tirsdag 31. juli 2012

if you expect nothing from anybody, you’re never disappointed

Hiya, just been for a jog. I love jogging at night - most preferably when the sun sets - because it's not too hot nor too cold outside. I do not understand how people can jog in the scorching heat. Tried once, never again. I was wearing all Nike gear. Must honestly say that I felt a bit stupid-looking. But hey, I was jogging. Why on earth shall you make yourself look good, when in honesty your going to sweat. And that's another thing I do not understand. Wearing makeup while working out. But then again, I don't really wear too much makeup, which makes it quite easy to me to not wear makeup in public. Whereas people who always wear makeup in public will have a harder time. I am now downing a yogurt and a glass of water. Always important with nutrition. I'm going to jump in the shower soon, before I start on those birthday cards .. my nap was a tad longer than I had planned. I guess I was really tired. Tomorrow I'm waking up early in order to watch the handball match between Norway and South Korea! It's nervewrecking, because from what I've seen by South Korea, they are really really good. But are they better than Norway? That's the question. Feeling a bit Shakespeare -esque. Okay, I shall go before I utter more stupid things.

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