onsdag 3. august 2016

I don't miss your shy warmth, I've grown up

I was right, work was pretty tough yesterday. It was better today, but there were still loads to do, and with a doctor who makes all the decisions at the end of the day, you're kind of just waiting for answers. I didn't sleep that well due to coughing through the night, so I wasn't completely there today. Kept losing my shit, couldn't really remember or understand things. My former nurse supervisor said "this isn't like you", and I had to agree. Anyway, I was pretty exhausted after I got home. I didn't sleep, as I told Sugar I'd do. But I did stay in bed for hours, before deciding to exercise. I focused a bit on stomach today as I can't remember last time I did. It was good, got pretty sweaty, which is a good thing when you've exercised. I've just pre-ordered a book called This Modern Love. An actual Youtuber book, although pretty different to the standard. Not sure if I've spoken of it, but it's basically a book containing submissions from people all around the world about their experiences with relationships. It just seemed like something I'd enjoy, though I am trying to avoid buying books. As it is I've already got a box full of them, and no space to store more. Anyway, I'm hoping it'll arrive before I go off on holiday. I know I'm not supposed to wish time away, but I'm really looking forward for this week to be over. I have tomorrow off, which will be nice. Planning to have a shopping spree actually.

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