søndag 2. februar 2014

ready for your love

Toasted bread with avocado and caviar. Looks vile, perhaps, but tastes divine in my personal opinion. But then again, I love avocado. And bread, love a good bread. Standing in the grocery store the other day, I was trying to decide between getting chocolate crackers or a good bread for a snack. I think that tells a lot about me, ha. Should probably try to not eat that much bread, but it's so lovely. I had almost forgotten it was Sunday today. Realised it when I saw little signs of dust in my window, and remembered it was cleaning day. I woke up at 8:00 am (fell asleep at half one last night!!) to an e-mail alerting me about John Mayer, who happens to have a gig in Norway June 14th. Just my luck eh? I'm still waiting for the Ed Sheeran tour dates to also be in the midst of the June time. Except the worst, hope for the best. stumbled out of bed two hours later because I read a fan fiction, had breakfast, actually opened and read through "Sykepleien" magazine, and then I read through the news online. So I'm a bit more updated on the things going on in the world. I've been proper lazy, procrastinating when I know I should have been writing on my log, and doing school work in general. It's been hard trying to get myself to even do anything today, seeing as I had the two previous days off. Oh well, if I can't get anything done tonight, I'll have to stress about tomorrow because I have the day off. Well, it's a bit wrong to say it's a day off. It's a day dedicated for school work, basically. I did exercise today, though, so that's good. Oh and Monsters Inc was on the telly when I was having dinner. Mum complained about it being kids telly, and I retorted with "but it's a classic!". Which reminds me I'll have to buy the movie for David when he gets older. Can't let the new generations not be familiar with Monsters Inc. Anyway, it's been raining today, rather than snowing. It's a nice change. Er, anyway, I'm going to change background pictures on my phone, then brush my teeth and go to bed. Have a nice night then xx. 

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