tirsdag 31. desember 2013

I was too young to understand, the flowers sleeping in her hands

Så var det nyttår igjen, og jeg tenkte å fortsette å skrive på norsk til denne høytiden—årets siste dag. Det er nesten litt som å oppsummere livet sitt på dødsleiet. Men i stedet for døden, så er det et nytt år som venter. Til tross for at jeg ønsker å gjøre dette som tradisjon, så kan jeg ikke si at innholdet har noen likheter i det hele tatt. Tvert i mot. 

Da jeg skrev nyttårsinnlegget for 2012, håpet jeg på et år som skulle toppe russe-året, reise-året og alt som skjedde da. Må innrømme at det har vært vel mye sutring for at jeg ikke var russ i år. Har en tendens til å leve i fortiden noen ganger. 2013 startet med mørketiden. Det er en metafor for mitt humør—når jeg er ganske deprimerende. I hvertfall på bloggen min, stakkars dere som leser. Det jeg husker mest med vinteren 2013 er at jeg hørte på Tom Odell på vei til praksis hver dag, der jeg måtte sitte og konversere med enkeltpersoner som jeg helst ønsket å unngå å prate til. Ikke nødvendigvis fordi jeg mislikte enkeltpersonene. Men fordi jeg ville høre på Tom Odell og annen musikk for meg selv. Fordi jeg ville ha den lille tiden for meg selv, og fordi jeg ikke liker å prate når jeg er trøtt og det er morgen. Også tegna jeg mye og malte mye. Blir inspirert av mørket, utrolig nok. Det er også dette året jeg oppdaget Kodaline. Og knuste ett av mine favoritt glass (Coca Cola glasset som jeg fikk i gave av ei venninne)—også erstattet jeg det med det nåværende whisky-glasset mitt. Det har vært et innholdsrikt år, og jeg har gjort mye rart.

Året for konserter, kan man jo kanskje si? Jeg har aldri vært et særlig konsertmenneske, men har jo blitt frelst dette året og funnet ut at kanskje det er konserter jeg brenner for? Kinoutgiftene har i hvert fall gått ned, mens konsertutgifter har gått i taket. One Direction er klart favoritten, og jeg kan fortsatt ikke forstå at jeg faktisk har vært i nær avstand fra guttene. I juli klagde jeg på at jeg ville dra på 1D-konsert, og da spurte min eldre søster meg «men har ikke du vært på konsert, da?». Jeg svarte at jo, det hadde jeg jo i mai. Søsteren min rullet øynene, og svarte: «det er bare to måneder siden». «Du forstår ikke,» ville jeg rope da, men innså at det ville være et nytt lavmål, så jeg holdt det for meg selv. Også tenkte jeg litt rasjonelt, og lot skammen overta—ja, hun hadde jo rett. Hadde bare gått to måneder. Men det føltes likevel ut som en evighet. 1D har visst fått en årlig plass i disse blogginnleggene mine. Men det er vel fortjent, ettersom de nærmest er internalisert i hjernen min (og hjertet).

Sommeren, den var varm og god. Jeg spiste ute mer enn jeg hadde råd til, og jeans var byttet ut med shorts. Det ble mye grillmat—nesten til jeg ble lei. Også var det en del bading og familiebesøk og mer grillmat. Den vanlige dynen ble byttet ut med et laken som nesten ble overflødig, det også. Vinduene stod åpne på sommerkveldene, og jeg nøt varmen. Som min lille ferie, dro jeg til Ålesund, mitt favorittsted. Jeg lekte turist med lillesøsteren min, gikk i fjellet og langs stranden, var barnevakt for den energiske nevøen min også var jeg på en bursdagsfeiring med de jeg kaller «ekstrafamilien» min. Jeg gjorde mer enn jeg vanligvis pleier å gjøre, for jeg fikk meg en innstilling om at jeg måtte gjøre det beste ut av alt. Også var det viktigste spørsmålet: «vil jeg angre på det om jeg ikke gjør det?». I de fleste tilfellene var svaret ja.

Høsten bar på nye utfordringer med en ny praksisperiode rett etter skolestart. Og kanskje det var like greit, så jeg slapp å tenke på det faktum at mine venninner hadde kommet i nye klasser. Det var en ufattelig spennende og utfordrende praksisperiode, men som jeg tilslutt ble veldig lei av. Men det er ikke noe nytt. To måneder går fort, men de siste dagene går ufattelig treigt når du venter på endelig å bli ferdig. Plutselig hadde jeg masse frihet, og jeg visste ikke hvor jeg skulle gjøre av meg selv. Ble faktisk veldig lettet da skoleoppgavene strømmet inn, og jeg fikk noe annet å fokusere på enn mitt eget liv. 

Vinteren- vel, den kom sånn halvveis. Eksamensuken var et helvete, og jeg er glad de dagene er forbi. I forkant av eksamenen hadde jeg igjen mye fritid som jeg brukte på ting jeg hadde ønsker om å gjøre. Også var jeg flink til å lese (i starten, også gikk det nedover med lesingen). Julen har visst vært, men julefølelsen kom vel egentlig aldri ordentlig. Nesten som den ligger under et teppe og venter på å komme ut. Nesten som om hjernen min tror at det snart er jul, når den allerede har vært. 

Alt i alt, så har det vært mye personlig utvikling i år. Det er merkelig, for jeg tror jeg har vokst mye i år. Trodde jeg var ferdig allerede, at jeg allerede hadde funnet meg selv. Kanskje jeg alltid har vokst mye, men at jeg aldri har blitt bevisstgjort det? Også føles det ut som om jeg har lært mye nytt ved meg selv. Greia er at ofte sier man «du kjenner meg mer enn jeg kjenner meg selv» (you know me better than I know myself), altså at en ytre person kan kjenne til deg mer enn du kan selv? Ja, i en viss grad. Jeg aner ikke hvilke ansiktsuttrykk og hva jeg gjør når enkelte ting skjer. Det gjør kanskje en annen som bestandig er ved min side. Jeg har brukt mye tid på tenking, ikke at jeg ikke vanligvis gjør det. Men jeg tror jeg har overtenkt, og vært mer filosofisk enn jeg pleier. Og jeg tror jeg har skremt meg selv utallige ganger. 

I år tror jeg at jeg har vært inderlig takknemlig. Det var ikke før i stad at jeg innså at jeg kanskje hadde det fra min bror. «Tenk på barn i Afrika!» sier han bestandig. Det er vel derfor jeg alltid får dårlig samvittighet ovenfor ting jeg tenker og ønsker. Derfor jeg alltid tenker på de som har det verre enn meg. Takk for den bror, det er en egenskap jeg hater til tider, men som jeg oftest setter pris på. Da har jeg i hvert fall en puslebit av alle delene som utgjør min person. Jeg satt og så på en video i stad, som handlet om sorg og tap, og jeg ble så distrahert at den røde neglelakken havnet på ringfingeren i stedet for neglen. Poenget er at det er slike ting, sånne påminnelser om at alt ikke er for evig—det er det som gjør meg så innmari takknemlig for mitt eget liv. Dette til tross for at livet noen ganger føles ut som et helvete. Takk for pappa, mamma, storesøstrene, bror, lillesøster, resten av familien og ekstrafamilien, venner og bekjente. Takk, for det er jo dere som har formet meg til den jeg er i dag. 

