torsdag 30. mai 2013


I'd say morning, but it's not, is it? I'm in this weird phase where I'm basically tired all the time. I can't remember the last time I've napped this much. And it's not the kind of tired where you're a bit tired, it's to the point where I'm swaying a bit. At least it makes things a bit funnier. Like today; Sugar, my belieber friend and I decided to Facebook- and Twitter- stalk my lecturer. But that would probably be funny in a fully awake state too, I guess. Anyway, I've finally finished reading The Catcher in The Rye, after starting on it months ago. I probably could have finished it in a day, but I've never had the time until now (as in; I had more important priorities regarding school). Also, the narrative is sort of really negative and it just gets too much for me sometimes. I'm not going to review it yet, just because I don't think I've fully comprehended the plot. I'm going to start reading To The Moon And Back by Jill Mansell. I went to the library on Monday and borrowed it, just because I think I need to read a chick lit. Something a bit lighter. I think I've read something by Jill Mansell before? Nevertheless, the description of her is absolutely hilarious. I don't know if you ever read those? In books you'll often find a picture of the author and a few facts about their life. The usual would be where they were born, live, any partner, education, etc. Well, in this it says: "Jill Mansell lives with her partner and children in Bristol, and writes full time. Actually that's not true; she watches TV, eats fruit gums, admires the rugby players training in the sports field behind her house, and spends hours on the internet Tweeting and marveling at how many other writers have blogs. Only when she's completely run out of displacement activities does she write". I think I can love this woman. So we (again; belieber friend and Sugar) went to Starbucks today, and I felt sort of really awkward standing in a bloody line to enter an overrated coffee shop, when I didn't even want a coffee. And I am allowed to say that without sounding like a hipster, because there were like these two guys who literally said "show-offs" while walking past us. It made me cringe, because yes. And then when we were seated, the whole place were filled with prams (or stroller if you prefer that), babies and their mums. At least I got to ogle prams and discuss whether a Stokke or a Bugaboo is the best. My friends thinks I'm entirely crazy, also that I don't want to be friends with them because I deactivated my Facebook, and that the only thing I do is tanning in the sun (naked, that is). (All in which are incorrect, except for the being crazy part). But!! I'm not going to absolute discredit Starbucks and hate it because it's mainstream (oh god that is such a hipster thing to do, innit?). I ordered a really delicious juice. I think it might have been mango and something else? I can't remember, because I never remember anything. But it was really good, and refreshing, considering I was absolutely boiling. Also, it was a really cozy place, and they had a lovely interior. And the employees were really lovely (but they might not always be, so, yeah). All I'm saying, is that Starbucks is inevitably just another coffee shop, but where they  mostly only specialize in coffee, and where they happen to write your name on a cup, and sells their own merchandise. And there are loads of other places to get good coffee, it just happens that Starbucks is a big hype. So here's the thing; Harry Styles owns his own house, probably a flat too. And instead of living in either of them, he goes off and lives with his friends (I reckon he'd say pals). Sometimes it's hard to not find Harry Styles endearing. Especially when he does things like that, and goes shopping in thrift stores, babysits and likes indie music (and is great pals with Grimmy). I'm going to go now, maybe go to bed a bit early, because I'm really tired, despite having a nap. Also, I'm hanging with Oyster tomorrow. 

onsdag 29. mai 2013

I know that he can not approach me, cause I'm looking like glass and he's looking like trash. Can't get with no dead beat ass.

Apparently I'm quite fond of The xx. I did very much enjoy Shelter, after having watched I Am Number Four and fallen in love with the whole soundtrack of the movie. And then I think Ale sent me the link to Crystalised. (I think it was her, because I went with her and Marble to watch I Am Number Four at the cinema). And I've always liked those songs, but lately, through 8tracks, I've been listening to a lot of The xx, and I really like it. I'm pretty sure none of my friends would like their music though, haha. Oh well, we can't all be alike. Once I've actually got money I'm going to buy their albums. I've been listening to random playlists via 8tracks so much, I've not listened to One Direction in more than a week! (alright, except for Truly Madly Deeply, Irresistible, and Little Things a few times). And it's so overwhelming, because I fall in love with new music all the time. I've also been listening to old Ed Sheeran-- like Cold Coffe, Sofa, and Miss You. And it's so amusing to listen to how he's developed since these songs. Also, I can't believe I've not listened to any of those songs before. I've also started developing an infatuation with Lewis Watson's music, because he sort of reminds me of Ed Sheeran. But with a more morose feel to his songs. Also, Bastille. Honestly-- they're so good. And Life's For The Living by Passenger (oh my god). Ha, a lot of new music. Anyway, I woke up a bit earlier than I had wanted today. I'm trying to sleep for 10 hours a night, but obviously it's been a bit hard, after having adapting my body to 5 hours sleep only. I think I might go outside for a walk, because I've been coped up in this bedroom too much the last months. Also happy birthday to Oyster! I've had a bit of a hard time with writing birthday cards the past days. It's like I'm avoiding a pest, shoving it as far away as possible. So what do I do? Instead of actually writing the birthday cards, I write about the frustration of wanting to write a birthday card. How lovely.

tirsdag 28. mai 2013

she's up all night 'til the sun, I'm up all night to get some

I don't understand. Love-childs, what are you doing?? I will never ever understand what goes through One Direction's minds. Never (I can actually use this word in this context). Anyhow, my room is entirely too warm, and I've tried to fit everything I've wanted to do the last months into today. I actually did a bit of tanning, whilst reading The Catcher In The Rye. And then it started raining, so I went inside with my book and other things, but went outside again, sitting in my chair and letting the raindrops soak me. I also finished reading three fan fictions on my list to read. Also had a nap in the middle of the day, just because I felt this sudden exhaustion. And I thought "hey, I can actually nap now, without having a bad conscience. How nice". I still have so many other things I want to do, and it's somewhat annoying that I can't fit it all in one day, but my rational side tells me to calm down. Because there are so many things I want to do, and entirely reasonable that I cannot fit them all in one day only. It's so nice, walking around feeling like you can do everything you want. Except, I still feel a bit on edge. Like something's not quite right. And it is rather irritating, and I don't know what it is. Yet.

søndag 26. mai 2013

flying through the sky with no wings

This is so lovely. And so sentimental. And I'm in love with the song as well. Jon plays the keyboard in the One Direction band, and he's made this memory video, I suppose, from the European tour. I hope he makes a new video for the North American tour too. I had a conversation with Sugar earlier, where I sort of said I've given up. The exam tomorrow will be very interesting-- I wonder if I'll be able to answer anything, to be honest. It's like I was afraid of from the start; I blend all the illnesses together. Symptoms, causes, treatments ... I just can't wait for it to be over. I just want everything to fast forward exactly 24 hours. Alright, I'm going to eat now. And then study-- because I've been procrastinating. And not done very smart decisions.

