lørdag 28. mars 2015

speak until the dust settles in the same specific place

My favourite part about my sister's house, is their built-in ice machine in the refrigerator. Yesterday I think I drank around 15 glasses of water because I was so thirsty. Yesterday I woke up at 5 am, because I decided to take the earliest train in order to avoid delays and missing my plane. Also, if you watch/read the news, there's been a lot of accidents with planes as of late. And for the first time in my life, I felt a bit anxious about flying. Luckily it went well. The baggage claim was filled with suitcases and bags. None of which were ours, so I waited 40 minutes before my battered suitcase arrived. Then I quickly found myself a seat on the bus, and waited for it to drive to send a text to Lynx. Only, the bus driver decided to wait for more passengers, as he knew that there had been delays with the baggage. I thought maybe I'd get to sit alone this time, but I really didn't. A woman zeroed her eyes on the seat beside me, sat down and found an apple from her backpack, which she quickly started eating. I was listening to music, preparing myself for a nice ride (the view is always really nice). "So where have you flown from?" she asked. And I answered. We fell into a long conversation that quickly turned into a conversation about Easter and Christianity. I nodded along, and decided to listen to what she had to say, because I thought she might have the need for it. And as a nurse student, you get into a lot of strange conversations with people, which is a good thing because then you're always prepared for weird conversations. She then proceeded to say a prayer for me, which I thought was slightly hilarious, considering the mormons I met the other day. But I was thankful nevertheless, because these are people saying prayers for me. And regardless if I believe it or not, they believe it. And that's actually a really nice thing, when you think about it. At one point she started crying, and again; thank goodness for being a nurse-student because I don't know how I'd react if I wasn't already so used to people crying. We held hands, and when we parted our ways, she told me that God has a plan for me. Hopefully it means I'll survive my plane ride back home, because that's my current worry. Today I chopped off half of my hair, ate a little bar of chocolate and tried to write a bit for my thesis whilst my nephew was at a birthday party. I did manage to do a bit, but not that much. I've just given my nephew a bath, and he's currently in my room jumping in the bed as always. He's a strange one, but very amusing. 

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