tirsdag 31. juli 2012

if you expect nothing from anybody, you’re never disappointed

Hiya, just been for a jog. I love jogging at night - most preferably when the sun sets - because it's not too hot nor too cold outside. I do not understand how people can jog in the scorching heat. Tried once, never again. I was wearing all Nike gear. Must honestly say that I felt a bit stupid-looking. But hey, I was jogging. Why on earth shall you make yourself look good, when in honesty your going to sweat. And that's another thing I do not understand. Wearing makeup while working out. But then again, I don't really wear too much makeup, which makes it quite easy to me to not wear makeup in public. Whereas people who always wear makeup in public will have a harder time. I am now downing a yogurt and a glass of water. Always important with nutrition. I'm going to jump in the shower soon, before I start on those birthday cards .. my nap was a tad longer than I had planned. I guess I was really tired. Tomorrow I'm waking up early in order to watch the handball match between Norway and South Korea! It's nervewrecking, because from what I've seen by South Korea, they are really really good. But are they better than Norway? That's the question. Feeling a bit Shakespeare -esque. Okay, I shall go before I utter more stupid things.

food review

 1 Po Cha (56 St. Giles High StreetLondon WC2H 8LHEngland). 
As we were trying to find our hotel in London, we stumbled across the Asian part of London. And we decided to come back after finding our hotel. This little restaurant was filled with people all the time, and the atmosphere was quite amazing. Always laughter and chattering in the background. It is a Korean restaurant, with Korean dishes and Korean sake. But as Asian food can be quite similar, I found it very comforting to be eating Asian food in London. I didn't know whether to think I was in China because of this area, or in Paris because of the similarity between the tube and the metro. I was with other words a bit confused about my whereabouts.  The food can however be quite spicy. My sister commented before we went inside (we had to stand in a little queue because of all the people) "must be spicy, since everyone comes out looking all red in their face". And she was right. The first time we went, we ordered different dishes for ourselves. But at my birthday we just ordered a lot of different dishes and shared. That I can recommend. So if you're not too picky about food, and ready to try something different - I'd try Po Cha.
2. Nando's (2 Berners Street, London W1T 3LA, England).
My sisters and I was walking back from a day of Shopping in the famous Oxford Street. We were trying to find a place to eat, when my sister pointed at the Nando's sign. I couldn't help yelping yes, as I realised that I had heard about it before. From One Direction, mostly Niall Horan. My younger sister couldn't stop laughing at me, because she was the only one who knew why I wanted to try it. We were sat by a table by staff, and he showed us how Nando's worked, as it was our first time. And I must say: wow. The food was amazing. The chicken? Amazingly made. Not dry at all, and the chicken wings were just plain yum. I love a place called Egon here in Norway, and Nando's slightly reminded me of Egon. We only ate here once, though we were very satisfied. When I go back to London, this will probably be my first priority for eating. It was also a very nice atmosphere in Nando's with laughter and chatting in the background. And the place was very nice as well. 

3. Cafe Rouge (264 Tottenham Court Road, Greater London W1T 7RH, England)
As this cafe was placed right by our hotel, we chose to eat breakfast there. The staff was very friendly and helped us both with food (as the dishes were french) and how to get to places via the bus. Public transport can sometimes be confusing. We basically ate the same breakfast the two times we did eat breakfast. And I loved the English sausage, and the scrambled eggs as well. We also opted for Cafe Rouge to eat dinner at Gatwick Airport. And honestly? It could have been better. The staff was nice, though, even though it was stuffed with people. I personally thought that was impressing, because it isn't every day staff manages to keep a smile on their faces while they are stressing around. The dish I was served was a bit tasteless in my opinion. So I've made up my mind that this is a great place to have your breakfast, but not so great when it comes to dinner.
4. Pierre Victoire (5 Dean StLondon W1D 3RQEngland) 
This was another restaurant we just passed, and we decided to give it a try. It was a bit few people in the restaurant, which made me a bit skeptical. However, when we were served the dishes, I was quite amazed. With a very very very lovely appetizer and amazing main course, I was stuffed. And so we came back the next day, and the owner recognized us instantly. The whole staff was very friendly and made sure to say their goodbyes whenever we left. It felt really nice. Because of the location, I would think that this is a restaurant you go to if you've heard about it from a friend, or just because it's your favorite. I don't think it's the restaurant you just pop into. But I'm very glad we did. And it will always be one of my favorite places to eat, I think. The atmosphere was lovely here as well - I suppose we were kind of lucky with our choices of restaurants. Plus, I think everyone was a bit charmed by the "look" they had opted for. Old furniture, with candles in wine-bottles. It distinctly reminded me of the movie Under The Tuscan Sun. 