Edit: I'm going to die. I'm so tired, and I need to read through my notes. But I don't have time. And I'm still procrastinating. And I feel so unprepared. Like one of my tests in German at high school or something. And I can't bring myself to be positive even. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

fingers trace your every outline, paint a picture with my hands

Morning xx. Or, not? I did wake up at 6:00 am, so I've been awake for hours now. After sitting in my room studying for a while (and staring out the window), I decided to have my breakfast outside. And wow, I think I might have to start waking up early when no one else is awake, and the only sounds are the wind and the trees. It was so peaceful. My sister has been talking about taking a walk at 4:00 am. And apparently she did, yesterday. She told me the sky was purple, and she got to see the sunrise. I wish I'd gone with, but then I'd have to sleep in. And I don't have time for that. Don't have time for anything. The weather is like, so beautiful. And I know I've got my exam tomorrow. But I'm too happy to care about it? Like, I feel like I need to relax a bit today-- do other things than excessive studying (doesn't mean I'm not going to study at all) (I wonder if I'll even let myself relax at all). I think I might be ecstatic tomorrow afternoon. I'm either going to go back home and sleep, or I might celebrate it with some ice cream. Depends on the weather, and the kilo-gang. Oh-- Niall with a flower crown. The funny thing is that it's actually a fashion piece nowadays. I actually read a fan fiction with Harry wearing and explaining how to make flower crowns-- like .. alright. Flowerchilds.  Also, this is the best sign I've seen thus far (apart from the signs where they just write "thank you". It's so simple, but gets the message through). Get Lucky by Daft Punk is my jam (uhm, I don't usually say "my jam") at the moment. I don't know, it reminds me of the 80's? I also heard Daughter do a cover of it, and wow. She manages to make every song sad. But it's very beautiful. 

lørdag 25. mai 2013

don't know when I lost my mind, maybe when I made you mine

Hiya. I felt a bit worse for wear today. I don't quite know why, but it went away soon. I also woke up in a bit of a fright today, the nerves are back. But I managed to ignore them, by thinking of something else (avoidanceeeeeeee). Can't even write about what triggered me, because then I'll have to think of it, and I'll get really anxious, and I don't really have time for a breakdown. The weather was really pretty today, so I sat outside for a few hours along with my younger sister. Today the tickets from the UK/Ireland part of the Where We Are Tour went on sale. And even though I'm not going to any of the dates (I wish), I felt really stressed out. Because, wow, trying to get a hold of tickets is probably the most stressing thing ever. I think they managed to sell out their two gigs at Croke Park (in Ireland) in two hours? Apparantely they sold over 150,000 tickets. Which means they sold 1,250 tickets per minute? And I, who thought they might get a bit of trouble trying to sell out all these tickets?? Every time-- it's like I can't get it in my head that, yes- One Direction is actually a really big thing. And this is Niall's dream; playing Croke Park. Like, he tweeted about it last year- about how it would be a dream to play Croke Park. And it makes me so happy for him, and them, and I cannot imagine how they feel. Because as I've stated before, in One Direction world, time travels a lot faster. It's been what? Three years of them being together. And already they are playing bloody stadiums. It's like Niall tweeted: "cant believe how this day is goin! its just mental..thank you all soo much...its STADIUMS ..aaggggghhhh" (Haha, he actually sounds like a Tumblr fangirl at night. Honestly). That's incredible. Actually, the whole history of One Direction is incredible-- like, it shouldn't have worked to place five strangers together and for them all to get along. But it did, and I'll always be amazed by it. I think the gig in Madrid tonight will be extra fun. I'm pretty sure all the lads are quite hyped up. Alright, I need to get back to studying now. Study, study, study. 

fredag 24. mai 2013

you are a vapour trail in a deep blue sky

YES! Harry, Vine and Niall? The best combination ever. I've been waiting for Harry to take a picture or something of Niall. Our personal Niall-paparazzi. Admittedly, I thought it would be an Instagram picture, but Vine is even better (Niall features in a lot of his Vine's). (I just got a message, and I usually have my phone on mute, but because I've been watching Vine's, I didn't. And it scared the shit out of me. Story of my life) (Also, I'm going to eat now, because I'm starving. I've only eaten bread, crackers and two apples today) (It's called neglecting your vital needs) 

I've seen the waters that make your eyes shine. Now I'm shining too

I've officially made a folder named "summer 2013" for my pictures. The green on the trees that greets me every morning these days, is the sign of summer. Always been like that for me, ever since we moved into this brick house. Today I woke up to sun, after seeing rain, rain and more rain for the whole week or so. So now I've cleaned my room and changed bedding, as you do (or as I do). Throughout the whole week, I've been managing with five hours sleep every night (more or less), just waking up to study. All day. It is tiring, and even though I wake up at 6:00 am, I usually don't start studying pathology until 8:00 am. That's because I usually read fan fiction (I'm really yearning for a loooong good-feel Narry fiction. But everyone is busy with exams, so there are limited people who are writing at the moment- which must mean there will be loads of fan fictions in the summer?). I guess it would make more sense to get some sleep, but I also have the need for a mental break. Sleep is vital, but in my mind, mental breaks are just as important. Although studying 24/7 (actually only 16/7) is tiring, it's also a bit satisfying? It means I actually manage to isolate myself and drown in text books and notes, and whatever-- just because I have to. Also, it makes the celebration better because of the knowledge that I've actually worked my arse off. Alright, not that much. But still. I'm somewhat looking forward to Monday-- not the exam, but being finished with it. When you've walked around, thinking about an exam for months, it's quite easy to get tired. To a point where you think it's a bit pointless? I thought I'd get another breakdown, but I haven't (not yet, that is). Instead I've got this "eh, who cares" attitude, that is very similar to last year. Also, after Monday, it's practically my summer vacation. And I'm going to start reading all the books I've wanted to read. Because I've postponed so many things to summer, I've hung up a paper on my closet, so I can run over and write it down whenever I think of something I want to do. Thus far it's got nine bullet points. And the list will probably go on for the rest of the summer. Have a nice Friday, I guess. Oh wait, does anybody read their horoscope? I do, and it's freakishly correct sometimes. Reminder to myself: check where you're having your exam). 

torsdag 23. mai 2013

sorrow weighs my shoulders down and trouble haunts my mind, but I know the present will not last, and tomorrow will be kinder