Jeg har ingen håp til neste år—det hørtes svært negativt ut. Det jeg mener er at jeg ikke har noen forventninger til neste år, ingenting er planlagt. Jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal forvente, annet enn at det blir et nytt år med nye utfordringer. Forhåpentligvis lærer jeg mye, og blir mer modig. Det er det jeg ønsker mest. 

mandag 30. desember 2013

when you say you need me, no, I need you more

This year has been full of self discoveries. It wasn't until an hour ago that I realised that I'm quite weak. By that I don't mean physically (though I am), but psychologically. And it was such a strange thing to realise, because I've always considered myself rather thick-skinned, like because I'm mostly always optimistic, I can manage anything. It may sound rather presumptuous, and maybe it is. But today, a couple of hours ago something happened that knocked me off my high chair. And the only end result I could see in my brain was that we were doomed. Like, everything were just falling apart. That is until Volla came with solutions upon solutions, and everything seemed to brighten inside my head. And I felt so thankful for Volla with all the solutions I'd never think of by myself. And I think that's when I realised that I so easily fell from a hundred to zero. And it scared me, because I'm usually so optimistic and look for solutions. It's made me realise that I'm weaker than I thought, but it's okay as long as I have other people to coach me through it. I think it's about lack of experience. Just like the bloody exam, where I actually got into a very panicky mode-- it thoroughly freaked me out, because I'd never experienced anything like it. On another note, I'm quite fond of Adore You by Miley Cyrus. I think it's rather wonderful, and I think maybe I should buy her album if I keep continuing enjoying her new music. I've always been very adamant about enjoying music regardless whether I like the artist or not. And I know there are many people who dislike Miley Cyrus. But I don't-- like, I don't understand what her intention with the lack of clothing. But just because I don't understand, it doesn't mean she's crazy, like so many people seem to think these days. Like, people are so quick to judge and point out things that aren't within the lines of "normal". And we treat everything foreign as a threat to our normality, whatever that means. And what's most sad, is the fact that other girls seems to think that because she's dressing a certain way, they're above her. Like the way she dresses defines her as a person. Mostly it's not the male population that are the bad guys in this case. It's the women. And it's so strange how women can hate each other so much. I'll admit that I don't like that Miley is for narcotics, I don't like a lot of the things she stands for. But there are so many other things I do like her for. But regardless for all of these things, I'll still listen to her music-- doesn't mean I'll have to love her. Like, do you see me acting like Drake and writing about how much I love him as a person? I don't think so. But I do love his music, and that's it. Did I get my point across? No? Probably not. Anyway, I'm going to go eat now, because I'm hungry. 

søndag 29. desember 2013

if you must fight, fight with yourself and your thoughts in the night

Hi, yes, I’ve decided to write about a few of the things I wrote on in my notebook on my iPhone. It’ll be short, though (somewhat short). 1. Chess. Everyone in Norway has been obsessed with chess ever after Magnus Carlsen won that championship. I’m not that into it, because I was not watching the championship, nor do I know the rules for the game. But Grepper had apparently told Lynx that he wanted to learn, so we (Lynx, Monchita and I) went for a search for a chess set. He definitely laughed when he unwrapped it on Christmas Eve.  Ever since, Lynx and Grepper was sat in deep concentration playing chess on the dining table. It wasn’t until yesterday evening that he managed to beat Lynx, and he cheered in joy. 2. Gin’n’rummy. Whilst the soon to be wedded couple were sat playing chess, the rest of the people (Volla, Lumba, Monchita and I) were sat playing gin’n’rummy (a card game). In the games we’ve played I’ve never won the total win. However, I’ve won the most rounds. And it’s not actually intended? I keep waiting for people to be smart and win. But they never are. Once I even decided to not win a round, though I could. I just felt bad about winning all the time. But the final rounds are always a bitch to me. Can’t seem to win it. 3. Dad listening to dubstep. The other day when Grepper and Lynx were sitting at one end of the dining table and playing a game of chess, my dad was sitting on the other end with his iPad in his hands. And then suddenly there were loud music coming from the iPad, and I thought it was a mistake. That my dad had clicked on something not intended. When I got up from the chair to help him turn the volume lower, I took a look at what he was listening to, and had a laugh. Because he was listening to dubstep—which I exclaimed out loudly to Lynx and Grepper who were looking up from their game of chess by that time. 4. twenty six people in our living room. On Christmas day we had a get-together at our house. Which only happens once a year. We spent the whole day making food (well, not me) and cleaning (definitely me).  And of course my dad made too much for the whole gang. Though we were actually 26 people with the kids included. And my living room isn’t that big. Grepper looked scarred for his life—the tallest person in midst of all the Asian people (Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, etc.). 5. Lynx snorting. I don’t remember what we were doing—but I have a feeling we were watching a funny movie. And then something funny happened, obviously. And we all started laughing. Lynx laughed a bit too hard and snorted, which made Lynx, Grepper and I laugh even more. 6. David putting his puzzle in between the Christmas tree, and Lynx doing the same. David got a puzzle for Christmas from one of his aunts (one of Grepper’s sisters). And he started leaving it in between the branches of the Christmas tree, like it was his personal shelf. And he continued doing so, after he’d played around with the puzzle. And then one day Lynx did the same automatically. And I was like “erm, did you just put the puzzle in the tree?”. And she did a double-take, before she answered: “I guess I did”. 7. Looking for the car with Grepper. Yesterday we were at the mall. Lynx and Grepper were already there after having a training session (health freaks kept up with their usual training regime throughout the holiday). And the first thing the rest of us wanted to do, was to place our jackets and coats in the car. So I got the keys from Lynx, and then went to find Grepper, because Lynx said he could show me where the car was. He was talking on the phone when I spotted him, and I was just awkwardly looking at a nice jumper whilst waiting for him to finish the conversation. When it ended I told him what Lynx had said, and we walked to the parking. At the mall we have two parking houses with different floors. Both Lynx and Grepper insisted that they had parked in the ground floor. But after walking around the whole floor three times, and me suggesting that maybe the car was in another floor, we went up one floor. Immediately when we got to that floor, Grepper said “oh, right, this is the correct floor”. I could have said “told you so”, but I’m far too nice for that (at least I’d like to think so). 

and as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town, and with that shadow upon the ground I hear my people screaming out

