mandag 21. april 2014

Ask me anything you want to, cause the answer is yes. I'll spend my whole life just being caught up in your eyes. Dont you know you stop the room and all that I can see is you

I can pretty much measure how busy I've been by the amount of the pictures I've taken with my camera. There are barely anyone of my everyday life from the past ten days, which must mean I've been occupied doing other things. And I have, I have been far more busy than I thought I would in prior of this little Easter holiday. I've spent more nights making bunting than not, and I have put David to bed nearly every night I spent over at my sisters in preparation for the wedding day. Because along with all the other responsibilities, Lynx decided that I should put David to bed, and then the neighbour would watch him. So I've been good friends with the baby call, and read stories before bed, cursed everyone that's made a sound that could possibly wake him. I remember specifically the other day when Lynx and Grepper went off to the wedding local, and I was in charge of putting David to bed. And so I did, and he cried for two minutes before he fell asleep. I wanted to take a shower, so I asked my family who were sat on the sofa: "Is it alright if I go take a shower?" And they all nodded, some replied "of course". But before I could go and have that shower, I had to reassure myself. "If he makes any sound, one of you must play the song via the baby call, alright? And no one must make a sound, and please shut the door so it won't be so loud, and just call my name if there's something". Everyone just nodded along with my babbles, and it made me realise that I sounded like a nerve wreck. Anyway, on the actual wedding day, I could feel my heart pounding, and I thought it was ridiculous how nervous I was. Mostly it was because I had a lot of responsibilities, and so little time to fix everything. In the last fifteen minutes I was fixing my own make up, trying to make Monchita's difficult hair to look presentable, boiling pacifiers, getting dressed, running to the neighbours with David's stuff for the sleep over, and trying to find some time to brush my own teeth. I was a bit stressed, and a bit paranoid that I would forget anything. And I did, of course forget to bring a pacifier. Despite that, the wedding went excellent. I thought it was perfect for Lynx and Grepper. It didn't go completely smoothly, and David kept talking during the ceremony, and when Lynx and Grepper was having their first dance as wedded people, they had troubles with Lynx's dress, so Volla swept in and tried to hold it away. But it was things like these that made it especially perfect for them, and I know I wouldn't have had it any other way. The party was filled with great toasts, and I had already had a sneak peak of what the toastmasters had come up with, so I was really looking forward to it. Volla gave a speech that I think made a lot of people weepy. At least I did. And despite forgetting his cheat sheet at home, Grepper made a wonderful speech which caused a lot of laughter. The food that was served was magnificent, and I would quite like to relive the meals. I had far too much cake, and a bit more gin than I probably should have. But it was all well, I mean, what better excuse is there to have a drink when your sister has gotten married? I got to see my sister being a bit drunk. A bit on alcohol and a bit on happiness. And at the end of the evening, after we'd eaten hot dogs as night food, Grepper and I stood by the entrance looking at Lynx who was being her chatty self and mingling with the guests. Grepper had his arm over mine and some drink in the other hand. I can't remember directly what was said (not because I was drunk), but I think it was something along the line of: "have you had a good evening?" "yes," he answered with a smile. I think it's something I am going to remember when I get older, because it reminded me of a scene right out of a movie. I am very happy, and even the long eight-nine hour drive home yesterday (two hours+++ stuck in bad traffic) isn't going to waver my happiness. The only thing that is wavering my happiness is that I am back home where reality never escapes me. Because I've been so busy with the wedding, I've not thought about school whatsoever. So now I need to get back to school mode. Just, after I've caught up with everything else. Then I'll be a proper good student. 

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