My favorite thing about all these revisions are probably underlining important things with my pens. It gives a somewhat satisfaction to use some colours, and managing to make a straight line. Makes things a bit prettier, I guess. My Stabilo-pens was gifted to me by Ale for my birthday years ago. Speaking of things that Ale has gifted me; my Coca Cola glass broke today. And I'm so sad about it, because it was my favorite glass. (I'm trying to make a collection of glasses and cups so I'll have all these different pieces for when I move out. If I ever do, that is). I sort of caressed it goodbye?? Until my dad saw, and strictly told me to throw it away before I hurt myself. I was supposed to go to school today, but I ditched my lecture (I'm not a badass as Sugar usually says when I ditch something), because I went to bed at 2:00 am last night. Doesn't mean I slept in though; I woke up at 6:20 am, got myself a cuppa and started studying. I figured that I actually needed those hours we had lectures to study. Maybe I'll regret it under the exam, maybe not. Regrets are always there anyway. The tell tales of me having an exam is my skin. Dark circles under my eyes, dimples caused by stress, dry skin. Also, you'll find me coped up in my bedroom. Mostly my bed, where I live these days. I lost one of my pens, and I proceeded to have a full investigation of my bed. It wasn't there, but at least I found my long johns, a few hair bands and another pen. It's like digging in a sofa, innit? It's been pouring down with rain the past days. I'm not very glad about the consequences of it-- floods. But I like the rain. It's pretty to look at. I don't like moist and small raindrops. I like it when they are big and heavy, and when it seems like the sky is having a particular bad day. As a kid I used to go outside in the pouring rain, with the intents of getting soaked to the bone. It's one of the loveliest feelings in the world (as long as it's not too cold and you can get hypothermia). Alright, a bit of 1D and then back to studying. I'll leave you with a quote I also messaged to my older sister, who is also revising these days. "Tough times never last, but tough people do" -Robert H. Schuller  

onsdag 22. mai 2013

(a blogpost in parentheses) (nothing interesting) (keep walking) (or in this case: keep scrolling) (or just exit this dammed blog)

(you don't know what you just escaped. a big post of commentary to gifs and pictures about one direction) (I was this close to posting it, and then my computer shut down) (I'm going to look at that as a sign) (it contained things like this, this, this, this, and this) (also this, this, this, this, this and this) (also this bc it's hilarious) (probably a lot more too) (oh my god, that's what I'm going to do) (I'll make a neverending post where I just regularly update with new gifs and pictures and whatnot) (I'll have to postpone it to the summer vacation bc I don't have time for it now) (but summer vac is like, in three weeks) (also known as in nothing) (I can finally do what I've postponed to the summer) (I should probs go study now) (you know, cause I've got an exam) (and I feel totally unprepared) (and I have a feeling I'm going to have a breakdown soon) (just don't know if it's before or after) (I'll probs not remember anything from the exam) (tend to shut everything out, I guess) (I never remember what I've written. so when people ask me what I wrote as an answer, I'm like idk) (excuse my horrible abbreviations, but it's my blog) (deal with it) (lou teasdale should be banned from making vines of Harry and Niall) (not really) (can u do one of them cuddled up together?) (pleaseeee) (i've gotten my daily dose of 1D now) (that was my excuse for turning on the computer) (i'm lousy at studying) (champion at procrastinating- I find the best excuses to avoid reading) (like my nephew forgot one of his socks) (looking at a sock is definitely a valid excuse for not reading) (i've gone crayyy) (i never say cray) (alright, i'm off to listen to lewis watson now) (discovered his music via 8tracks) (surprise surprise) (There is a reason (actually more than one) for why I love Grimmy) (this is my exact life) (i hate one direction) (they are all twats) (bastardious bastards) (but not really)

tirsdag 21. mai 2013

if the sky would fall, I'd survive it all because of you

Morning. It's been two weeks, and by the time my exam is over, it will have been three weeks. And then comes June, and the lads will be off to America. The picture is from when they played Little Things, and it looked so beautiful. I've been avoiding watching my own videos, because it sort of brings back the feeling? Damn One Direction. Bloody manufactured band that shares clothes with each other and sing the Friends theme song and does the chicken dance and play in beautiful venues like the Arena di Verona. You disgust me!!! (not really, I love you, you bastards). You know what's funny? (and completely coincidental) I've been reading a fan fiction about Harry, where he's got a phobia for bacteria and anything unclean. And then hey, an article pops up about how Harry likes to keep everything in their tour bus really clean. And then there are all these photoshopped pictures of the lads (mostly Niall and Harry) with flower crowns. What proceed to happen? Niall wears a flower crown during WMYB in Oslo, Harry wears one at the gig in Milan. It's almost like if we wish hard enough, it'll happen (exception: basically everything). One of these days (I say this a lot, don't I?) I'm going to have a post with only gif's and commentary. Brace yourselves. I'm also upset by Nick Jonas being Demi Lovato's biggest fan. "Nemi" are the best-- they are so disgustingly sweet together, and I hope they stay friends forever. I fell asleep to heavy rain, thunder and lightning last night. It was sort of beautiful. I feel like it's been a while too-- we used to have these warm summer nights years ago, and then in the evening, the sky would almost turn purple, and the thunder and lightning would fight each other. I'm currently listening to You by Robin Stjerberg, who was one of the contestants in this year's Eurovision. And it's my favorite song out of all the songs, and I'm a bit gutted it didn't get a better placement-- but it is what it is. At least I love it (and I'm guessing Norway in general, since we gave the highest point to Sweden). I've decided it's going to be my summer song. I'm currently procrastinating, I think maybe I've given up on the exam to be honest. It's like I can't even feel my nerves anymore, except when I really start thinking of the exam (but I avoid that. Avoidance is apparently my thing-- another unpleasant realization). Anyway (see, another word for avoidance), I'm actually going to study now. My break is over. Wait, you know what? I've got to give thanks to 8tracks. It's the most brilliant thing ever (in my opinion). People make playlists, and you can't actually see the whole playlist until it's played through all the songs. All you can see is the description of the playlist, the name of the song playing (and the ones you have played). So, basically you are forced to listen to the songs. And when the playlist is over, another playlist starts. Obviously you can click on any desired playlist, and you can even click on categories (chill, pop, study, etc). And sometimes you discover the most precious song(s) ever. Best way to discover new stuff when I'm bored with my own music. 

