lørdag 26. april 2014

Just tell me you love me. I'll give you what I need. I'll give you all of me, even though you don't love me

Yesterday I did a quiz about football, and I never watch football. It's a bit disconcerting, the things I do know about football. Strange. It's that time of the month, so yesterday my lower back was aching like hell. For a moment I thought I'd have to cancel my plans because the ache was more intense and more constant than it usually is. But after watching a clip from Glee and crying my eyes out (after Finn dies-- it's just so obvious that their sadness and heartbreak stems from the real loss), it sort of evaporated? It was a bit like magic. I spent yesterday at Oyster's, whom I've not seen in ages. We had a little catch up and I told them a bit about the wedding and whatnot. And now it seems like every time I'm there, we spend a little time reminiscing about the olden days-- like, Oyster, Mars, their mum and I will be sat at the dinner table and just chat about how things used to be. Oyster and I watched We're The Millers, and it was hilarious. I can only say one thing about it, and that's: you know what I'm saying? I didn't end up staying over at Oyster's because I didn't bring anything with me, and now I've also forgotten my travel toothbrush at Lynx and Grepper's so I've got to get myself a new one. I spent this morning going through all the Tumblr updates, and it's safe to say that I am really looking forward to the Where We Are tour right now. I'm just very excited, and I can't wait to see how the tour will evolve through the next months. I like attending a concert when I know the artist(s) have performed the songs a certain amount of times, because then I'll know they've gotten used to perform the songs. It looks like One Direction already looks a bit dishevelled, because I remember them starting the last tour with freshly cut hair and perfectly matching clothes and whatnot. And then it ended in tank tops and grown out hair and facial hair. I am a bit surprised by the song choices for the tour, and I'm not quite sure what I think yet. And I am still waiting to see high quality videos of the performances, so I can't really put a judgement on it so far. Today I plan on spending my day out in the nice weather. Hopefully I'll get some sun on my body that's not necessarily my forehead, which is where I naturally tan the most. But before I go outside, I need to be good and do some school work. I'm not awfully behind on school work, but I'd be happier if I'd done it already. Have a super nice day xx. 

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