Hi strangers. I didn't exactly think I'd be this absent on my blog. The days have passed in a blur, and I can't quite tell the days from each other. I wrote a list of things I'd want to write about, but it's too much-- could probably write a whole book. Maybe I'll write about some of them soon. But in this blogpost I just want to reminisce about Christmas Eve. I've just gotten home from watching the newest Hobbit movie, hence the title of this blogpost. I was so insanely proud to hear Ed Sheeran when the credits started rolling. I'm not quite sure what to think about the movie, to be honest. But then again, I kept comparing it to the book, and well, that's like asking for a bad movie experience. Anyway, Christmas Eve was a build of excitement, and as per usual, I watched Cinderella (Askepott og de tre nøttene). Which is a tradition in our household-- it's somehow not a Christmas without watching it for me. So promptly at 11:00 am, I was lying on the floor on top of a big teddy bear with a blanket across my body, watching the movie. It occurred to me that I never really do any work on Christmas Eve. My parents and other sisters make the food, and I'm just there to clean. Anyway, we had to time our dinner to David's sleeping pattern, as we usually eat quite late and start opening presents really late. Also, we open it one by one, so it takes loads of time. I was the one to pick out presents this year, which sucks, because I feel like I can't be opening presents for myself during, which means I ended up having a load of presents for myself to unwrap at the end of our unwrapping session. Also, note to myself: don't sit on a Christmas present, as it will give you a bruise. Yes, that did actually happen. I must say that I got a lot of the things I wished for, and a lot of things I didn't even realise I was wishing for. It's strange how when you grow older, Christmas gets new meanings. For me it means family time, and I've certainly spent loads of time with my family. The first bulk of my family is leaving tomorrow, which will be a sad sight, albeit it'll be refreshing to start a new year soon. The chocolate Santa is a calendar gift, and I ate most of it's face today. Tasted very sugary. As for my health, my cough is living it's own life. Right now I'm coughing quite a bit. But yesterday my nose was mostly running. It's been switching between those the last few days. Oh well. I'll see you sooner or later! I still hope you're having a great holiday xx. 

mandag 23. desember 2013

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

Hiya, I'm currently doing my duties of sending off pictures to people (why does it take so looooong). And I figured I'd stop by, because I have a feeling that I'll be absent tomorrow. Also, I don't think I'll be blogging on a regular basis for this holiday anyway. It's the day before Christmas Eve, and I'm growing more and more excited. The gift from my belieber friend is still in the fridge, and I'm itching to see what it is. Also rearranged the Christmas presents yesterday, because there were so many beneath the tree. And I realised that for some of my presents, I don't know what they are at all. It's always nice with surprises along with the ones you know what is. I feel so adult, because I think I'd be happy with whatever I get anyway. This morning I was the head chef of making toast, so I made toast to all of my siblings, Grepper and David-o. It wasn't intended, was more of a 'I was in the kitchen making toast for myself when Lynx and Monchita came home from the grocery shop and said they also wanted toast and asked me to make'. So then Lynx went to the livingroom and asked whether if anyone else wanted. And well, everyone wanted. So there I was, in the kitchen making a total of twelve toasts, which means twenty-two slices of bread. Also ended up giving Grepper my toast that I'd initially made because we were empty for ham. And Grepper is a really picky eater, so-- what you do for the people huh? I watched the handball game yesterday, and it was so exciting! I'm so happy for Brazil, for not only being in the finale for the first time, but also winning. That's ace. David is coming down with something. To be fair, Lynx and co. came with a cough and colds. I'm sure we'll all be sick by the end of it. Oh the glee of sickness. Anyway, I'm going to watch Love Actually soon, if not now. The Christmas spirit is slowly coming around. I guess I just needed the whole family gathered. So happy Christmas and holidays to all of you. May you have a jolly ol' time.  

søndag 22. desember 2013

feel so enamored, hold me tight within your clutch

Greetings, kind fellows (I'm trying out new ways of saying "hi"). Yesterday was ace. Slept for more than ten hours, and could probably have gone on, if it wasn't for my dad waking me up. Had a really late breakfast, and before I knew it, it was 3:00 pm, and I had to do some cleaning before Lynx and co. was coming. In the end, I went to take the bus before they even arrived. (also didn't do that much of cleaning, more like reading). We ate at this restaurant which is a part of a giant house of various restaurants, bars, and whatnot. I ate pasta-- I was telling Lynx about yesterday this morning, and when I said I'd eaten pasta, she started laughing. "Of course you'd eat pasta". Anyway, at the top of the building we found this marvellous wall of mirrors. There were also really nice chandeliers in the restaurant. Probably not something I would consider myself, but pretty nevertheless. We had a bit of a photoshoot, before we continued on our journey to find a bar. And a bar we found, indeed. Albeit, completely empty except for the bartender. That might have been because it was only about 8:00 pm. The bartender did of course only talk English, which was a bit awkward. Just because I enjoy English, it doesn't necessarily mean I enjoy talking English. I also had an encounter with another English-speaking person last week, so I've basically talked enough English for this month. Anyway, I asked the bartender to make a surprise, though I honestly wanted a cuppa, which I told my belieber friend. She laughed at me and told me I'd come to the wrong place for that. True. Five minutes or so, after we had sat down in the bar, the people started streaming in. Obviously we're trend setters, and everyone wants to follow our lead. Because we're lucky, we also had a set of the typical obnoxious drunk elder people sitting by our side. We left at 10:40 pm, cause I had to take the train home. But then it turned out it only went once an hour due to the holidays. Marble and I parted ways with Sugar, and I sat on a train for at least fifteen minutes more than I usually do. Marble and I was having a bit of sightseeing in the dark, and then we talked about philosophy of science, as you do. When the train reached it's end stop, I ran to the bus-- and lately, I've consciously started smiling at the bus drivers. And most have smiled back, which is really nice. Is that weird? That I think it's nice to have bus drivers smile back at you? I don't know, I spend so much time on buses, and bus drivers are essentially one of the first people I see in the mornings. Also, I'd like to think that if I was a bus driver, I would have enjoyed having people smile at me. You know, the golden rule and whatnot. I got home at midnight, and then I went to bed at 2:00 am. Monchita had turned up the heat in the basement, where I will be sleeping for the whole of my holiday. It was so bloody warm and I asked her to turn it down, which she did. But I couldn't sleep properly throughout the night due to it. So I woke up at 8:00 am, and it felt worse than the summer heat we had this year. But Lynx and David was awake when I stumbled grumpily upstairs, and precious David came running in my arms, yelling Monchita's name. Also, when Grepper walked into the living room a few hours later, he didn't even acknowledge me until it had been at least half an hour. Then he turned around, and looked at me and went "oh, hey, I didn't see you", in which I responded "did you think I was Monchita?". He answered yes. So that's two people that's mistaken me for being Monchita this morning. We're going to the mall later, and who knows, maybe I'll stumble into Marble, who I'm pretty sure is going to do her last bit of Christmas shopping today. Although it's no snow outside, I did find myself feeling rather cheery when I was hogging one of the sofas to myself and watching a Christmas cartoon, whilst Grepper was sat with his computer in his lap in the other sofa. My mum was sat in the chair beside me, and my dad was sitting my the dining table. And we were all doing our own little things, except we were all looking at David who was doing all of these stupid things, but that are obnoxiously endearing, and you can't help but "aw" at it. I'm currently in the room in the basement, here, blogging. And now I'm going to watch a vlog, because I've not had time to watch any. Goodness, the whole week has been so bloody busy, and it's just going to continue like this like an endless roll. I don't even want to think about a new year just yet. It's still 2013. Each second counts. 