lay your head on my pillow

I did actually buy something girly when I went to London. This dress from Miss Selfridges caught both mine and my eldest sisters eye. I suppose we do have quite similar style. And when it actually fit, I had to get it. I do love it. Very much. Today I have been experimenting with my new makeup from London and from Paris. I do like makeup, but I don't really use much myself. Concealer, bronzer, brow pencil and a chap stick is usually what I wear on a daily basis. Never really any eye makeup. But it was exactly that I experimented with today. I bought myself an eye shadow palette whilst in London, and it's got these amazing colours. My best friend needs to come home so she can do my makeup soon. Anyways, I went to bed at 4:00 yesterday, which means I'm quite shattered now. Therefore I will take a nap. After my nap, I plan on making a few cards. Never too early for birthday-cards. And since I've only posted about 30 posts during July, I promise you I will bomb you with blog posts today.

mandag 30. juli 2012

your hands are cold

Det er et travelt sted på en mandag midt i sommerferien. Det er alltid mennesker gående rundt. Enten de er pasienter, doktorer, sykepleiere, mennesker som jobber der, eller bare besøkende. Det lukter nøytralt. Rent. Slik som et sykehus skal lukte. Fra der jeg sitter, kan jeg se floristen. Hun jobber på en ny bukett. En veldig vakker en, dersom jeg kan si så. En florist inne på sykehuset. Perfekt. En bukett til å vise kjærlighet, en bukett for å gratulere, eller en bukett for å beklage - hva enn det er å beklage for. Fra hjørnet i øyet, kan jeg se en lege trille en pasientseng gjennom en dør. Jeg kjenner frysninger gjennom hele kroppen. Jeg har ikke noe i mot sykehus. Jeg liker den nøytrale lukten, de nybakte foreldrene, de gamle pasientene med sine nærmeste. Frysninger fordi pasienten sover. Eller kanskje er bevisstløs. For hva jeg vet, kunne hun vært død. Men hun er stille. Og hun ser så hjelpesløs ut. Så går det opp for meg hvorfor jeg får frysninger av synet. Det kunne vært meg. Jeg kunne vært ut og inn av sykehus hele tiden. Kunne ligget i en sykeseng slik som hun, kunne hatt behov for å kaste opp hele tiden, kunne vært sliten hele tiden. Hjertet er i halsen nå. Det er fortsatt noe som kan skje. Det trenger ikke være kreft. Det kan være hva som helst. Jeg snur hodet raskt i det jeg hører en ny sykeseng trillende. Men denne gangen snakker pasienten. Det er slurvete, og nysgjerrigheten min gjør at jeg snur blikket til pasienten. Det er en gammel pasient. Og det er ikke leger fra sykehuset. Det er ambulansepersonell. Blir litt kvalm. Bestemmer meg for å ikke snu blikket neste gang jeg hører noen gående forbi. Ser tilbake til floristen. På en hylle bak henne, ligger det en rekke porselen-sko. Rosa og blå. Jente eller gutt. En høygravid kvinne og mannen hennes går forbi. Hånd i hånd. Lykke - de stråler lykke. Jeg ser opp på klokken. Kvart på to. Snart en halvtime forsinket. Snur blikket tilbake til floristen. En ny bukett denne gangen. Røde roser og det som ser ut til å være hvite lundstjerneblomer. Enda en vakker bukett. Endelig. Det har gått tretti minutter, og endelig blir mitt navn ropt. Blir satt ned på enda en stol utenfor undersøkelsesrommet. Bak meg er det en vegg med brosjyrer om kreft. Kjenner klumpen i halsen igjen. Det er ikke meg. Heldigvis. Men frykten er fortsatt der. En smilende lege går forbi. Hun smiler til meg, som om hun skulle kjent meg. Betryggende. Døren åpnes, og jeg blir kalt inn. 

søndag 29. juli 2012

tonight is the night that I change your life

My sister and my nephew left today. I'm back in my room, and every trace of my nephew being here, has been removed as they usually do. Whenever they leave, I never linger to wrap up the baby bed, duvets, baby toys, etc. I don't really know why. Perhaps it makes me miss them less. Since I'm all about both staying up late, and hang with my nephew early in the morning - I only had about five hours of sleep. Hence the feeling of being knackered now. I think I'm going to take a shower and then possibly take a nap. Tomorrow I'm off to the doctor, and things might finally come to an end. It seems that I might be visiting my sister in August, if it's not for school - that is. Ah school. I can already sense my loathe for it (Yada yada, my inner voice is now shouting at me for being ungrateful).Yesterdays handball match between the Norwegian and French women ended badly in my opinion. France won, which was well deserved! They had a good game, but I still think they could have done better. Norway on the other hand .. I've no words. I'd love to discuss strategies, techniques and everything, but I don't necessarily think that's what you want to read about. But at least, it was the most exciting game I've seen since forever. Tomorrow Norway is playing against Sweden. Guess who'll be sitting downstairs shouting at the telly? Me.

