mandag 23. mars 2015

you fill my head with pieces of a song I can't get out.

Then: I'm pretty sure the people sitting at the table in front of me are playing a table game. Perhaps it's chess. I am currently sitting at a table in the cafeteria at school, switching between trying to write on my thesis and reading fan fiction. Surprisingly, it seems to work. I'm just sad that it's nearly the end of the fan fiction. Also, reading a sad fan fiction in public is never a good idea. But quite a few of the saddest fan fictions I've ever read has been at this very school. I am also here alone, so that might be a factor to my productivity. I figured that I should try to go to school every day, if I want to get things done. As it is, home is a nice place for relaxing and sleeping. It's not such a great place for doing work on my thesis when I've got two months? I'm mostly only productive when I'm under stress to get things done. All I know is that I'm probably going to get decubitus ulcers (as Wikipedia so nicely calls it) on my bum due to all the sitting in chairs. Perhaps I'll have to start sitting in cafes. I'll finally get to sit in cafes and write, like a true writer. Only, I'll be writing on my thesis. A few days ago I got a message by my doctor saying: "you don't have any infectious diseases". I wasn't all that surprised, but still-- I don't have HIV! Surely that's something to celebrate? Ale called yesterday, when I was trying to psych myself up for some writing on my thesis. She's one of a few that I'll want to have long conversations with over the phone. I do always appreciate our conversations, but I find that all conversations are best in flesh. Now: My neighbour has cut down almost all of their trees, so now it looks really naked. They're building two new houses on their property, if things goes as planned. It essentially means we'll have new neighbours in a year or so, that there will be a lot of noise in the future, and that we won't be bothered with as much leaves. I was not aware that Louis Tomlinson could summon cheeseburgers, but what do I know these days? Lol, I couldn't not include this gifset, because it's hilarious. On Sundays I clean, and yesterday I made a new to-do list, as shown in the picture, decorated with decorative tape. It's really satisfying to look at it. At Swim, Two Boys is a book that I want to read, but can't get a hold of. I am hoping to finish what I need to finish on my thesis by tomorrow. I did do quite a bit today, which I'm happy about. Hopefully my productivity will last. Right now, however, I am going to grab something to eat. 

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