mandag 20. mai 2013

a scrub is a guy that thinks he’s fly and is also known as a bastard

Oh hiiii (five) xx. I didn't actually think I would go on with my hiatus. Sometimes I try to not blog, because it actually takes time. Time that I need for other things. Usually when I try, though, I end up blogging anyway. So it's pretty rare that I actually do one of these hiatuses-- except now I don't have the urge to blog anymore. And I might as well just stop, now as I don't feel the urge. But I'm not. Going to stop, that is. 17th of May was a wonderful day, even though the weather wasn't top notch (as in it wasn't sunny throughout the whole day). I guess I had the best of both worlds; spent the day with my family, watching and participating in the 17th of May-parade. Then we went for ice cream, before we headed home to have a dinner. And then we drank lots of wine (me, basically). And then everyone had a nap. Wine is really tiring, but it's lovely with the right food, I guess. I'm pretty sure we went for another stroll and then went to a play park with my nephew. He was being followed by this little girl, who obviously wanted to play with him. But he didn't want to play with her. Life, innit? Haha. Sugar called me at 8:00 pm (I think), right after I came home, actually. And she asked me whether I wanted to come join her and the rest of the kilo-gang at this restaurant/bar in Oslo. And so, I was trying to set up a list whether it would be a good idea or not. And had I followed my brain, I wouldn't have gone. Even when I was standing at the bus stop, I was itching to go back home. Not necessarily because of school work, but because of my family. Thing is, I always try to spend as much time possible with my family when they visit. And they almost always get first prioritization. Especially when it's such a short visit. So, basically, I felt really bad. And I had to read, just to get my mind off it. Always thought reading was a calming thing to me-- and it is. But when I thought of why I read, I realised I'm just escaping my thoughts and worries at the moment. In other words: I read to escape the world. And it wasn't the most pleasant realizations. I've had a few of unpleasant realizations the last month or so. Maybe I'll write more of it another time. When I arrived at the bar/restaurant, my worries sort of flew away. They bloody played Ed Sheeran. The night was sort of doomed to be good, then. Also, there are my friends, who tends to make me happy. Some of them were kind of very tipsy when I came, so it was really amusing. Watching my friends being tipsy is one of my favorite activities. And then Sugar basically handed over her drink, which was really Kiwi's drink?? And that's how the night proceeded. Us talking and having fun, and the others handing their drinks over to me. I only accepted them, because there were very little alcohol in 'em. Before the night ended, we did a bit of a stroll. And I nearly fell over once-- not because of alcohol. But because of this big hole in the ground-- and me wearing wedges. Not a good combination. Luckily I didn't fall, and the cake in my hands was not damaged. Which, was a good thing, because me and M (I'm going to call her Marble-- first thing I thought of) sort of dug in whilst waiting for the train (mind you, this was without any paper or plates). It was incredible. The day after this, I went to a little amusement park they set up each year. My sister and my nephew went on his first ride. He had the time of his life, whereas my sister was terrified. (He turns two this year, she turns thirty). The heat was scorching, and we decided to have a BBQ. We should have gone to a store closer to our house, instead I was carrying two heavy bags of groceries all the way home (20-25 minutes with one break only). I definitely felt it the day after, which was yesterday. We also had a BBQ yesterday. And I think we also went for sushi later. My nephew had a little swim yesterday, and managed to splash me. I also did a bit of tanning, because we've had amazing weather for about two or three days? Oh, and at Saturday, me and my eldest sister had a really productive shopping trip. I didn't do any shopping, because I'm broke, but I was sort of my sister's assistant- pointing out where the shops were, and giving her my opinion on things. And lovely as she is, she tried to buy me things. She always does, and I (almost) always say no. After we were done, she looked down at her bags and me, and she said: "oh, you barely bought anything". Correction, I didn't buy anything. She bought me a tank-top. I only answered: "you know, poor student and all". In which she told me: "but that's why you should say yes to my offers". And well, I just shrugged because I didn't really want new clothes. Had she offered to buy me The Mystery of Mercy Close by Marian Keyes, I'd say yes in a heart beat. It's really hard to try stuffing in all the things I've done in one post only. And I feel like I've forgotten loads of things, but I can't be bothered. Because I need to get my arse into the shower, and studyyyyyyyyyy. Oh god, one week. 7 days. I just want to feel free, and it's so close, I can almost taste it. I'm going to cross my fingers for lovely weather when the exam is over. If I were to sum up the last days in a few sentences, I'd say: I've been hanging out with my family and friends, occasionally studying, drunk more alcohol than I've ever done (alright, so slight exaggeration), and walked in the grass bare feet. 

torsdag 16. mai 2013

where we are

Holy shit, yes! It's literally been a bit over a week, since they were here, and now they've announced a new (stadium) tour in 2014. It's called Where We Are, and someone on Tumblr suggested it should have been named "Where Are We". Because after partying and being "Up All Night", wanting someone to "Take Me Home", they should probably be confused as where they are and say something like-- "Where Are We??". Funny? No? Oh well. I'm so pleased for them, and so so proud, because it's such a huge achievement. And seeing as Niall's been tweeting like crazy for the past days, I reckon this means bloody much to him. One of these days I'm going to make a post on why I love Niall, in which this is one of the many reasons. Also, in this video, Liam mentions Harry partying on the "russebuss" in Oslo. I'm glad we will be remembered by something, haha. And wow, they said the new album is going to be edgier? It's just so much information at once, and my Tumblr dashboard is blowing up. And oh god, edgier music-- one day they might actually be cataloged in my kind of music. Also, I really hope they'll announce Norway too. Or else, I'm going to start sobbing. Possibly. And it's worse now, seeing as I've actually seen them live. It's like feeding my addiction. Tomorrow is Norway's national day, so I'll be singing along to the national song and waving the flag. And try to not let my nephew out of sight. Oh dear, babies are so lovely.