baby let's get naked just so we can make sweet love

Sweet Love by Chris Brown must be my favorite song at the moment. I have tried to hate Chris Brown for what he did to Rihanna. Yes, I am aware that it happened a long time ago. But I'm good at those things. To hold a grudge if I want to. But his music is just lovely. Although I think it's his dirty songs that appeal to me for some reason. They're just disguised in lovely tunes. That's it, I think. That's why I love them. Sweet Love and Wet The Bed are two of my favorites by Chris Brown. 

lørdag 28. juli 2012

the olympic games

Hiya, I know. A very creative title indeed. I am currently watching the handball match between Norway and France, and it's nervewrecking as hell! Norway is under with five points. And for once I actually have a handball-watching-buddy. My sister. Neither my mum, brother or younger sister understands my love for watching the sport, so it's really lovely. Oh, the game has resumed. Must go and watch!

torsdag 26. juli 2012

bring me a higher love

Fuck, fuck, fuckidy fuck. Why is it that I always manage to miss twitcams? And of course it happened to be Niall's. A bit mad at myself. But it wasn't long, and therefore I am not that mad. I mean, there are worse things that could happen. So much worse things, that I don't even dare to speak. Or in this case - don't dare to write. But I still don't understand how I manage to always miss their twitcams. Anyways, my eldest sister and co. came back from Sweden today, and the weather was actually nice for once. Ha, take that London! We decided to have a barbecue, and I might just have eaten a tad too much. Oh, and I cut my hair. It is quite a bit shorter. Which is a bit weird, as in my dreams, I'd like to have really long hair. But I have for long accepted the harsh truth. Unless I buy myself extensions, I'll probably never have really long hair. Anyways, I need to go downstairs, because my soon-to-be brother-in-law is leaving tomorrow. See you soon.

onsdag 25. juli 2012

the devil as he's talking with those angel's eyes

Tight jeans, the hair and white shoes. I think they look heavenly. Or is it perhaps their sense of style that makes me infatuated? It might just be. Reminds me of When We Were Young by The Killers, where they sing:
You sit there in your heartache, waiting on some beautiful boy to save you from your old ways. You play forgiveness, watch him now, here he comes. He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus, but he talks like a gentleman. Like you imagined when you were young.

we've come a long way since that day

Darn you London, for the great weather. Yes, I'm still bitter about that. I am also a bit bitter about my memory card that has decided to stay put inside the camera. I do not dare to drag it out, as I suspect I'll break my memory card, which has happened before. So now I have to use a cable, which takes me ages to copy onto my computer. Ah, the problems of a teenage girl. But it's all good. I woke up quite early today in order to get stuff done. Went to the town-hall, police station and the dentist. Sounds like very serious stuff, but not really. It actually felt good to attend the dentist. I think I've missed the smell. If you are a fan of Avicii, you might have been able to understand that I am indeed listening to Avicii, by reading the title of this blogpost. It brings back memories. Good ones. My sister and co. is coming back tomorrow, which means I have to clean up this room of mine, and get my arse over to my younger sisters room. Oh and yes. I did buy myself an OBEY snapback, when I went to London. I am wearing it now. Just in case you wanted to know. Another thing you might laugh at - I just saw a picture of One Direction performing, and Niall was wearing Cheap Monday jeans. Kind of died a little. Well actually, I think all the boys looked handsome as ever. Liam especially. I'll even post a picture later. You are allowed to skip that post. And now that I have allowed you to do that, I'll also allow you to listen to Til Kingdom Come by Coldplay. It's an old one, but it's still a good one. 

tirsdag 24. juli 2012

guilty pleasures

Yes, Niall Horan is one of my guilty pleasures. Isn't he a cutie? But the real point behind this blogpost, is the playlist "guilty pleasure" that I've got on my iTunes. It's a playlist of songs that I kind of love. Songs that wouldn't be described as the "particular me". And no, it's not a guilty pleasure in the meaning that I'm ashamed of them. It's just a pleasure that isn't very known, I suppose. Go listen! Very chill indeed.

guilty pleasure 
1 Lay It Down by Lloyd
2 Burn by Usher
3 I'm A Flirt by R. Kelly ft. T-pain
4 Bed by J. Holiday
5 Let Me Love You by Mario
6 Buy U A Drank by T-pain
7 Best Love Song by T-pain ft. Chris Brown

mandag 23. juli 2012

tonight I know it all has to begin again, so whatever you do don't let go

Oh for fucks sake. I keep making myself a cuppa, and then I always forget about it. Until I spot it, and have to drink it cold. Anyways, I've been doing some serious things right now. Grown up things that I hate. Like taking care of my economy. I think I need to buy myself a black book to write things about my economy down. A black, because economy is really boring if you have no clue about it. But I like to keep order of my important things. And ignoring it won't do any good. I start school in a bit over two weeks. Can you believe it? It feels like I just finished school. I need to enjoy it to the maximum! And by the way. Fuck you London, for having such great weather right now. Typical, isn't it? Sorry for all the swearing. I'll be nicer in the next blogpost. Promise.

Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married

"When Lucy Sullivan is dragged by her friends Meredia, Megan and Hetty to visit a fortune-teller, she is not only one hundred per cent skint, but also one hundred per cent sceptical. Even when she's told it's quite literally on the cards that she'll be married within the year, Lucy is still less than impressed. For a start, a winter wedding is not exactly what she had in mind. And her flatmates are definitely against any possible change in their blissful routine of takeaways, wine, and men, happily rebellious in their unvacuumed flat. There's also Lucy's argumentative mother and irresponsible father to look out for. And of course the lack of a prospective spouse is a bit of a drawback. But when the fortune-teller's predictions for Meredia, Megan and Hetty start to come true at an alarming rate, Lucy's marital status becomes the subject of much speculation. Then Lucy meets gorgeous, unreliable Gus, and even she starts to wonder ... But there's also Chuck, the handsome American; Daniel, the world's biggest flirt; and Jed, the new boy at work. Could one of these really be the future Mr Lucy Sullivan?"

Wow, that was a long description. At least now I won't have to tell you the story line myself.
Lucy Sullivan is getting married is my favorite book. Probably ever. I can read it over and over again. And I still find myself smiling at every little detail. Every little funny piece Marian Keyes has written. I really love that woman! If there is one thing I'm certain I dislike in this world, it's book-snobbery. Just because some books are "easy-reads" or just plain cliches, there is no place for book-snobbery. For me, reading books are a way to escape reality. Some people would place this book in that category. The "easy-read" and cliche one. But I think they are horribly wrong. Lucy Sullivan is getting married is a novel, that includes both lightheaded romance and dreary problems. Most of Marian Keyes' novels are that way. I suppose that's where Marian Keyes novels are different to all other "regular" chick-lit. Because the dreary problems are in fact dreary, and well researched. Drugs, drinking, depression. These are only examples of what you can find in a Marian Keyes novel. And when I say well researched, I mean it. It's not like reading a story on Wattpad, where the protagonist has depression, and it's described through "dark days" and other bullshit. In Marian Keys' novels you'll get details. About everything. It is not for everyone - this novel. However, you know when you are sitting on some kind of knowledge or an idea, that seems to eyeopening to you. You want to share it with everyone, hoping that they'll enjoy it as much as you do. That's how I feel about this book. It is also a book that can make you laugh in between the most bitter moments, when the most obvious emotion would be cry. I think it is wondrous in both theme, characters and writing. I am simply stating my opinion. And that is: I love this book. 

søndag 22. juli 2012

like a river to a raindrop, I lost a friend

I went to bed quite late yesterday, after waiting for my sister and co. to arrive. I think they arrived at 2 am. And of course I was awaken today by the dogs barking. I wanted to roll over and continue my sleep. However, as they continued, and as I realised they wouldn't stop, I got out of bed and went on a walk with them. After that I was handed baby D. because my dad was making food. And my mum was out in the garden as usual. And then after feeding him, I went on a stroll with him as well. Five hours of sleep is quite poor. But maybe now I'll be able to sleep long. 'Cause I'll be knackered. I can hear baby D. screaming now. He's clearly up from his nap. The pictures are of my lovely Ed Sheeran tee, that I purchased at Topman. Yes, Topman, which I really loved. I sometimes wish I was a boy, so that I could wear mens clothing. It's just oh-so nice.

On a more serious note. Today is exactly one year since the tragedy hit Oslo. And Norway really. And perhaps a tragedy that inflicted large parts of the world. I hope that everyone that was directly affected by the tragedy is doing better. It takes time to heal a wound. And it's not something people will ever forget. However, time does make it easier to cope. Because you have to. I also hope that none of victims are alone today. “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” - Norman Cousins.

lørdag 21. juli 2012

in my heart she left a hole

Hiya. When I opened the package that was delivered in my mail-box today, I was a bit worried when I saw it. It looks like a book. I didn't buy neither Up All Night or + in London, because we never found an electronic store that sold CD's. Well, until the last day when we were walking eagerly to the hotel to collect our suitcases. So I ended up ordering them online. It is a CD though. And as we are speaking .. well, writing, I am importing all songs onto my computer. Today I had the joy to be the grill master. For the first time, actually. And as if the weathergods were mocking me, it decided to rain. Just a bit though. And then the sun shone through the clouds, and it stopped. Not until I was done, the weathergods decided to throw loads of rain on the ground. It is amusing really. How I have such great luck with the weather. Except for that one day. The one day I got drenched while biking home from the store. But weirdly enough, I quite enjoyed it. I have just finished reading Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married by Marian Keyes. And, oh horror. I am indeed writing you a review. Although, it might just be me praising it. Not very impartial.

