tirsdag 2. august 2016

A part of me keeps holding on, just in case it hasn't gone. I guess I still care

Look at this beautiful card. It's pretty mesmerising. We didn't realise we'd just eaten at a Michelin restaurant yesterday, until we were stood outside playing Pokemon Go. It was really nice to have the girls together again, as it doesn't happen nearly as frequently as before. I had some pretty great dim sum, and a really spicy soup. Didn't go well with my cough, as it triggered it. Did I mention I'm coughing again? Well, it started last Monday, and it hasn't been entirely bad. It's quite manageable at the moment, but it does make it harder to fall asleep cause that's when I cough the most. August is maybe my favourite month. It's like another start of the year, the beginning of something new. For the past few years I've also been travelling mostly in August, so I associate the month with travelling and exploring. It's only two weeks till' I leave on my first solo trip. I hope that it'll be the first of many. In about a week, however, I'll be travelling with my belieber friend towards her childhood home. Because her wedding is just around the corner, which is strange to think of considering it feels like just yesterday when we were sat at school and admiring her ring. It's gonna be really great to see her and Darren get wedded, one of this year's highlights. This year, mate, wow. I've got work this evening, so I'm gonna relax the few moments I have until I have to start getting ready. I'm really looking forward to having time off-- I don't work all the time, but more often than not I haven't got consecutive days off. I'll have a day off on a Tuesday, then on Friday, but have work all the other days. And one day off doesn't give me enough time to reenergise and get ready. Since this is my last week before time off, I suspect it'll be extra tough, just because that's how life is sometimes. We'll see. 

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