onsdag 15. mai 2013

every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you

Hiya! My hiatus has been a bit longer than first intended. And I'm afraid, it'll continue for a bit. Or I might stop by sometimes, and it'll be shitty blogging. Anyways, here's an update of my life. I need to get it down, so I won't forget in the future. First off, One Direction. The problem about touring, is that there are always new things that happen. In the first gif they are singing a cover of My Heart Will Go On. They do a lot of covers because they are always asked to do them in section of the concert with the Twitter questions. And most times they stop when they've forgotten lyrics, and they don't really take it seriously (when do they ever?). Except in this cover, they actually didn't stop in the midst of something, even if they forgot lyrics. And bloody harmonies. I was speaking with my belieber friend the last weekend, and I was discussing if we were a millionaire and what we would do. My belieber friend said something about getting Justin and Niall to do a concert together, whereas I said I wanted to have Niall in my bed forever and sing me to sleep. But then I was troubled, because I couldn't decide whether I'd want the whole band or just Niall. Because I love harmonies, and aaaahh. Really hard choices. If I were to choose a gif that described One Direction, I think I would choose the second gif. They ought to be the most silly people in the world (and it's so bloody endearing). It's been a week and a day since I saw One Direction, and I'm so sad, because it feels like I've never seen them, like I'm back at square one. When in truth, I saw all of them, very alive, just a week ago. I was right too, about the weekend. I mostly spent it on watching videos from the concert. Also, I've been bloody active on my Twitter account since the concert. 51 tweets (I think) in eight days, when I usually tweet between 1-5 a week?? Also had a few break downs, I think the stress (exam) caught up with me, in addition to my post-1D-partum depression. (I've hit the walls countless times and you could find me on my bed in fetal position more times than not). On a happier note, I went with Sugar and Kiwi to watch them get their tattoos, and since I'm so easily fascinated, I'm glad I went. I can't wait to get my own. Yesterday was spent at school from 08:30am-20:20pm. First a lecture, then studying for the exam. I've sort of had a bit of a boost, and my worries are almost gone (for now-- they're probably coming for a visit very soon). It's just that I realised something on Sunday evening. I've got the loveliest family and friends. And I'm just so bloody lucky-- it's like sometimes I feel like I must have done something good in an earlier life, honestly. Is it weird if I've actually missed staying behind at school a bit? Last semester, just before the anatomy-exam, I practically lived in a study room at school. I've not been doing the same this time, but maybe I will now. It's just that I don't know how to book a room, which makes it really hard to find a place to study uninterrupted. Yesterday we found the ideal-room, and sadly it was mostly occupied today, which lead to us sitting in an auditorium instead. With sound technicians testing the stereo-- so it probably wasn't the best environment to try to study in. My nephew is coming tomorrow, and they're staying until Sunday if I'm not wrong. So, I'll probably not blog as much then. Also, my exam is the 27th of May. This is probably the least I've blogged a month, since I started this blog? The only thing I know now, is that after my exam, I'm going to sleep. Like, for a few days. And then I'm going to hang with my friends. So yes, bye for now (although I might stop by anyway). And this is your cue to start singing  "you say goodbye, and I say hello" (please say you know who this is???)

onsdag 8. mai 2013

One Direction, Take Me Home Tour 2013, 7th of May, Oslo

I want to say my life is complete. And fuck the exam, you can go to hell. Actually, school in general can go away. Yesterday started out with the last pathology lecture (thank god), and I didn’t really listen to anything. I was too preoccupied with thoughts about the concert. Thing is, I didn’t feel as giddy as I did on Monday. Instead I was sort of calm—almost as if the concert already had been. And it continued like that throughout the rest of the day. Sugar, Kiwi, my belieber friend and I sat at the stairs to the royal palace in Oslo. Waiting for Sugar’s younger sister. And bloody hell, that was incredibly warm. I could probably lie there in a bikini, but, well, who lies on the stairs to the royal palace in a bikini? Anyway, when she came, we went down to the pier in order to eat some McDonald’s because according to Sugar, it’s a concert tradition. Also, I’ve just realised that Sugar basically decides all of our destinations to eat (er ganske sant). We sat at yet another pair of stairs, but this time our view was the water and a boat. It all reminded me of last year—fond memories. When we finished up eating, a few of us decided to go for some ice cream. Whereas I didn’t want one (surprisingly), and stayed put in my place.

I’m very fond of taking pictures, and I’m trying to slowly coax my friends into being comfortable with me taking pictures 24/7. Especially now as summer is coming along- I always drag out my camera in the summer. I’m looking at the pictures I took yesterday, and it makes me so happy. It’s always lovely to capture memories to look back on. Christ, when did I become so mushy? Anyway, after finishing the ice cream, we headed for the bus to take us to Telenor Arena. And since I sometimes (very often because I like to observe the environment outside) prefer standing, I stood the whole ride. And it made me really happy, because summer weather and architecture tends to do that to me. When we were driving to the bus stop I realised just how many people there were, and the fact that yep, we had to stand in line too. Except, this was nothing against the Justin Bieber concert. It felt like it took 10 minutes from the moment we walked off the bus till’ my seat.

And oh, my dear friend Kiwi switched tickets with me, basically giving me a great seat. I didn’t realize just how good seats they were, until it all started and all I could think was that I had to give Kiwi a hug afterwards. Initially I sat down in the wrong seat, making me believe I had amazing seats. But I actually think the seat I had was better, because there was an empty place beside me (a stupid woman had bought extra tickets and tried to sell them inside the concert) and I had more space to move around on.  Before the concert there’s always a bit of time where there’s random (not really random at all—5SOS and Little Mix for example) music playing, and of course I get a call from this delivery company telling me that “hey, we tried to deliver a package today, but you weren’t home”. And they told me this just when the whole audience decided to scream. Basically the conversation was something like this: “Hello?” “Hiiii! Who’s this?” “We’re a delivering company (shouting in the background which didn’t allow me to hear the rest of the sentence, but I pieced the bits together anyway)..” “Oh, yes, alright! ARE YOU OUTSIDE MY HOUSE NOW?” “Oh, no, not now” “I’M SORRY BUT I CAN’T HEAR YOU, I’M AT A CONCERT” “Oh, haha, that explains a lot” “WHAT?”. I ended up asking him to send a sms with the information—the shouting didn’t work that well.

During the await for them to start, the block across my seat started to do a wave. And first it was only them, but then it started spreading, and spreading. And in the end we managed to do one across the whole arena (not the ones at the floor). And it was so funny, because we were applauding ourselves afterwards. And then we just decided to do it loads. So every three minutes I stood up with my hands in the air to be a part of the wave. It was one of the coolest things I’ve been a part of, because this is approximately 10,000 people (more or less). (here's a video of what I guess is one of the first waves. The video isn't that good, and it's a lot of screaming, but still)

After a bit waiting and the opening act and then waiting again, it finally started. Although, I thought it started quite quickly, like time just flew by so fast? And wow, I actually almost started crying when I saw Liam when Up All Night started (also almost started crying when I got to my seat??). Basically, my whole experience with the whole “going to a One Direction concert and seeing them in person” has been the exact opposite of what I’d expected. I didn’t stand still, like at the Bieber concert. Nope, I stood throughout the whole thing and jumped and danced about 95% of the whole thing. In my head I was calculating how long my body could continue without nutrition and liquid. Not long, I thought. But I did manage the whole thing. Whilst I was dressed in jeans and in a jacket and a jumper beneath at the Bieber concert, I wore shorts and a tank-top at the One Direction concert. And it’s so funny to me, because I was literally dripping in sweat (oh, great mental image) last night. Whereas at the Bieber concert, where we were practically all pressed against each other (actually we were), I felt warm, but alright with the jacket on. But I guess it was because of all the jumping I did last night- I didn’t do too much of it at the Justin Bieber concert.

