Det er en slik lykkelig tid når jeg våkner opp ti hver dag, etter åtte-timers søvn. Det er ikke typisk meg i det heletatt, men når jeg tenker på lille David som ligger å ler på baderommet ved siden av soverommet jeg ligger i, er jeg nødt til å sprette opp, risikere å vekke de andre søstrene mine som deler rom med meg, bare for å få et lite glimt av David. Jeg tror det er vanlig å tenke at sønnen din, lillebroren din, fetteren din, eller andre familiemedlemmer som er babyer, er de fineste i hele verden. Ingen unntak med David. Han er den søteste gutten jeg kjenner til, og det lille smilet og latteren hans er til å smelte av. Bare den følelsen av at du kjenner kroppen hans riste mens han ler av seg selv i speilet. Ikke engang en fæl bæsjebleie kan ta bort noe av sjarmen. Det er utrolig hvilken påvirkning barn kan ha på deg. Gruer meg til å forlate Aalesund og baby David. Beklager for mangelen av bilder. Skal stjele pcen til søsteren min i morgen, slik at jeg kan laste opp noen bilder. Det startet forresten å snø her i dag, hvilket gjorde meg utrolig lykkelig. Jeg nærmest sprang ut og laget en "snømann".
lørdag 31. desember 2011
onsdag 28. desember 2011
day or night
Hello there again, I've got bad news. No pictures of the aftermath of "dagmar". For some reason the whole family is up at 2:30 at night. I'm sitting here typing on an iPod, my younger sister is sitting next to me in bed reading a novel, my older sister is downstairs talking with someone over the phone, my eldest sister is sitting in the other livingroom, doing something on her computer, whilst her boyfriend, who is in the same room, is playing some kind of game on playstation. Oh, and my mum and baby David is asleep. So, I guess not the whole family is awake. Random post, yes, but I just wanted you to know.
mandag 26. desember 2011
standing out in the storm
Hello there my friends. Christmas is soon over, and I've had a great time. My dad and brother has gone home, but my mom, my sister and I are still here. Yesterday we had a storm called "Dagmar", and oh my gosh, I've never experienced something like this before. It's not like a little bit of extra wind. Let me tell you the whole story. Yesterday we woke up quite early, because my nephew was going to be baptized. We went to the church knowing it would be a storm, but nobody seemed to care much. We said hi to the priest, went to change David, my nephew. And then the church service began. When it was over, we ran to the cars, because of the big amount of rain pouring down. But since this is Aalesund, it wasn't anything new. When we came back to the house, we started making food. Well my siblings, my parents and other did. My brother, my little sister and I stayed home in order to watch David. And by that, I mean I watched David. It was then I decided to never have kids. I can't stand baby-cry. Anyways, I finally got him to smile and play, when the others came home. Everyone changed into something nice, and went to the venue .. the lovely venue. The party started, and the food was delicious. The venue was an old house by the sea, and as the storm started, we could see the boats going up and down, up and down. And the rain that slammed against the windows. One of the doors was opened because of the strong wind, and one said "Okay, I'm officially scared now". And so the party ended a bit earlier than expected. I was on "food-duty" as my sister called it, I was responsible for bringing the food back to the house. And do trust me with this, do not wear a dress out in the storm. It will not look anything like a glamorous Marilyn Monroe-moment. Anyways, we got out of the venue, my dress flew up, and I couldn't do anything about it, because my hands were full with plates of food. When we finally managed to bring all food home, put the trash-cans in the garage, put the plants and other decor inside, we sat down. But the windows at the house looked like they were blowing up, so we escaped to the second floor, where the windows are a lot smaller. The power went off and on, and then it went off permanently for awhile. Poor David, and the dogs, who were scared to death. David managed to fall asleep luckily. My sister and her boyfriend, who lives here, and are the parents to David, got calls from concerned friends and family. And we got news from people every hour. Their chair has gone missing. The window broke. Something from the roof were damaged. A fire started. And then today, when I woke up, I saw a broken trampoline in my sisters garden. It does not belong to her. And then I saw a large broken tree in the forest behind the house. And then we heard that one of the windows on the venue we were in last night was broken. Plenty of boats are broken, there are missing things everywhere. A complete chaos in other words. And it's not even done yet. Oh no, Dagmar is not leaving us. In this exact moment, I can hear the storm building up again. In case I die, I just want to leave my belongings with my family. Okay, joke. But seriously, this storm is real. And I've seen videos that the storm in Aalesund city was worse. The sea blew up on the streets, hitting cars and everything else. I'm not sure if there's even electricity there now. Poor people. Well, I started knitting socks for David, last night, when the electricity was gone. I'm glad, though, this is a really cool experience for me. I've never seen anything like this. Maybe I'll post some pictures tomorrow. I'll go take a picture of the damages outside.
torsdag 22. desember 2011
driving home for Christmas
Yep, I'm driving back to Aalesund tomorrow. My siblings are not too excited for the long road-trip, but personally I love road-trips. The long wait, the agonizing pain in my feet, the sleeping, but mostly the sight. The lovely lovely lovely view. Anyways, wanted to check in and say Merry Christmas, in case I don't have time to update.
tirsdag 20. desember 2011