lørdag 21. desember 2013

can't go home alone again, need someone to numb the pain

You know, there are these moments in life where I just have to stop and think about my life. Like, I was so stressed out yesterday-- have been since Monday, really. But I was walking downstairs yesterday, just to grab a cup of tea, and I had to stop mid-step, because my mum and Lumba was sat by the table in the kitchen. The thing is that though we have a table in the kitchen, we never use it. We use the diner table in our living room. They were both just sat towards the window and chatting, and it was just such a nice picture to collect in my memories. I stood there for a bit, watching them eat together whilst my mum was telling a story. I hope it will burn into my memory, for me to remember later in life. I've only had three and a half hour sleep, due to my exam. But it's finally over, and it already feels like eons since I was working on it. Now I can rest, and count down the days to Christmas in (somewhat) peace. I'll have to use these 13 days of holiday wisely. Tonight I was at a get-together with old pals from "high school" (including Marble and Sugar) and it was really nice. We ate, chatted, and I got to be in charge of picture-taking. After they got fed up with me taking pictures of them, Sugar took charge of my camera, and she snapped a few pictures. One of which was this one. I've actually not posted a picture of an outfit in months, but hey, here you go. When I'm supposed to "dress up", I don't enjoy getting too dressed up. I like it to be casual. Otherwise I feel a bit uncomfortable, to be honest. I'm strange like that. Tomorrow the rest of the people come to the house. I'll have to clean, and I'm pretty sure we're going to the mall. And then later on, it's the "julebord" with the other people. It's going to be a nice day, if not tiring. That's the thing, it's the holidays, but I have a feeling it's going to be really tiring. Also, can you actually believe it's only a couple of days until Christmas Eve? It's crazy. And I've got absolutely no Christmas spirit. Oh well, maybe it will come within the next days. My goodness, I've been listening to so much new music (to my ears) the past weeks. My new obsession is Stay High by Hippie Sabotage. It's such a tune! We're currently watching a bit of Avatar, which I've never seen before-- but I think I'm going to bed soon. After all, I've barely had enough sleep. 

torsdag 19. desember 2013

you love who you love

To be fair, I'm at that point where I don't care anymore. I'm just so tired of the exam, and I'm only hoping to pass. That's my only worry at the moment. These days with this exam has been hell, to be honest. I've never experienced anything like it. In the mornings I feel really happy and calm, and then in the afternoon I start worrying, and god knows how many times I've changed my thesis. I'm surprised I've not changed again today. I still have a long way to go, and I'm unsure whether I'll have to sit up all night. I'm just so relieved it's over soon, and I get to focus on Christmas and my family. I feel so bad for sitting up in my bedroom 24/7 when I know Lumba is just downstairs in the living room. Also, my cough sucks. I'm crossing my fingers it'll go away soon, because it's Christmas, and I want to be able to eat without having to cough every minute. My tune this exam-week has been Who You Love by John Mayer featuring Katy Perry. It's a really sweet text, and they're really lovely together. I just really enjoy the song because it reminds me a bit of the "old" John Mayer. Except for Katy Perry's parts, that is. I hope you're doing well, and that you've had a nice day x. I also wish that I could know where One Direction is at the moment, because, well, there's no sign of them anywhere. Oh well, have a good one. 

one more spoon of cough syrup

Frustration makes me stress, and my body will fight to keep the upper hand. I'll start shaking, and ask "is it cold in here?" to affirm whether it's my psychological reactions or the environment that causes my shaking. My brother, in his t-shirt, will shrug and say "no". My shoulders are tense and I'm clawing at my hands in an attempt to keep them still. I want to tug at my hair, pull it out really. But I ball up my hands in tight fists and keep them away from my head. Keep looking at the screen, thinking "it's not going to be fine, it's not" on repeat, like a mantra even. "You should eat," my brother says concerned. I shrug, and say "later". Everyone is so cocooned and far away, and the match on TV is just a noise in the background of my thoughts. And I just really want to be floating on some water on a hot summer day with nice music in the background. Instead I'm listening to Cough Syrup at 1:00 am after drinking cough syrup that's been cooling in the back of the fridge. Less frustrated, but still stressed. I'm still here. I'm still here. I'm still here. I'm still here. I'm still here. I'm still here. I'm still here. I'm still here. I'm still here. That's what counts. 

onsdag 18. desember 2013

Crazy schedule, fast life. I wouldn't trade it in, cause it's our life

Had the first proper breakdown yesterday, as I was convinced everything I'd done was wrong. And then I went back to read through research articles, which takes ages. And I sort of had to stop and think through things. Everything just seemed like it wasn't going to work out. My heart was pounding against my ribcage, the sweat on my forehead was accumulating, and my head just wouldn't stop thinking about everything. It wasn't one of those short moments where you feel all lost and everything is going to hell, before the moment is over, and you're back on track. No, this was like three hours where I just felt like giving up, because it seemed like nothing would work out. Like I was in a limbo where the time was ticking away, and I was just sat there frustrated without any ideas. I also had a cry to Tom Fletcher's praised wedding speech. It's so nice, and I think it was a good choice watching it. During exams you get so caught up in yourself, only think of your exams and yourself and what the results might be. And I don't blame anyone for doing it, it's just the way it is. But it was nice watching the video because I got to take a step back from focusing on myself to realise that there are other things going on in the world. There's a lot of happy things happening, and then it's the unfortunate things happening in the world, and thinking of it gives you a bit more perspective. It made me a lot more calm, though I was still freaking out about my exams. Luckily my belieber friend snapped me out of it by asking if I wasn't just over analysing-- and I read though my paper, and figured if I twisted a bit, then it would be okay. And it was such a relief. I've never gone hours without finding any solutions before, and I was honestly just giving up. Genuinely thinking that maybe it wouldn't be alright, and that I would fail my exam. It's been a really strange exam-period thus far, because it's all just been a load of shit, to be honest. I just feel really inadequate, like I can't do anything. And I can only write 2000 words, which is too little. Which means I'll probably have to change my thesis, and restrict furthermore. I think the challenged I've been meet with this time is because I've changed strategy of my writing process. I usually just write-- like, I write down all the things I think could be useful and all the quotes I think are brilliant. And then I piece it together into a proper paper. But this time I've been very strict towards myself, because I always end up having too much words when I write the way I usually do. Now I've actually spent the morning reading. That's very strange to me. Because I had so much time off before the exam, my body has become accustomed to a decent amount of sleep. So whenever I do get little sleep now, I turn into a zombie. I'm actually quite worried I can't watch the handball match tonight? I think I might have to work though it, though I have a feeling I wont. I want to be done with my paper within tonight, but I'm sure I won't be done until late tomorrow (or early Friday morning). It almost feels like tomorrow is non-existent? Like, I'm supposed to send my paper off tomorrow instead of on Friday. Goodness gracious, I hope I won't have to pull an all-nighter. Oh and the stress levels? I'm sure I'm going to come down with some illness when this is over. My cough is still being stupid, and I can't even understand why I have a cough. It's not even being logical; I don't have a hard time falling asleep due to coughing (well thus far, have I jinxed myself now? probably), I don't have a sore throat (jinx number two), nor do I have any other symptoms (er, jinx number three). I just hate it when I get these coughs. Oh god, I think maybe Lumba is home? Heard mum talking with someone and I just assumed it was my dad, but I just saw my dad's car parking in the drive way just now. I'm going to go downstairs and eat some lunch. And I'm crossing my fingers for not having another breakdown today, because I just can't waste another three hours. Honestly. It's been 48 hours, and now it's 48 hours to go. 