I genuinely don’t think I should attend concerts with great dancers too, because I can’t seem to focus on one thing? I’ve got a really dumb brain that has a hard time on focusing on more things at one time. Because One Direction are .. slightly less good in the dancing area, I didn’t have to worry about what to focus on. And wow, I just seem to find it so incredibly fascinating to see someone so big (as in popular) in person. Like—they’re actually real. I’ve basically been watching videos of One Direction concerts for a whole year now (more, actually), and it was just so surreal to actually see them. Not a screen. And I had to stop thinking about it, because then it would freak me out, and then I’d probably start crying. Because, whilst thinking of this, I got in my “stand still with my hands on my heart”-position. The same as I did at the Bieber-concert. And if I’m releasing emotions, I’ll either cry or jump around in excitement. I chose the latter. Niall and Harry were actually quite frequently at my side of the stage, waving to us. And, holy shit. I guess this is something everyone around me thought too, but it actually looked like they were looking right at me. Especially Niall, because he waved so many times. I’m just going to believe he was looking at me, and not the thousands of other people who were also waving. Basically, my dream is complete (except I really want a Horan-hug please).

I think maybe Harry did a bit of too much partying the night before. Which, oh my god, is awesome. He joined a “russebuss”, even wore a “russebukse”. And I know that’s the reason why he said “Norway is sick!” last night. I’m so glad he got to experience it—it was actually something I wished for them to experience. Like, I wished they’d come a bit closer to 17th of May, Norway’s national day. And then they could’ve seen the crazy “russ” roaming around the city. I went through Harry’s Instagram, and basically, he’s instagrammed a picture of every European gig. And it’s only in the one from Norway, where he basically said: “One of my favorite places in the world”. The rest, he usually just says “thanks for having us” (and his kisses at the end of course). Basically, I’m pretty sure Norway had a great impact on young Harry Styles. And it makes me very very proud. Liam too, confessed that he thought tonight was the best gig thus far (here's a video-- it's loud though). He was driving around in a boat shirtless yesterday. With Andy who arrived in Norway yesterday. And I’m pretty sure Andy loved it too.

Anyway, the concert was amazing. And I was jumping around all the time. And though I knew what would happen next, I was always surprised I guess? And wow, there were so much bromance, I didn’t register all of the things happening. One Direction aren’t amazing dancers, but they are five members, so I guess it’s a bit hard to choose what to focus on too. Little Things was amazing as usual, seeing as the whole arena brought out their lights and glittering hearts. And I really love the beat box-version of Little Things (here's a video of the "bring a heart" arrangement and the beat boxing). Liam is one very talented person who deserves to get more screams (positive stimulus), as my belieber friend also pointed out. I think also Zayn should get more kudos for his riffs sometimes. But his solos are just before choruses, which makes it really hard to scream for him. And I would’ve screamed a lot more last night, had I just had more voice.

Basically, within the first parts of the concert, half of my voice was already gone. Which was evident at the end of the night. That’s the second thing I didn’t expect me to do: scream throughout the (almost) whole concert. Also, I had really underestimated the screams. I forgot earplugs, but since I didn’t use them on the Bieber-concert and turned out fine, I thought I’d be fine tonight too. And I would, I guess. If it hadn’t been for the minutes where the boys “disappear” before Live While We’re Young, Niall’s speech and What Makes You Beautiful. That’s when I started holding for my ears, because it was piercing my eardrums, and that hurt. Like a method of torture. But at that point, I didn’t care too much. I was too happy to care for my future hearing ability. Obviously, I knew they’d sing the last songs, so I didn’t scream that much. But I was a bit (very) sad at that point, because I thought everything had gone so bloody quickly? It barely felt like 30 minutes to me. The ending consisted of the boys spraying each other in water, which probably felt amazing, because it was bloody hot in the arena. And the fans have been really great, bringing glittering hearts to wave with during Little Things, and bringing balloons for the end of the concert. The lads commented on this fact, and it made me really happy for the one who started the arrangement.

If I have to think of highlights of the night (other than seeing them in person), it was Niall’s speech before What Makes You Beautiful. He basically said that it was really hot in the arena. And then Liam started singing Hot In Here, and then Niall joined in. And yeah—I’m pretty sure they’ve never sung that song in a concert too, so it was a delight. Also, I’m a sucker for Teenage Dirtbag, so that was a highlight too. I just can't not rock out to that song. And then there was the fact that Niall wore a bloody flower crown. And you don't know how many times photoshopped flower crowns on One Direction members has been circulating on my Tumblr dashboard. So when he wore it, I was so surprised. And now that I look at the picture of him with a flower crown, it almost doesn't look real. Could have been a photoshopped one, except it's not. And then Harry wore his hair band from the "russebuss" he partied in. And the boys wore ski goggles on and off. Actually, everything was sort of a highlight to me, hah. When the concert ended, everyone started popping their balloons, and it sounded like fireworks. And it was really lovely. And I just really want to do everything over again. “Put this day back on replay and keep reliving it”. I did give Kiwi a sweaty hug afterwards, and I tried explaining her how grateful I am today at school.

I think I came home at 0:30 am yesterday, and then I had to get some nutrition and liquid in my body before I went to sleep. But then I started writing this document in fright of forgetting. But then I started shaking, as in when you are freezing. And I decided to go to bed to get warmed up. Except it didn’t work, and I realised I wasn’t actually cold. I was restless, and my body was full of adrenaline. At this point it was 3:00 am, and I was cursing the adrenaline for being stupid. Because I had to get up today, and attend a lecture I didn’t want to attend. In the end I fell asleep at 3:30 am—I had to force myself to think of something that always puts me to sleep. My mind was so full of thoughts I guess, that I couldn't go to sleep. And I don't want to say that this was the best day of my life, because I've had several amazing days in my life. But this is very close to the top. And I'm just so happy.