I'm still wishing for some snow falling to the ground. But yesterday I walked home from the mall. It was dark, and not so very lovely, but then I walked through a certain street. A street filled with Christmas-lights. Some houses were almost comparable to american houses. I was surprised, but delighted. I love Christmas.
mandag 19. desember 2011
dance until tomorrow
OMJ! I'm so happy they released new music. I've been tired of re-listening to their old songs. Oh, this really brings out the crazy teenage girl in me. I hope they release a new album next year :)
søndag 18. desember 2011
put your mask on
lørdag 17. desember 2011

Right now I feel like this. I got an 6/5 on my test, which I was almost sure I'd get an 4 on. And I'm serious. Once I finished the test, I walked out quite bummed. I didn't manage to answer two of the questions properly. I feel like partying, but I still got "særemnet". But hey, I'll have a little dance in my bed while listening to Avicii.
PS: Did anyone see Petter Northug win that race? Oh and yesterday, when the female norwegian handball-team crushed Spain? How can I not be happy?
fredag 16. desember 2011
your hands are cold
You know when you make a list of all the things you've gotta do? It feels lovely when you are finally able to cross it from your list. And then you move onto the next thing. Today I finally submitted two papers due today. Actually, three. And now I only have two things left before I earnestly can tell my teachers "Merry Christmas". For some reason every teacher I have, said it to us today. And I was a bit taken aback. I'm not anywhere near the Christmas-spirit I'd like to have. I've been staring out the window, feeling sorry for myself, for not getting a white Christmas. It's depressing. Anyways, had a really hard work-out today, and it felt good. It really does.
torsdag 15. desember 2011
onsdag 14. desember 2011
Norway won, once again. I'm not taking it lightly though .. the Norwegian team makes quite a few mistakes. And when you think they're finally going to win, the other team manages to fit in like .. four goals, and then you're back to the start. Oh, and Russia .. dear Russia, they lost the game against France. Which, I think mostly eager handball-fans can be a bit surprised by. I didn't see the game between them, but I've heard that France were almost impeccable in their defense. I didn't see much of the new Norwegian favorites today, but the "old" ones finally shone through, and got to show why they are on the Norwegian national team. Heidi Løke. I mean, c'mon. I'm glad I'll never have to play against her. Anyways, I'm sorry for rambling. I'm just another eager handball-fan! And lastly, I just wanted to add; bring it on suckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
here comes the sun

(Wonderful pictures from Tumblr)
Today I'm happy. I'm grateful, and life seems to be lovely. I don't know whether if it is because I heard my nephew scream a moment ago (over the phone), or if it is because I'm finally going to watch another handball match on TV tonight. I feel sorry for many of my classmates. We have this "big" assignment due to Sunday. Plus there's all the "regular" tests and assignments. I only have to worry about four things really. Two of them, I'm nearly done with. I just need to take another look at it. The only thing that's stressing me out, is a test I have either on next Monday or Thursday. That's the hard part. I don't even know when it is. My teacher has been sick all weekend, and he hasn't responded to my messages. Oh, and another worse "stressor" .. Christmas shopping! How am I going to get it done? Monday, December 19th, I need to get my arse in the mall and do some serious shopping.
tirsdag 13. desember 2011
a thousand memories
It's 21-something at night. You're waiting to enter the plane. A room full of exhausted, yet excited people. It's 21:30 now. The plane was scheduled to fly by now, but a loud speaker confirms the feared troubles. The plane is late. You sigh, but you don't care too much. It's Monday tomorrow, and you have to attend school. Still, you're not in a hurry. And it happened the last time you were here too.
People are walking around restless, but you sit still, and continue reading your book. The plane finally appears after waiting for what seemed like forever. People rush through the line, hoping it will somehow make the trip faster. It doesn't. The plane doesn't take off before everyone is seated. You stuff your bag in an empty shelf.
An unexpected twist happen. You are sitting beside a handsome guy. The same guy you were eyeing up, while he didn't see, at the airport. "Excuse me, could I please get through?" you ask, and he smiles. "Oh, yes, of course". He stands up, and you sit down in your seat. There are three seats, you sit beside the window, while he sits beside the alley. You are tired, but excited. It feels somewhat like you're in a movie. At the end of a tiring day, you get to sit beside a cute guy. You cross your fingers that the seat between you will stay unoccupied.
Oh wait, here comes the guy that you hoped would not sit beside you. A large .. fat man, sits down. His seat is a little too small for his size, but he still manage to squeeze his butt down. He smells disgusting. You don't know whether to laugh or cry. This really is like a movie.
mandag 12. desember 2011
home is where your heart is
I found this yesterday, and was immediately jealous of the amazing surroundings. Did you see the castle? "Cause they say home is where your heart is set in stone, is where you go when you’re alone. Is where you go to rest your bones. It’s not just where you lay your head. It's not just where you make your bed. As long as we’re together, does it matter where we go?"
søndag 11. desember 2011
please don't go
You're quiet. Your mouth says nothing, but your eyes tell everything. They are blue and shiny, but for the wrong reasons. Your eyes are filled with tears. I don't say anything either. Not with my mouth, not with my eyes. I don't say anything. I turn around, and walk away. I don't dare to look back. I walk .. I start to run. But I don't dare to look back at those blue eyes. I can't see. I stop running. I'm pacing, and the tears stroll down like a waterfall. I fall to the ground, exhausted, tired, and broken. I lie on my back, dry the tears, and watch the white clouds. I hear the sound of ocean singing. And there they are, the blue eyes. You lay down beside me, take your hand and lay it in my hand. I grasp it. You turn to me. I turn to you. "Hey", you smile. "Please don't go", you whisper to my face. I nod. "You promise?" you ask. I nod. I turn to the sky, and so do you. And we lay there, like we always do. "Don't ever leave me" he whispers to the air.
lørdag 10. desember 2011
han fick hela världen och månen därtill