tirsdag 17. desember 2013

I will stumble and fall. I'm still learning to love, just starting to crawl

Hiya, I got this stamp in my stocking, and I've used it a fair amount by now. It's soon gone 26 hours since the exam first started, and so far it's looking okay. I'm not going to kid myself and say that everything will go smoothly, because I know it won't. It never does. Tomorrow I'll be somewhat stressed because I'm still going to have a load to do, but it's also a handball match tomorrow I'm most definitely going to see. Also, Lumba is coming home tomorrow, which will also be a distraction. Then it's Thursday, and I know I'll be freaking out over my work. Last year, an hour before I was going out of the door in order to get it to school and deliver my exam before the deadline, I realised I'd forgotten to write one of the most important parts of the paper, so in like twenty minutes or so, I wrote a new paragraph, and-- well, it wasn't the most pleasant day in consideration of my stress levels. It all worked out in the end, but I really don't want to do that again. I went to deliver the Christmas present to Oyster today, because I was going by the library and the post office anyway. And we spoke for longer than I had estimated. One of the first things she said to me when I closed the door behind me, was "isn't your exam now?". In which, I replied with a yes. The two first days are always really chill, which is why I'm not so freaked out now. Also, everything is always better in the mornings. It's when the evening comes along and I freak out, thinking I've not done anything. Yesterday I did procrastinate a bit, though I did better than I had expected. Also managed to delete a playlist on Youtube with 200 videos related to One Direction. Wasn't quite sure whether I should have laughed or cried. Instead I did neither, and refused to acknowledge it for a few minutes. And then I figured there was nothing to do. And it's like Oyster said to me today "can't you just find them again?"-- and I can. The only video I really want is one of Harry singing Moments in a different note, but it's gone missing. The owner probably deleted it, and it's so sad, because his vocals were soo good. I also watched the handball match last night, and it was a really great game to watch, though the end was a bit disappointing. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed it. It was the highlight of my day yesterday, and it was the one thing I was really looking forward to after reading a bunch of English research articles. Today there will be no game (at least for Norway), so the only thing I have to look forward to is really Vlogmas videos. One of which I'm going to watch now whilst eating my lunch. I'm going to make myself a toast and eat some avocado on the side. You know how I bought the Say Something version without Christina Aguilera? I was listening to it just now and singing along, and then I was like oh, but this is the version with her! I can hear the harmonies. And then I stopped singing along and listened closely, before I mentally face palmed myself because how stupid can you be? Obviously there's going to be harmonies if I sing along? That's enough foolishness for today. Have a good one, and hopefully you'll be really productive. 

mandag 16. desember 2013

I will swallow my pride, you're the one that I love

It's a windy day outside my bedroom window, and the snow has melted into ice by the heavy rain that was dropping against my window last night. The lack of snow is always a depressing sight these days, and I spend more time than I want worrying about global warming and if my grand children will survive (if I eventually have kids). And I'm so confused by the likes on my new profile picture on Facebook, because a lot of them are people from my past. Like, past. It's some of the people I ran around with at school when I was ten. I'm also very confused about the change of image of One Direction last night-- almost took away my nerves yesterday, when I was hunched over my computer and looking at pictures of punk!direction? Everyone was dressed in black (well, they normally do wear a lot of black these days, but this was almost all black), Harry had a bloody earring, and Niall had a messy fringe instead of a quiff, and Liam was definitely wearing some kind of eye-liner? Louis didn't look that different, just had a bit more beard. But I must admit that sometimes I look at people, and I think of some kind of animal-- and to me, Louis resembles a wolf. They were performing Midnight Memories at the X Factor UK. I guess the song suited a bit more punky look, and I really hope they're performing it on tour because it's such a good song to perform. You know, the other day (when I say 'the other day' it might mean oh, two months ago) I told Monchita that if I was a teenager during the grunge period, I would have definitely turned grunge. And she was like "yeah, you definitely would". So I'm sure that if One Direction changed direction (pun intended), I would've easily followed. And isn't that scary? That I would be so willing to change? I'm having Say Something on repeat, though I realised now that I'd purchased the version without Christina Aguilera. Nevertheless, I really love the song. Though I am afraid I'll grow tired with it in no time, like I do with most songs these days. It's less than two hours to my exam, and I've been jittery all day. Well, since I woke up, which was 9:00 am. I'm sure I'll be blogging far too much these next five days. All I know is that I'm really looking forward to being done with my exam, because on the 20th I'm going to a Christmas concert with my friends, and then a get-together with old pals. And the day after I'm going on a "julebord" with other friends. And then it's Christmas, and I told Lynx over Facetime (that was the first time I've actually used it) yesterday that mum was planning to throw one of those family get-together's we have once or twice a year. I just wanted her to warn Grepper on beforehand. Oh and then we spoke with David who was achingly cute. He sang a few songs to us, and he's at that age where he understands most of what you're saying, and he can have some conversations. So I was talking to him about decorating the Christmas tree. And then at the end of the conversations we were saying our goodbyes, and he was like "come! come now!". He's old enough to have basic conversations, but still young enough to not understand that we can't just come over like that. But it was adorable, and it's made me look forward to see him even more. I've only had a cuppa thus far this morning, and my stomach is grumbling for some food, so I think I'm going to eat some breakfast now. Also, I spent a bit of time rereading some letters and cards I've gotten, and it made me unbearably happy last night. I think it's important to do things like that-- do things that make you happy, even if it's just rereading letters. Anyway, have a nice day. And to my peers that also have exams this week, best of luck to you! 