fredag 20. juli 2012

lift off this blindfold, let me see again

Ah, the perks of having a mum who likes gardening. We have lots and lots of strawberries, and I always use them along with my yogurt and muesli. My brother and I, drove to the airport to collect our parents. I barely recognised them. As I just said to a friend of mine, I only recognised them because of their clothing. Tomorrow. Well, technically on Sunday, my eldest sister and co. is coming. They are just stopping by before heading to Sweden. I think they are bringing their dogs, and oh how I've missed them. And of course, my precious nephew. The only one missing, is my other sister. But hey, it cannot always be family reunions. I am currently reading stories on Wattpad. But I will soon finish Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married. And if I haven't already written a book review, I will.

torsdag 19. juli 2012

somewhere we went wrong, we were once so strong

It makes me so delighted to see the TT's on Twitter today. "We Love Nemi". And that's Nick Jonas and Demi Lovato. Not Niall Horan and Demi Lovato. They sang Catch Me and Don't Forget yesterday. And it gave such an amazing feeling to see the two together again. Catch Me used to be Nick's favorite song by Demi. And now it's Don't Forget. I personally think it's the perfect song for them. Because it's been a gap. A gap between Demi's meltdown and recent times. A gap that made me think that they were not friends anymore. It really did sadden me, because Nick and Demi were - are such great great friends. Perhaps even more. So seeing this TT on Twitter, made me smile widely. And in their performance last night, they were grinning at each other, and doing their special high five. And just everything.

One day left now. I cannot wait. But I'm also a bit saddened. Who would have thought, eh? My parents will be home tomorrow as well, so after work today, I spent some time cleaning. In fact, the last weeks my parents have been gone, I've been doing all the cleaning. It's like it doesn't even occur to my siblings that they can in fact do some cleaning themselves. I feel a bit like a housewife to be honest. Washing clothes, vacuuming, washing tables, etc. At least my brother is making most of the food. He get props for that. But even so, they should be able to put all the plates, glasses and whatever back in the shelves when it's dried. But no. I'm always the one who does it. Oh, future flatmate. I will slap you silly if you attempt to do something similar.

onsdag 18. juli 2012

over the mountains, across the sky

Two days left until Friday. Yes, I am counting down. At work I was unintentionally listening to Justin Bieber, because the people working there was listening to him. It didn't occur to me first, but then the voice just sounded too familiar. And then I heard one of his songs. I knew I had heard it during a car-ride with a friend not long ago. And I must admit that all the songs I've listened to from the CD, is sounding very good! Not all are favorites though. If I know myself, I probably won't be listening to his music until autumn. Possibly Christmas-time. There is just too much music out now. Too much to process. When I came home today, I spotted a deer in my garden. Surprised and frightened, I walked straight inside and told my siblings. I managed to take a picture before it ran away. It was so strange, because it was laying down. Almost like relaxing. And when I spotted it, we just kept staring at each other. And I was wondering why it was not frightened and why it didn't run, as they usually do. I think my garden is a haven for any deer. It's filled with flowers, vegetables and fruits. Everything really. I'm going to read Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married by Marian Keyes now. My absolute favorite. I think I must go to sleep earlier today, because I did wake up feeling knackered at 6:00 am. Ah, two days left.

tirsdag 17. juli 2012

us against the world

I feel a bit like squealing. Every summer I become a book-fanatic. And since discovering Wattpad as well, I cannot count how much I have read. But in late august, the much anticipated The Rise of Nine (I Am Number Four, The Power of Six) by Pittacus Lore, will be out. And then you also have The Mystery of Mercy Close by Marian Keyes. I simply cannot wait. Right now I am stuck on Jane Austen. Stuck, because I cannot make myself proceed reading. Instead I have opted for A Weekend With Mr Darcy by Victoria Connelly. Well, actually, I am re-reading it. Only because it was here I got the idea of reading all the Jane Austen novels. However, I think Marian Keyes is my Jane Austen. Sorry to all Janeites. So I think my favorite book will be re-read once again. I also feel a bit like squealing, because the day after I went home from London, the whole 1D-gang decided to go to London and work again. I am beginning to think that there is no such thing as fate. Well, I must be off to sleep. Or else I will be absolutely knackered tomorrow. So, Bon Nuit!