Yesterday is gone, but I'm left with lovely memories. I woke up today, a bit surprised how late it was. But then again, I was terribly tired yesterday. My teacher even asked if I had a fever. Norway (females) won the handball match yesterday, and again, Norway won the cross country skiing competition in Davos today (both male and female). It is exactly two weeks until Christmas today, and I've finally allowed myself to listen to Christmas-music. The Christmas-decorations are up, and soon the tree will be up too. Christmas is finally coming.
onsdag 7. desember 2011
tirsdag 6. desember 2011
I was broken for a long time
Kristen Stewart is beautiful. She is not hiding behind anything. Her pale skin with her dark circles around her eyes .. there is something beautiful about her. She does not pretend to be anyone else. If she does not want to wear high heels, she chooses not to. Even with her laid-back style .. jeans, a tee and a pair of vans. For me, Kristen Stewart is one of the most beautiful ladies in the world. It is her face. Likewise with Adele, whom I also think is one of the most beautiful ladies in the world. It is their faces.
i'll never be your mothers favorite
Guess what decided to visit us today? Snow. I couldn't believe it. I was walking home from the bus-stop, and suddenly I saw these small white things falling down. I didn't see anything on the ground, and I looked up at the grey skies. I probably looked quite baffled, as I was walking around while looking at the skies. I'm not sure if it's already gone by now. But for me, who thought snow would come after Christmas this year, I'm very very very glad.
søndag 4. desember 2011
"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family”
A bit personal approach today. I love my family. We're seven in total, and I wouldn't have it any other way. But we aren't the typical family to say "I love you" to each other. It's just there .. hanging in the air. We all know it, but we don't actually say it to each other. And I guess I sometimes wish we were a bit more open with our feelings. But then again, there are probably people out there who wish for a less open relationship as well. We always wish for what we don't have. About an hour ago, I sat down and decided to do some schoolwork, but something was itching my brain. My mum told me earlier today, that my sister was ill (flu and heartbreak supposedly), and I felt a bit saddened, but I pushed that feeling away. But as feelings do, it crept up again. I ran downstairs, dialed my sisters phone, and waited. She didn't answer, and I was afraid that she'd died or something. But about five seconds later she rang. And then we had a chat for a few minutes, a bit more than usual .. as I tried to have a earnest conversation. I didn't want to be like "Hey, what's up? Yeah? Okay, bye". But we joked about our weird family, and ended the conversation at last. I felt good, and it inspired me to write. It's easy to walk around and do our usual routines. Go to school, work, or whatever you do. And you forget about the great picture. In the end it doesn't matter how successful you are, if you don't have any loved ones. Wow. I feel a bit like Shay Carl expressing his feelings. Oh well, I'm being honest. And you know I am.
lørdag 3. desember 2011