søndag 15. desember 2013

If I can see it, then I can do it. If I just believe it, there's nothing to it

Don't you hate it when you have a song stuck on your mind, and you only know one line, so you keep singing it over and over again. I keep singing "I wanna go home for Christmas, I wanna go home this year" (big thanks to my belieber friend for that one). I rediscovered my Flickr last night, so I had a big Flickr-session and uploaded some pictures. Cause, it's unlikely that you'll lose your pictures if you upload them onto the big web. Also uploaded a profile picture on Facebook. I'm very peculiar about that, because I sort of try to not share anything on Facebook? But I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a profile picture. In my stockings today, I got a "julemann" today. Those who knows me, knows that I'm really fond of these. I just grew up with a neighbour that used to come around with a batch of these for Christmas (that neighbour actually liked my profile picture last night, which made me reminisce about the good ol' days). And ever since, I've been hooked. I must admit that the decorations on this one is rather questionable. Anyway-- it's really weird because all the Youtubers I've been watching this Vlogmas, have gone to/or are on a holiday. And it's made me really sad, because Vlogmas is supposed to be winter-y and Christmas-y, and jolly and cheery. But it's been everything else, really. My current favourite is actually Estee- and Aslan's vlogs (Essiebutton if you watch Youtube). I've grown really attached to them, because they like interior and architecture (latter is mostly Aslan), and they've got a dog (Reggie), and they're really normal-- like, people who I can relate to. My cough seems to be developing into one of those annoying coughs that leaves you awake at night. Bah, I hate those. You know, at midnight last night I thought to myself oh, I haven't been up past two o'clock for weeks? And that's actually really strange for me, because I'm very often up at night to 4:00 am, doing whatever I do at 4:00 am. So I actually thought to myself that maybe I should do one of those late night sessions before I have to think of my exam, and then it's Christmas and all my family will be over which means I'll feel obliged to be awake whenever they are awake-- and David is always awake so early, so I don't see the point in having late nights then. And then it's back to school literally right after Christmas, and then it's "praksis" for a hundred years. I feel so rational and grown up-- ew. I'm currently jamming along to Do What U Want by Lady Gaga feat R. Kelly. I just really love R. Kelly's verse, and R. Kelly in general (or just his song Ignition). I'm bound to get tired of this song so quickly, and that's why I've not really been listening to it on my own initiative. I actually listened to the song back in October, because I remember telling Marble about it. I guess that's the ups with listening to radio (only radio I listen to is Grimmy's breakfast show of course)-- getting to listen to the newest songs. Tomorrow is the day- the day the exam starts. And it's really starting to get to me now, though I don't think there will be any breakdowns until I see the actual assignment. I sort of have a busy day today-- I'm going to clean. And you know my stupidly accurate ways of cleaning, so it'll take a whole lot of time. I just need to get these things done so I won't have to stress over it during my exam-week, or worse-- so that I can procrastinate by cleaning. Oh goodness, Katy Perry dedicated her award to One Direction last night at the NRJ Awards France. I love all of the interactions between Katy Perry and One Direction. Makes me strangely happy to see that to this day, the woman that gave Niall a yes on X Factor (Katy Perry) is still in the picture? Like, you know how I went on about multiverses and faith and coincidences yesterday? Well, yeah-- that. I'm going to grab myself a cup of tea now, because I'm a 100% addicted to tea, it seems-- and then I'm going to watch Vlogmas. Have a really nice Sunday. Let's cross our fingers for snow for Christmas, though it looks like there wont. 

lørdag 14. desember 2013

you know I see all the little things who make you who you are

My goodness, is it weird that I'm really excited that Niall may in fact be dating Barbara Palvin? He had a little golf date with her last night? Or, well, it looked like it. But it might be that they're just hanging out-- though it's been quite a few hang outs. Also, there's rumours that she arrived together with One Direction in Cannes today. I think it would just be nice to see him in an actual relationship, though I'm pretty sure he's been dating loads of people during the years. He's just denied everything, and he'll probably continue. He did admit that he likes to keep quiet about these things, keep things under the radar, unlike the rest of the lads. And Ellie Goulding just confirmed on The Late Late Show that there had been kissing between them? I think that the Ellie and Niall thing is already over, probably didn't work out with. But I'm really fond of Ellie Goulding, so I'm basically rooting for everyone to be his girlfriend. Ha. My current background on my iPhone is the last picture. It just makes me really happy. Like, more than anything, I love One Direction together-- their friendship. A few days ago they did an Italian interview, and a fan asked if they thought they would have met if One Direction didn't happen. And well, they explained that there were some kind of connection between all of them-- like, some of them lived close to each other, others had been at the same concert, etc. Maybe it's wishful thinking that they might have been meant to be? (this pondering has made me want to listen to their cover of Forever Young. Sigh). But you know, it's such an interesting question. Like, is it faith or just coincidence that I'm friends with the people I am with today? I can't remember who it was, but I think it was Marble-- who I spoke with a few weeks ago. And I was sort of wondering out loud about multiple universes. Like, in this universe, where I'm sat at my desk and writing this blogpost for you, I'm friends with Marble, right? Imagine, in another universe I'm not friends with Marble. But I know her-- she's my boss. And then in another universe again, I walk past Marble on my way to the tube, but in this universe I don't know her. However, something makes me look at her twice, only to leave me in confusion, thinking "have I seen her before?". Yeah, I ponder upon things sometimes. Anyway, speaking of Marble, though-- you know how I've said that no one should ask me for advice or tips? Well, she did today. And I was like, why universe? I'm pretty sure I gave her no help at all. Oh well. I woke up at 9:00 am today, so I could watch the cross country skiing today. I ended up only watching the mens, because I figured it would be too late to go into town after the womens. It was a bit less entertaining then watching for example handball. But I think it was a great run-- we had two Norwegians on the pallet, which is great. Northug hasn't been that good thus far this season, but I don't mind much. I don't know, but it sort of glees me when there are new faces that win? Though of course, I can't wait for Northug to reach his top condition, so we can see what he's known for. Anyway, after watching cross country skiing, I went into town. And ugh, I should have known that there would be loads of people on a Saturday, but still. Oh well, I did spend loads of time looking at books. I went to two book stores, one of which I've never been in before. And wow, why haven't I been there before? It's the biggest I've been to thus far in my life (if I remember correctly). And I spent like fifteen minutes squatting, looking at some books. Almost fell over when I went to stand up again. I live a somewhat awkward life. Before the book stores, I went to Weekday, and I've realised that if you're standing in line, and obviously checking your watch, the person beside you might let you go first. Or maybe the guy beside me was just really nice, and gentleman-y. My goodness, it's Saturday. Which means tomorrow is Sunday, which means that my exam is the day after that. I'm going to start freaking out soon. And I've got no doubt that I'm going to be blogging a lot during my exam-week. Procrastination is my speciality. Alriiiight, I'm going to munch on some chocolate and catch up on Vlogmas. Have a nice evening x.

fredag 13. desember 2013

I want you here with me like how I pictured it so I don't have to keep imagining

Hii! It's finally Friday, which means I can eat chocolate tomorrow. I woke up pretty late today- or, well, I got out of bed really late. Was supposed to wake up at 9:00 am, but I woke up at 8:00 am by myself. And then-- smart me, decided to read a fan fiction. It was long too, so it took me quite awhile before I finished reading. I figure I should try to just read as much as I can now, and try to get bored with it? So that I wont procrastinate that much during my exam-week that's scarily close to start. It starts on Monday, and I feel really jittery about it. It's such a broad subject, so I've no idea what the exam will be-- and therefore it's really hard to prepare myself. I'm just crossing my fingers that it'll be okay. Anyway, when I finally managed to finish reading and had a shower, I was on my way to the mall. I sort of skipped that yesterday, because I just really dislike big crowds. I've not got claustrophobia or anything, I just like to avoid big crowds when I can. So instead of going yesterday when it was "nattåpent", I went today. Christmas shopping is always tiresome. And in the midst of paying for David's present, Sugar called me. And for some reason my phone has changed ringtone? Because I didn't recognise the ringtone as mine before it had gone at least 30 seconds. Anyway, she said she was Christmas shopping too, and that she was in H&M, and I immediately thought she was at my local mall. But I quickly realised she was talking about H&M in her local mall. She asked me for advice, and well, I just don't fit to give advice to people. Honestly. You know how I wrote about the weather being hot'n'cold? Well, today it was cold, which is a bit troublesome after it's been warmer, because what's melted turns into ice. Which again, is really not to my liking as I've not even got my winter boots. Felt a bit like an old lady (selvoppfyllende profeti Sugar!!) whilst I was walking slow like a slug past a few adolescents. I've adopted a little cough. Think it's been developing for awhile. And now it feels like I've got something stuck in my throat. Not very pleasant, but I hope it's just a cough and nothing more. Right, also, I've counted three young boys in suits and ties today-- I'm pretty sure there's a formal somewhere. And I sort of kicked someone's taco shells when I was on my way out of the grocery store. It was an accident, and rather funny. I've also realised that I maybe shouldn't be listening to music when standing at the register, because when the people start talking to you, you either have to tug out your ear buds and ask if they can repeat, or take a shot at guessing what they said. Oh well, when I got back home, it was already dark outside. I had a chat with Monchita, who had been making spring rolls with my mum because she was going to another of those food-themed-parties. And then I wrapped a few presents, which is always nice. I've still got a few presents to buy, so I'm hoping I'll do that tomorrow. After watching ski, of course. I'm planning on going into town rather than the local mall, because there are some specific stores I want to check out. I guess I could have easily bought the last presents today too, but I don't want to just give mediocre presents. I do want to give something I know they'll appreciate. I actually got my mum to wish for something this year. My parents are always the hardest ones to find presents for, because they'll never wish for anything. My dad said he didn't want anything, which isn't a surprise. The surprise is that my mum actually said something. Oh, after wrapping the presents I watched tonight's handball match, and we won. I was unusually silent throughout the game. I'm usually really loud, and I tend to shout and talk to the commentators and everyone, like they're able to hear me. But I think I just knew we'd win anyway. Also, it's nice playing against a hard opponent, because that's when Norway is on top. There were no noobs tonight, except for the new Solberg-twins, whom I actually really like. My affection for them isn't undeserved though-- they're really great players. My usual favourite has actually been really disappointing the last three games or so. But I hope she gets back into the game and starts playing like the "real her". Bah, can you be paid to talk about handball? Maybe I should give it a shot. Joke. Anyway, poor you who actually reads this. Loads of rubbish, is what this is. Have a nice weekend, lovely people.  