The lecture today was actually really good, and I was very glad I went. Also, I didn’t feel that tired at all. And I nearly didn’t go on my phone to check things at all. And that says a lot! Sugar and I went to praise the lecturer, because we like to do that. Just because someone is a teacher, lecturer, or something similar, it doesn’t mean they don’t want feedback too. It wasn’t until I was sat in the cafeteria, that I realised how tired I was. Holy shit, I’m going to spend the day watching videos of last night. And I have this itching feeling that I’m going to waste so much time this week, watching the lads. Oh dear. I really can kiss that exam goodbye. (Oh my god, I'm just watching a video right now, and I nearly gulped up my water, because you can see when Niall gives this sort of wave off, and I just-- I watched that. Yesterday. From my seat. And oh wow).

tirsdag 7. mai 2013

tell me how to turn your love on, you can get get anything that you want

How do one attend school with the knowledge that One Direction is in the same country? Today was a very exciting day, in which I woke up in sweat (wow isn't this lovely and descriptive?). Because one, the weather was absolutely gorgeous today. And second, One Direction. My belieber friend actually called me (gratulerer), and I had to ask her how she did it. How she managed when Justin Bieber was here. In Oslo. For three days. She didn't answer, and well- who has the answer to such a difficult question? By the time I was going to school, I almost thought the concert was today. And to be completely honest, I almost wished One Direction wouldn't come to Norway until tomorrow. Because they make me giddy, and nervous and excited? Just by being in the same country. Bloody hell. I never actually thought I'd be like this - so bloody affected by a group of lads. I was so sure I wouldn't even care that much. However, the weekend took me by a surprise, and I sort of had a little breakdown (in which I barely did any school work, dammit!). Basically, I cried a lot. And I slept a lot. I do suspect this has very much to do with my upcoming exam though. Too many nerves and feelings at one time, I guess. I did calm down a lot on the way to school though. I was reading, and that calms me, I guess. You're kind of brought to another world, and your own worries are gone for a bit. D'you know what ached the most today? The knowledge of them being so fucking close, and not being able to see them. I didn't go after them; instead I went to one of the last pathology lectures. And of course I regret it, but I also know I'd regret not attending that lecture. Because what would the odds be to actually find Harry Edward Styles (yes I'm using full names because I'm slightly hysterical) in the midst of a warm summer day where everyone is out? Honestly. (I'm sadly not that dedicated, and it isn't my biggest dream to actually meet them). Whilst crossing the road to meet up with the kilo-gang at a coffee shop, my belieber friend and I thought we saw the van that Harry and the crew were driving in. I mean, it was a van. With black tinted windows. And the driver (who was dressed in a suit and sunglasses) was basically talking to someone in the backseat. It was enough place for the film crew that's filming This Is Us. And Harry. And Liam. I was only aware of Harry being in Oslo, but it seems that Liam's also here. I don't know about the rest, because I've not seen a picture of them. But One Direction are good at going unnoticed. Plus, they're not that popular here, because they are fairly new (alright, so I don't know how popular they are, but I don't believe they can cause as much havoc as Bieber). Anyway, my belieber friend and I was sort of just standing there, staring. But we ended up crossing the road and heading inside the coffee shop. I swear, the weather outside today was amazing. Felt like summer, so I dressed like it too. I'd probably be better off with even less clothing to be honest. Because the coffee shop was so warm. Oh god, I'm currently listening to a radio station that was created like a countdown to the One Direction concert (they had one for Bieber too, and maybe others?). And it's making me really giddy again-- maybe this is why I was so bloody restless this morning. I actually had to run a bit, and jump around. Because I couldn't stay seated in my chair. Oh god, I've not even revealed the biggest surprise have I? Well-- (drumrolls) Kiwi got tickets! So basically, everyone is going to the concert. Except it's not in the same place. And I thought I'd made difficult choices before, well, hah, nope. If I go incognito for a few days, I might just be suffering of past-1D-partum. My school work will suffer. In fact, I decided today that yep, I'm definitely going to fail my exam. I'm so sure of it. ASKFGLEPKGSMVNBOQSLBMXKLAØAÅGTKRH. Oh my god, Liam just tweeted that he wants the Norwegian fans to wear ski goggles during Kiss You. Wow. On another note, One Direction is releasing a third album later this year. And I shouldn't have been surprised, because Niall have basically tweeted pictures and tweets about making new music. But still, it's so soon. And now there are rumours that they've made a deal where they are supposed to have made five albums within 2016. Two done, three to go I guess. And this must be the funniest thing about the article: "Everything is being done to make sure the lads are taken care of and aren't overworked". Ha-ha, overworked. What is your definition of overworked? I honestly won't be surprised if they do split up after this, because what kind of life is it with that much pressure and constant work? Alright. I'm actually going to bed now, because I'm going to drag myself to school and attend that last lecture. Bon nuit xx (french and british? hah).

søndag 5. mai 2013

"We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve added years to life, not life to years." -Bob Moorehead

I've quite possibly found the most beautiful blog on Tumblr. It's crowded with smart and astonishing texts and quotes. Both by anonymous, famous people and the owner of the blog. Her name is Molly, and she takes photographs too. It's my favorite kind. I'm very fond of pictures, but it's words that possess my greatest love. It's words that pierce someones soul and stays. It's why I keep reading, keep looking for new eye opening sentences. It's why I fall in love with songs all the time. It's why I've got a folder of screen shots of sentences, words, on my mobile. Like the fan fiction I read today: "everyone is so goddamn beautiful to cover up how broken everything is". Like the brilliant quote in the title. This was meant to be a recommendation, but it's turned into a dedication to words. Nevertheless, you should pop by the blog. It might not be the happiest place, but keep in mind that I'm drawn to sadness- that a piece of my heart loves moroseness and sadness. 

lørdag 4. mai 2013

I won't see the love you don't feel when you're holding me

Sometimes when I take the bus down to the train station I pretend I’m a tourist. That I've never seen the bridge that the bus drives across every day, that I've never seen the water mirroring the sun and skies, that I've never seen the hills in the end of sight. And I see the beauty of it. The beauty I’d imagine a tourist would see. In another place, another country I’d find it beautiful. Here, however, I almost don’t give a thought about it. And it makes me wonder if I’m going to grow tired of beauty- If I’d grow tired of seeing the Eiffel Tower every day. Is it really that easy?

I had a sudden urge to take a picture of my apple core today. I was sitting in my bed beside the window, and I was listening to Bon Iver whilst reading a rather artsy fan fiction. And the rain was pouring down the window. I just thought it looked beautiful. And it made me wonder whether I’d find an apple core beautiful too. And I shot a few pictures, and I delved on it. It’s not what you see that makes it beautiful—it’s the thoughts that come along with what you see. Whether you associate it with something beautiful or not.

For a while I've been a firm believer in that there’s a beauty in everything. If you look closely, if you think about it enough- there is. Sometimes my friends point out buildings for me. They ask me whether I find it beautiful, or interesting, or whatever adjective that leaves their tongue that day. Some days it’s a building with chipped paint and covered in graffiti. And I look at the windows, the graceful details that somebody made one day. I deem it beautiful. And I think my friends would too, with a coat of new paint. But they've already lost the train of thought, and started talking about something else. 

It’s like looking at people- looking at the potential for beauty in everyone. I sometimes wish I had the courage to stare at people, count their freckles and how many times their mouths quirk up when a friend says something funny. But I get uncomfortable when people stare at me, so I’d rather not repay it to somebody else.