Music tip: Lovely, lovely Coldplay has a song called Us Against The World from the Mylo Xyloto album. I suppose it's not one of those songs that are going to become a hit on the radio, like Princess of China. 'Suppose it's a Coldplay -esque song. And with that I mean that it has a familiarity to the earlier days of Coldplay.

it's been a while but I still feel the same

These are my newest additions when it comes to armcandy. The first from left, is from Urban Outfitters. And although it's a bit too big for me, I still love it. It was just too beautiful to leave behind. The two bracelets are from Forever 21. I was strolling through the store twice, and although it was filled with lots of nice things, nothing really appealed to me. But then I saw these bracelets, and just got them. I suppose they were more of a "Hm, I should at least buy something from the store". I just think Forever 21 is a tad american. I suppose that does make sense, as it is an american chain-store. But it's just really sweet. And cute. And I don't usually go for things that are sweet and cute. Just too girly. And then it's my baby. My darling Casio watch, that I've been wanting for ages. You can also get these at Urban Outfitters. I think they have different models for women and men, though. I'm not too fond of gold, so I chose to stick with the silver one. You know you can be happy with your buys when you actually use them. Right now I'm going to read another fanfiction of Wattpad. It's like an addiction.

søndag 15. juli 2012

you drink as much as me, and I get drunk a lot

Along with the Nike Free Runs, I also bought myself a pair of Nike shorts. They are so so so comfortable with cycling shorts on the inside. Wow, a lot of brands lately. To be honest I do prefer Nike when it comes to training clothes. However, it's mostly just a brand. A brand that has a high status. Who says that other brands aren't as good? I feel like facepalming myself, because I've gone all mainstream lately. iPhone, Hunters, Nike, Instagram, etc. It's like: "Hit me baby one more time". Yesterday I went for a little bike trip in the middle of the night. It's something I'd never be allowed to do with my parents in the house, or I think so. I've never actually asked to do it before. Anyways, me and my younger sister biked to a little park and sat in the swings, before we went home at 2:00 am. And I watched Crazy, Stupid, Love again. I just love it. Later I'm going to watch another handball match. I love it, and I cannot wait for the Olympics to start. I hope Norway won't meet China (handball) again, because I think China wants revenge. Although it would be really really exciting to watch. Tomorrow is Monday. And I hate Mondays whenever I need to get up early. Tomorrow is one of those. But it's also the start of my last week working this summer. And then I'm free. Free like a bird.

lørdag 14. juli 2012

Is it that it's over or do birds still sing for you?

Hiya. I thought I'd maybe actually write about London. Unlike Paris last month, I had no control in London. It was my elder sisters that took care of everything. But as we came to the tube, I felt very familiar. Probably because it looks extremely alike the Metro in Paris. And then I once again felt comfortable. Our ritual everyday was shopping, so there were little time spent sightseeing. Next time I go, I will probably spend more time sightseeing. Actually, I think I'll have to go alone, or with a male companion. Because all female companions ever want is to shop. And honestly, I've got nothing against it. But there are sights waiting to be seen. At least I got to see London Eye and Big Ben. I suppose I spent a great deal comparing London to Paris, and I can say some things. If you want to go to a beautiful place, it's probably best to go to Paris. However, if you want to shop, London is the best choice. Although I do also find London lovely. The architecture is amazing. And I've always imagined how it would be to live in one of those Notting-Hill houses or apartments. Reading One Day by David Nicholls made me miss London even more, as lots of places in London was mentioned. The food was great. I think I might even write a whole post about different places we ate. Yes. I love food. Anyhow, I really really liked London. But I wanted to see London. The real London. But mostly we just heard tourists everywhere. And though it sometimes gave comfort to see other Norwegians, I really wanted to just listen to British people. I even switched over to a slight British accent. So funny. Right now I'm going to switch off this computer and watch the handball match between Norwegian and Swedish women.

one day

"15th July 1988. Emma and Dexter meet on the night of their graduation. Tomorrow they must go their seperate ways. So where will they be on this one day next year? And the year after that? And every year that follows?"

I've been meaning to read this novel for quite a while, but then again, I've been meaning to read quite a lot of novels for a while. I'll admit that I was slightly unimpressed in the beginning. Unimpressed because I have been reading Emma by Jane Austen the past weeks. And the language is quite a bit more upscale, or shall I say very Romeo and Juliet -esque. Well, at least to me, it is. But once I read the remark about travelling: "Avoiding reality more like", I decided that I liked it. Throughout part one, and perhaps part two as well, it distinctly reminded me very much of Where Rainbows End by Celia Ahern. But what I fell in love with, was the relationship between Emma and Dexter. I felt like reading Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married by Marian Keyes. Wow, a lot of mentions of authors here. 'Suppose this novel is right up my street then. Emma and Dexter are like two bickering friends that both loathe and love each other. And it really is amusing. Like, as in funny. And if you haven't yet understood, it's kind of a love story, where Emma is in love with Dexter, and Dexter is in love with Emma. But no one wants to admit. And then there are just too many obstacles and bad timing. And then you go on reading, and think that Emma and Dexter getting together would be the ending. But as Maroon 5 sings, "All those fairytales are full of shit. One more fucking love song I'll be sick". I realised when they got together a whole hundred pages before the novel was ended, it was a bad sign. Something was bond to happen. Isn't that always what happens? Whenever you feel happy, you still have this little itch in the back of your mind. Because you know it won't last for long. But yes. I hope I haven't spoiled everything. And I must say that I am very impressed by the novel. I even liked it more than The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. I suppose you should all go and get a copy, or find it in a library. And then you go sit in a coffe shop, or in your garden, or whatever - and then just read. It won't take you too long, and it will most likely bring a smile to your face. Perhaps tears, even.

fredag 13. juli 2012

do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?