Sometimes while walking home from school, I have daydreams about making little videos. I listen to my ipod, and then the perfect song comes on. My eyes function as a camera. Every time I blink, there's something new. A new scene. Then I think of you. A smile appears on my face. But then I blink, and I'm back. Back to reality. The song is over. But the smile is still there.
fredag 2. desember 2011
crazy stupid love pt 2
flightless bird, american mouth
torsdag 1. desember 2011
kanskje du ikkje finns lenger
Yesterday I shouted "Yay! December 1st". Today I went to school quite tired, but very surprised by the amount of classmates in History-class. From what I saw yesterday, I thought there would only be 10 people. Instead there were about 20 faces who turned around, when it was me who was late. But I'll admit that being tired sometimes can be quite fun. Just not today, but last Tuesday, I was really tired. However, I don't think I've ever laughed that much at school. As I said, it can be fun sometimes. I can't wait to sleep tomorrow. My body needs to relax.
onsdag 30. november 2011
requiem on water
Fra en buss oppdages en dame. Hun kommer ut fra et sykehus. Men det er ikke bare hun, det er en hel folkemengde. De skal til bussen, de skal til parkeringshuset, de skal ta seg en røyk, de skal gå. Men det er noe annerledes med henne. Hun gråter. Varme tårer renner ned hennes røde kinn. Hun fikser raskt frem et tørkle, men tårene stopper ikke. Sønnen går ved siden av henne. Lange skritt, men langsomme steg. Han har et stenansikt. Jeg ser ingen følelser. Hva skjer? Har de mistet noen? Jeg blir takknemlig. Takknemlig, for at det ikke er jeg som går der ute og bærer på en trist nyhet.
mandag 28. november 2011
your love is my turning page
"I've waited a hundred years, but I'd wait a million more for you. Nothing prepared me for what the privilege of being yours would do"
This is such a lovely lovely song! The lyrics are amazing. I can't understand how it is possible to write this good .. to be that good with words. I'm in love with the song. Maybe a bit too much cliches for the cynical people. But behind every cliche, there's a truth.
søndag 27. november 2011
crazy stupid love
Crazy, Stupid, Love is the best romantic comedy I've ever seen. Oh yes, I just said that. It beats Pretty Woman (my all-time favorite), it beats the Proposal. It beats everything. It's got a different vibe to it. I don't know .. maybe I'm just being extra emotional or something. But my gosh. Ryan Gosling .. what are you doing with Eva Mendes? That's my only question.
Edit: I just realised that the soundtrack had something to do with why I love the movie.
I can't help myself from looking for you

I'll be honest. I like taking pictures. But yesterday I didn't manage to take one nice shot. Which makes me want to invest in a new camera. Not blaming it all on my camera, but I know very well that my camera loves natural light. It does, however, not enjoy darkness. The pictures will only come out foggy. I've gotten plenty of compliments on my camera ..that it takes nice pictures and that it's got nice colors. But I don't see it? Oh well, yesterday was a blast. Lots of good edible things. I ended up with three new blisters on my feet. Oh, and I didn't get much sleep. I'll probably be quite cranky tomorrow.
lørdag 26. november 2011
is it here yet?

I wake up. Check the window for snow. Where is the winter? I've already made a picture folder called "Winter 2011". I'm afraid we won't have any snow for winter, and looking out now, it looks more like September than almost December. Anyways, I've been watching cross country skiing, and Northug won. It's a race where everyone starts 30 seconds after each other. With other words, it's not a mass-start. And he won with 23 seconds or so! Right now it's a handball match on TV, but I don't think my mother will let me watch it. I've been occupying the TV for almost four hours now. Oh well, gotta go anyways.
fredag 25. november 2011
"effective" is my middle name

Well, not really. But I know I'll get around things, when I write down what I'm going to do (step by step) the next few days. Ah .. I can't wait for next week to be over .. Did I mention that it's only two weeks left till the due of my big paper? (2000 words minimum). But it's not too much - I can handle it. Be Be positive. Darn, time flies so fast. I've already lost 30 minutes now. Gotta go!
torsdag 24. november 2011
one look at your eyes and I'm sinking
onsdag 23. november 2011
quick crew
Maybe I'm being biased, but Quick Crew must be the most amazing dancers ever. Well, at least the best dancers in Norway.
I can't love you anymore
I wonder if you know when you kiss me like that you ruin me for anyone else

Sometimes I wish procrastinating was a paid job. This way I'd be rich. The worst part about me procrastinating, is that I know I'm being stupid - but I don't have the will to stop it. I know I'm losing time, and I don't even do anything productive. I could have done some Christmas shopping, but instead I'm browsing through Facebook. Updating each fifth second, hoping to find something new .. something to entertain me. Sometimes it can be even harder not to have any tests to study for a week. I feel restless. It's odd. What's going to happen when I'm done?
tirsdag 22. november 2011
720 beetle green

(From left: Jade, Beetle Green, Forest, Hunter Green)
I expanded my nail-varnish collection today with Beetle Green (picture nr 2). It looks gorgeous in the bottle, but I'm afraid that I'll be disappointed once it's on my nails. I have developed a love for IsaDora nail-varnish. The brush is thick, and I usually only need one layer. And I think their bottle looks lovely too. I did however, notice that I almost only have greens. Oh well, next time I'll go for something more daring.
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