torsdag 12. desember 2013

anywhere, I would have followed you

The tree and I are best friends today (had my dad to fix the problem), and I've managed to decorate it to my liking. I'm just a tiny bit unsure whether I should put some more decorations on it. I usually don't decorate my own bedroom that much, but I couldn't help myself this time. Made myself a tiny Christmas tree. Had I had more space in my bedroom, I would've liked to use some branches, put them in a vase and made them into a little tree. Maybe in the future. My Christmas heart is saddened each time I see a drop of snow melting. It's ridiculous-- this weather. It's cold, and then it's hot, and so it goes on. And when it's cold, it isn't even properly cold? Like, how can you possibly call this winter? I want a meter of snow for Christmas. But I have a feeling the snow will be melting until then. Oh well, it won't be the first Christmas without snow. I fell asleep far too late and hungry last night, but I couldn't be bothered to go downstairs and grab something to eat, only to brush my teeth again. Lazy. I was supposed to wake up early today, and I'm pretty sure I put on an alarm. But somehow I managed to shut it off without being properly awake, because I have no recollection of it. Woke up with an achy back and a bit sore head. I'm not quite sure why, but it's not like I'm not going to survive. Or, well, I hope so. Oh goodness, I just called to get refunds for the Kodaline tickets, and it was highly amusing. So, the thing is, I sort of have a bit of anxiety to call to everyone else than my family and friends. But yesterday I wrote it down on my list of things to do today, so I just dialled the number-- and seriously, just dialling the number made my heart pump faster. It feels so ridiculous, but it's just how I am. Anyway, so there was a lot of commotion on the line, so I had to wait for my turn. And you know when you have to wait in a line on the phone and they'll put on some typical "elevator music"? Well, it shouldn't have surprised me, but there were like proper music. Like, the Lumineers, so I was properly enjoying myself listening to nice music. It all went down nicely, and I could breathe out. I'm going to try going to the mall today-- try to get all the Christmas presents done. But crowds of people doesn't feel too enticing today. Also, there's my precious handball today. I can't wait, and hopefully the opponent doesn't suck. I mean, the first game was sooo intense and exciting, whereas the other two games after was sort of a flop? The opponents were some of the worst in this championship, so Norway was free to try out the juniors that have made the team this year. And I do like some of them, I do. But it doesn't surprise me how bad a game can be when there's only "noobs" as I like to call it. Also, a lot of my favourites are out of the game due to pregnancies and injuries. Oh well, it's not the olympics. And to be fair, the last game was a bit exciting, because they had a whole different game plan than what they usually do. If you've not listened to Say Something yet, then you should. It's really nice. Is it Friday yet? No? Okay. 

all your perfect imperfections

Okay, no but seriously. Why I love Niall Horan? He's something different, isn't he? He's so bloody cheeky. Like, you think Harry is the biggest flirt? Well, you haven't heard or seen Niall in action. He laughs at anything Louis says, and just generally everything. And his laughter? Precious. He's blonde and if you don't actually know anything about One Direction, it's easy to believe that he's the "stupid" one because 50% of the interviews, he's just laughing. But in reality he's really smart. He's so aware of problems in society, and will most likely discuss politics with you. We've just not seen much of it, because no interviewer has ever asked about politics before. For goodness sakes, the lads gifted him a statue of Obama, because Niall loves him. If he's going somewhere, like when he was going to Australia not long ago-- he'll mislead everyone, making everyone think he's just at home. He's smart. He's just the sort of person you have all these thoughts and judgements about on beforehand. But then he'll surprise you, and he'll be so different. He's so positive, and he'll sing songs loudly in the morning when everyone else is grumpy and tired. And when he's tired and grumpy and just wants to sleep without having fans calling his hotel bedroom, he'll tweet-- asking whether people can stop, so he could get a good night's sleep. He asks about these things, and when he does tweet things in fume, he'll apologise later. He's not perfect, and he'll complain at times. He's himself, doesn't try to please everyone. Isn't afraid to make a fool of himself. Has great banter with everyone. Like, honestly, who does he not befriend? And it's like Harry said in one of those clips from the movie that is taken out-- if you're having a bad day, you'll just walk out and see Niall, and he'll be driving around in his segway laughing. And your thoughts just evaporates. He's a bit of sunshine trapped in a lithe body. What pegged this on, was another extended clip of This Is Us when the lads go home. Niall is literally walking down the streets of his home town, Mullingar, after having picked up suits for his brother, Greg's wedding, and then a car stops, beeping at him. And he's like "hey, what's the craic?". Treats everyone like he knows them, and I wouldn't be surprised if he did. And ah, the wedding-- the tiny bit of the wedding speech we get to hear, and the stupid dance moves? I'd just like to point out that Niall is dancing with his family in the gifs-- his mum, grand mum and dad. The other thing that pegged this post, is the gifs of Niall and Harry's mum and step dad at the This Is Us movie premier in London. It's just too endearing to me to not mention. And how he just goes in for a hug with Harry's step dad? The thing is, he's just so admirable to me, because he acts so different to what I'm used to. It may sound like I have the biggest crush on Niall, but in honesty. I just really admire him as a person. The way he isn't afraid to be himself, always manages to focus on the positive things, and just befriends everyone. A role model, if you want. He's so relatable, and not like, "out of this world". It's not like he acts any superior to anyone. And I think that's important-- to find role models that are relatable, and not only do those great things that makes them your role model. But someone who also makes mistakes and are able to admit to them-- to learn from them. One Direction wouldn't be One Direction without all of the members, but really, I would almost say that Niall is vital for their existence. People do always wonder why he's my favourite, and well, these are just a few reasons for my love for him. I'm ridiculously fond of all the boys in One Direction, and I could actually write long letters of love for each of them, because they're all little endearing shits that takes up way too much time of my life. But it's my own fault really. I've let them inside my life. 