And then there are shoes. London is quite filled with shoes, to be honest. It would be odd not to bring a pair of shoes home. And so I brought three pairs. I knew I wanted the Nike Free Runs, but I am quite surprised that I invested in Hunter boots. However, the weather lately has been very appropriate for boots. And I realise that I've invested smartly. Trainers, boots and a pair of boat-shoes. Ha, that even rhymed. I was thinking of buying ballerinas, because I needed some open summer-shoes. So when I spotted boat-shoes in Aldo, I knew I had to try them on. I've got quite a masculine style, at least I think so. I even preferred Topman to Topshop. And I really really love mens fashion - so much, I sometimes wish I was a boy. When I tried them on, I just kind of had to get them. I've been drooling for Nike Free Runs for quite a while now. And now as I've got them, I'm afraid to wear them. They look so pretty, I don't want to ruin them. Right now I'm going to continue reading One Day by David Nicholls. And by the end of the day, or tomorrow, you'll probably get a review. Most definitely.

torsdag 12. juli 2012

without you to hold, I'll be freezing

I'm home. Well, I've been home the last 40 hours. As predicted, our plane was an hour delayed. The consequences of the delay was that I didn't fall asleep till 2:00 am, and then I woke up at 6:00 am. I then worked from 7:00 am - 2:30 pm. Four hours of sleep is completely OK, if you can lay in bed or sit in the sofa all day. But after walking from early hours till late night every day I was in London, and then only have four hours of sleep, was quite exhausting. After work I biked down my bosses office, but it was closed, and I had to bike home again. And then we went to my friends house in order to deliver some flowers for her mother. And then I went to a little class reunion-thing. I was a bit skeptical whether I should have gone or not, because I was so exhausted. But I did. The result was that I overslept today. 1 hr and 30 min! Yep, so I was late for work. So next time I'll know my limits, and when I really do need to get some sleep. Anyways, I'm in the middle of unpacking now. But I've got so many things, I can't bring myself to unpack everything. I thought I'd perhaps show you my top favorite buys, but then I realised that probably every item are a part of my favorites. So instead I thought I'd show you all the books I've bought. Yeah, you don't instantly think travelling to London means shopping for books. Probably more like, shopping for clothes and shoes. And I did buy that too. I just like books. And things. Speaking of things, Urban Outfitters is heaven to me. Honestly. Random things and clothes? Yes please! They even sold Cheap Monday pantalones. Part of me is sad I'm not once again strolling around the roads of London, but I'm also really happy to be home. Right now I'm going to continue reading One Day by David Nicholls. It's looking pretty good thus far.

lørdag 7. juli 2012

you will never know just how beautiful you are to me

My now "old" teacher, once told us that we were a generation with our feelings on the outside. That's why everything has such a great impact on us, why the statistics of depression have been rising, why you find yourself crying alone sometimes. The only reason why I know that I'm not one of those, is because my whole family is quite non-sharing with their feelings. Everyone has their problems. But we keep it for ourselves. And whenever someone opens up, I'm always surprised. I don't like trusting people, because I'm frightened I might get hurt. And whenever I'm sad, I just put on a sad movie and cry. But I have friends too. Friends that I've allowed myself to trust. Precious friends that are so important to me. Just now, two of my closest friends popped in. They surprised me. Like, I jumped back when they yelled "surprise". And then they handed me a card and a box of chocolate muffins in them. And then we just chatted. I know much about my friends and their problems - probably more than they want me to. But I love them very much, and sometimes I just wish to erase all their problems. And sometimes I just want to show them what they are not aware of. Everything they are. Everything they don't see about themselves. And whenever I pray for my own family, I always end up praying for everyone else. And right now I'm listening to  Wake Me Up by Ed Sheeran, and I'm close to crying. Crying because I find his voice so gentle, and his lyrics so nice. But also because I am getting more and more aware that most of my friends are leaving me. And although I wish that everyone is going to stay in touch, I know very well from experience that you always drift apart. The problem with me, is that once I truly trust someone, I have a hard time letting them go. And that's where I get hurt. The feeling of everyone and everything moving on, and you're still there. Just you. And everyone is gone. And you wonder if it's only you who feels this way. And you might wonder why I always write about change here on my blog? Because I need it myself. I need to point out that change is good. Because most of the time I'm afraid of things to change.