I should give thanks to my friends for pointing out old and rusty buildings for me. It makes me look, and think-- about the things I so often forget to do these days, whilst I walk past the things I do every day. In general, I should give thanks to my friends for doing things they sometimes don’t realize they do. But I’m far too closed in on myself to say thanks; you’re so kind I want to keep you forever. That is, without sounding ironic and sarcastic. Sometimes I think my heart just swells in overdose of sweetness. Almost like the Grinch, when my friends say, or do something considering. And I wish I could just let myself put words to emotions.

And that’s a thing, I've been pondering about – when people think you can read each other like they know every inch of the other person. I get it, yeah. Sometimes when you spend all that time with another person, you learn how to read their expressions, and their ways to show emotion. But it doesn't mean you’ll get it right each time. And it’s not always that person will be able to understand that your smile says IloveyouImsogladwemet.

I try to put words to my emotions sometimes. But it’s got to be at the right time, when I think the other person(s) will listen, and understand what I’m trying to get across. Yet, it's when I think the other person won't be able to say something back. I don’t know where I’m going with this- I just want to say thanks to my friends for being who they are. In fact, I want to say thanks to all my friends over the past years. Without them, I wouldn't be the person I am today – whether it was a bad or a good friend. I’m appreciative of all of them.

fredag 3. mai 2013

no one ever said it would be this hard, oh take me back to the start

I wish you could see my pout now. It's so sad. Apparently 1D World is opening in Oslo the 11th of May, and I'm absolutely broke. And I'm never going to meet One Direction. Nor do I want to, apparently, because I don't know what I'd say, and I think I'd just silently freak out and be completely still. And if they do come to Norway the 6th of May, I don't know how to walk around knowing that they are in the same country as me (within close distance). Also I realised I'd probably not be able to actually see them (in human flesh) at the concert, and rather have to manage to watch them on the screen due to our seats. I sometimes really wish I wasn't a fan of One Direction. My life would have been so much easier. (let me be sad and feel sorry for my self Conscience). I think I'm being a bit emotional, and if I start crying now, I'll have to slap myself. I went to the mall today in order to buy some proper hand lotion. Because my hands are seriously dry. Also, I walked inside the bookstore, and what do I find? The Mystery of Mercy Close by Marian Keyes. This is the second thing that makes me sad. Because I really want to read it. But I can't. Because I have that bloody exam in a few weeks, and I've not read through the whole curriculum, and everything is just so stupid. And I'm broke. And I'm tired. And I just .. I just want to go to sleep. And not have to worry about having to do something. I just want to stay curled up in bed all day. And do nothing at all, and not feel guilty about it.

Edit: I did cry. I did however not slap myself, because I'm going to live with my skin for the rest of my life. Plus, the skin is very important for so many reasons I'm not going to list. Apparently I'm so desperate for some relief, I've gone on Tumblr to get some advice. I just- I need to have a break.

torsdag 2. mai 2013

feel like my love life is finished, I’ve been avoiding commitment

Hiya xx. I heard this cover last night, just before I was going to bed. And my first thought was something similar to "this ain't right". Because, well, the Destiny's Child part. But then I listened to it again. And again. And again. And now I pretty much love it. Also, Conor Maynard tend to make me love Drake. You should definitely go listen to his cover of Marvin's Room. I listened to the original (Girls Love Beyonce), but I didn't like that at all. It's typical me to discover new music, when I'm going to the One Direction concert in 5 days (more like 4, cause the day is over soon). My belieber friend asked me if I thought I'd freak out, or just be starstruck and in awe like at the Justin Bieber concert. And I answered that I'd probably have the same response as at the Justin Bieber concert. Obviously I'm going to scream now and then (I did that at the Justin Bieber concert too). But mostly I just want to listen to them sing, and try to not miss anything. Which is extremely hard considering they are five. It's like whenever I watch a Youtube video with the five of them, and I watch it six times. One time for each member, and then one with everyone. It's ridiculous and waste of time, but I still do. With the concert I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm crossing my fingers that someone has a bloody great camera and captures the whole thing. Or maybe not, because then I'll spend loads of time watching those. Freak outs have been a very recurring occurrence the last month. I just don't understand how I'm supposed to get a good grade (pass even) at my exam. I just wish I could punch the people who decided to make a bloody new exam. Anyway, I'm going to spend my weekend at finishing my paper. And possibly try to do some pathology too. I can't wait till' this is over, and for summer to come!

onsdag 1. mai 2013

was it easier to pack your bags and book that flight to Paris

It's May 1st! One day closer to the One Direction concert, one day closer to my exam, and one day closer to my death. When I awoke today, I went on Tumblr. And no, no, no, nope, no, nooooo. (There are links in every no, in which I do not approve of. And every single one is One Direction-related. Do not click). After a bloody long lecture yesterday (in which my belieber friend and I had a music quiz where we guessed song titles from lyrics), I went home and had a shower and a meal before I headed over to Oyster's. I had my usual hangout with her younger brother and younger sister (watched Toy Story 2 with her broseph, and refreshed my memory of Twenty Eight by The Weeknd on the piano with her sister (we also did a few duets where she played and I sang along; My Heart Will Go On, If I Was Your Man, A Thousand Years, etc). And then I ate a piece of pizza while we watched Power Puff Girls. Oh, and That's So Raven. I now want to learn the PPG-theme song, and I want a PPG t-shirt. After this we headed upstairs for "bed", which basically means we spent an hour or two? Or three (don't really know) - chatting. About everything really. And it was nice, because we continued chatting when we woke up (when Oyster came back to her room after having woken up before me). We we're reminiscing about our childhood, and apparently I was a really drama queen and a huge cry baby? Thank god I've changed (or have I?). Sometimes I feel like I've got to have a serious talk with my friends. See how they're doing. Maybe it's ridiculous and unnecessary. And you can ask "how are you?", and get a "fine" back. And you can move on just like that. But sometimes the person isn't fine. And it just takes a bit of time for the person to let it out. So you wait a bit, let there be a silence. And if the other person wants to - they can fill that silence. Hah, this sound like a "how to" tutorial. It almost feels like it's been a weekend, although we only have one day off. And what am I going to use that day on? Reading. I can actually see the end of my book now, and it's such a great feeling. Also, I've got my last paper to finish. It's due in two weeks, so I might as well get it done now. I'm going to leave you with my current playlist "luv" (I'm really creative with the titles of my playlists', I know). The first song is where I've got the lyrics from the title of this blogpost, and also the lyrics in the first picture.

1. Morning Song by The Lumineers
2. Stubborn Love by The Lumineers
3. Beside You by 5 Seconds of Summer
4. Toothpaste Kisses by The Maccabees
5. Cold Coffee by Ed Sheeran