tirsdag 29. april 2014

While collecting the stars, I connected the dots. I don’t know who I am, but now I know who I’m not.

(My brother looked at the gin tonic in my hand, before he looked me in the eyes and told me it was an old man's drink. I shrugged and took a sip anyway). It's hard to get away from expectations in life, it seems like wherever I go there's always some. My teacher tells everyone that they have to improve their papers, before she turns to me and says mine is point on. I look slightly embarrassed, and point out all the things I didn't do right. My sister says to her best friend about me: "she's the good one in the family, the proper one with her head screwed on right". I just smile along because it's easier than to explain. My friend once told me that my parents must be so proud of me, because I'd never done anything wrong. And I wondered to myself if they really are, if it's true. All these kind words turns into expectations that becomes etched into my brain, and I find myself wishing they weren't. I might appear wise for my own age, and I might say things that sounds like I've got my head screwed on right. But some days I'm stuck inside my own head and I cannot pull myself away from deprecating thoughts about life and myself. Remember there's always another side of the story. You see things I don't, and I see things you don't. (I might carry my purse around everywhere like a little old lady, and I might enjoy a gin tonic which my brother says is an old man's drink. But I'm not old in experiences, and I'm certainly not the person you think I am).

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