But that's where I can get all positive. Without change, I would never have been where I am today. And I've never felt so grateful for my life as I am today. Today I spoke with all of my closest friends. Whether it was over the phone, Skype or in person. And now my whole family is here. And tomorrow I'm going to London. Everything is simply perfect. And I know change is inevitable. It is what forms you as a person. I sometimes wish to go back to my childhood. But I'm a complete different person today. And I don't know, I just love life. Even all the emotions that comes with it. Being afraid only shows that you've got something to lose.

fredag 6. juli 2012

I should ink my skin with your name

TGIF! You only appreciate Fridays if you have school or work, because summer vacation is full of "Fridays". Today I have been quite productive. I have gone shopping for things I need for travel, made food and a chocolate cake. And it turns out my sister is coming today. My younger sister just popped in the door and told me. A bit after, my mum ran upstairs holding the phone and yelling "I have told you thousands of times! Never shut your door". My mum has a habit of shouting for us, and we have a habit of shutting our doors and never listening. Anyways, on the phone was my eldest sister, and she informed me that she was coming tomorrow. And my brother just came home a few days ago. It's a family reunion for one day, and then we all go different ways. Lately I've been rediscovering new songs and artists. Coldplay for instance. I know they've gone quite mainstream now, and most people quite enjoy them. But a decade ago they had a bit different sound. And as much as I love the new Coldplay album, I would prefer the old ones. I need them in my collection. I have a feeling that instead of a library full of books, I'll end up with a library full of CD's. Anyways - I need to start packing now. 

torsdag 5. juli 2012

dreams come true

After work today, one of my best friends came to my house just because I'm gone for my birthday. I didn't know she would show up that early, so I was still in the shower. But then she handed me my gift, which was a poster of Nialler (from her younger sister that loves One Direction), a ticket to the amusement park called Tusenfryd, and money. However, it wasn't until after I had walked her to the train station, that I could read the card she had made me. And honestly - the card only would make me overjoyed. I even almost shed a tear. I've never cried over a card before. That's how much I liked it. I think sometimes it can be hard to put feelings into words. However, if you try, things come quite easy. It is the courage of showing and sharing feelings that is the hard part. This fall most of my friends are moving, and it's kind of bittersweet. I'm so happy for them, but in the same time I just don't want things to change. But things have a way of working out. People change, and promises are broken. But who says that it's always a bad thing?

onsdag 4. juli 2012

all I want is the taste that your lips allow

About a week ago, my dad asked me if I wanted an iPhone for my birthday. If you knew me, you would know that I kind of hate iPhone. Well, no, I don't hate them. I just find them quite non-practical. I mean, they break all the time. I can imagine that a future fact will be: every second, an iPhone screen breaks. Plus they don't even fit into your pockets (jeans, trousers, etc). So I said no thanks. My mum then proceeded to shout "Ah, you should know that all teenagers want these days are money". Which is kind of true, but I just shrugged it off. But I did kind of want a new phone. As much as I love my lovely and old phone, it is at it's ending point. Some of the buttons refuse to work at times, and I'm sick of deleting messages because "you don't have enough space". But when my dad came to my room yesterday and handed me an iPhone, I just had to laugh. Things that are positive with an iPhone however, is that I have more space, I can sometimes use it as a camera when I forget my camera, I can check my Twitter-feed .. and listen to music? Although .. I do have my iPod. I don't mind iPod, or iPad - I just don't really like iPhone. So I guess it's going to become a hate/love relationship with my phone. Great. I'm going to name it. 

tirsdag 3. juli 2012

give me love

My lucky best friend is going to the united states tomorrow. And I'm slightly envious. What is better than going to a country on their national day? I am leaving for London on Sunday, and then when I come back home, my parents are in China. Which basically means I'm home alone. Well with my sister, but still - alone. And I need to cook. Like, food. And I'm shit at cooking food. Anyways, I'm watching Cougar Town. And I'm lovin' it. However, it seems to me that the first season is way better than the newest episodes. I don't know .. I haven't seen season two yet.

Music choice for the moment is Give Me Love by the wonderful Ed Sheeran.

mandag 2. juli 2012

burnt lungs, sour taste

It's so agonizing to not buy things. The sale is everywhere, but I need to save my money for London. Now my inner voice is going "You are going to London, you know. Geez, be a bit more thankful". Do you see what I have to put up with? I'm never able to feel sorry for myself without my inner voice giving me crap. Anyways, I just saw a new video of Niall covering The A-Team - without Harry interrupting. It's like: you are welcome to sing me to sleep every night, you know. Today I used my sisters bike, because my was a bit damaged. And turns out the wheels were almost out of air, which made it extremely difficult and plenty times harder to use it. But I didn't have any time to pump some air into it, so I guess I just used what I had. But never again. Right now I'm going to watch some Cougar Town. It is honestly hilarious.

søndag 1. juli 2012

look at the stars, look how they shine for you

It's July! Can you believe it? This means: my birthday, London, Summer, summerjobs, and lots of reading!