I last ate that too. In the end I went for the burger, because I was super hungry and wanted something that would satisfy me thoroughly. Kiwi's flatmate joined us after awhile, and we probably sat at Jacob Aall longer than anyone else. After tea and coffee, we walked to the end of Tjuvholmen and took silly pictures and whatnot. I'm afraid I didn't bring my camera, because I hadn't planned on going to Oslo today. But we sat there for probably an hour (more or less). And it was really lovely; just chatting and staring at the sea. It's hard to not be happy at times like these. I'm going to make a summer playlist, and make plans for summer. And decide where to have my birthday celebration. And figure out life. Oh well, perhaps tomorrow, because I need to go to bed now. 

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