onsdag 11. desember 2013

I figured it out, saw the mistakes of up and down. Meet in the middle, there's always room for common ground

I've not slept this little for a week, yet I've not felt more awake than I have today. Technically, if you don't count my exam, I sort of have Christmas holidays already. But I went to school today and listened to my belieber friend's presentation. Which means I snook inside a classroom filled with peers from another class. I'm terrified of getting yelled at by teachers. I would sort of count myself as a good student, who follows rules and whatnot. But there has been a few times that I've gotten yelled at. And seriously, it probably traumatised me, because I can still remember it happening to this day. And well, I have the worst memory. Which has already been proved today, so let's not dwell to much on it. Anyway, back to the point-- I listened to a few presentations, because my belieber friend's group wasn't the first ones. And it was actually quite nice. I left when they had a break, because the main reason for my presence in that room, was to listen to my friends presentation-- not all the other's. So I went to sit down and read curriculum. That is until my belieber friend poked me in the back and sat down. I managed to finish the chapter, and then Sugar came as well. And it's just been a really nice day. I just want to make it clear that you should read my blog with a pinch of salt, okay? Mostly it's truth. Like these "everyday" posts. The only exception is the nicknames for my friends. But the ones that are tagged with "writing" (and sometimes "thoughts") are often a tiny bit of truth, and then a lot of fiction. Because they're possibly the most truthful things I write, just transformed so it's for myself to understand. Because this is (was) first of all a personal blog for myself to express my emotions and stuff. Also, don't be offended if I hung out with you, or did something with you, but didn't write about it. I know I write a lot about the people I hang with, and what we've done that day. But I don't always, because I want to hold some cards close to my heart. Like, sometimes I'll have the best day with someone, but I won't write about it (at least not here). That doesn't mean it's a secret, means I just want to appreciate the memories I make with friends for myself. Sorry, just have to make clear what my blog is and isn't. Anyway, when I got home today, I started setting up the Christmas tree, but ahhh. It's just not my day with Christmas trees. And I didn't want to decorate the tree whilst fuming, so I stopped, grabbed myself a cuppa and decided to eat the delicious roasted almonds I bought at the Christmas market today. Even had a proper grown up chat with Monchita. Right now I'm listening to the Midnight Memories album, and it's almost like I'm scared to get attached to songs in fright they won't perform them at the concert. Because that's stupid. What if you could chose your own setlist and have a private show? Oh, that would have been grand. Okay, I'm going to catch up on Vlogmas now-- and maybe grab something proper to eat? 

tirsdag 10. desember 2013

I get the feeling you're testing me. You're saturated in urgency, and you stick your probe in further. But you're still not pleased. And if there's some place else that you would rather be, then go

It looks like the snow is melting, like it's going to be gone within a few days. Makes me feel like a little kid perched on top of their toes, looking out of the window with wide, sad eyes, and a wobbly chin. Cindy Lou Who, perhaps (hope you've seen the Grinch, or you'll probably not understand the allusion). I'm a bit mad, raged if you will. Because Kodaline is rescheduling some of the European tour dates, and Oslo haven't made it. Though there's some places they've already been and some places that gets second dates. I can't be angry with bronchitis, which was the reason for the cancellation of the concerts. But this I can be mad at. It'll fade though, this rapid feeling of anger. And I'll realise that behind this reason lies another I'm not ready to face yet. Oh unconsciousness, oh psychology. How the mind tricks you. Don't you know? Your biggest enemy is yourself. 

mandag 9. desember 2013

cheers darlin' you gave me three cigarettes to smoke my tears away

The things I don't tell you is that I fell asleep to a song that reminded me of you yesterday. A song that left me with a smile lingering on my face. Sometimes I'm sat waiting for the bus, and I'll smile big and wide because I’ll remember something you did. Or maybe it was something you said. And I'll have the hardest time trying to contain my laughter. Sometimes you'll send me a message out of the blue, and it'll make my chest flutter with happiness. The things I don’t tell you, is that I think of you probably more than you do of me. And it's alright, that’s how it’s always been. 

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the once I used to know

Good afternoon lovely people, how are you? I'm quite good. I woke up rather late today, seeing as I fell asleep with music in my ears. Story Of My Life was playing in my ear buds at 4:50 am when I abruptly woke from my slumber. I quickly turned it off before I fell asleep again. When I finally woke up at 10:50 am, I decided it would be a good idea to read that fan fiction I sent to myself via Facebook yesterday. I knew it would make me cry, because cancer. (can I just say it's 3:00 pm, and it's already dark inside my bedroom). I'm usually really good after a nice cry, and the reason for why I do read fan fictions, stories, books, etc-- about cancer, is because it's sort of like a wakeup call, innit? Like, I found myself crossing my fingers and praying that it won't happen to my family and beloved ones. But then I felt selfish and thought about everyone else, and I tried doing the same for everyone else. And well, cancer is a bitch. But yes, my crying session was disrupted because my father was yelling for help in the other room. So there I came running with puffy and red eyes. I hadn't even wiped away my tears yet. Makes me wonder if my family thinks I'm a bit crazy. Wouldn't surprise me, as I'm already stamped as "the sick one". Anyway, the crying session sort of made things a bit fuzzy. And my head sort of aches yet, but I think that's because I'm slightly dehydrated. Yesterday, before I went to bed, I decided that I was going to clean my bedroom today. And when I clean, I clean. I've dusted all the areas where I know the dust collects, and I've washed my windows and rearranged my books. I've also rearranged my school books and the contents in all my boxes. And then of course used the hoover (I think vacuum is the american English term for it? Goodness gracious, I've forgotten). It's clean, but there's still a few things I want to sort out. I'll leave it for tomorrow, because now I've been doing this for hours. When (if) I do move out of this house, I'd like to have very little clutter. Oh, I sort of forgot I had a lecture today. It didn't occur to me before I was cleaning and looking at the schedule I've got over my desk. And I was like "huh". Oh well, life goes on, and I'll have to read up on it myself anyway. Because I've not had school in ages, it feels a bit like it's Friday every day, which makes me long for chocolate all the time, because my brain tricks me. Oh, and I had a realisation dawn upon me not long ago about why I don't feel that Christmas-y. It's like I've been walking around trying to find the missing piece, and of course. It's my siblings. It's Lumba sitting in his familiar position with his laptop on his lap, watching the telly. It's Volla sitting in the other sofa with her knitting on her lap. It's yeah, it's the half of my family that's missing. I finished reading that one book about philosophy of science yesterday. So on my plan today, is to start reading psychology. But before that I might grab something to eat, then I'm going to watch a few vlogs. Sadly my favourite vloggers this year are on a trip, and have no internet connection, so there will be no vlogs from them for a few days. It's weird- how addicted I get to these. Also, there's the handball match tonight at 8:00 pm. I'm really looking forward to it! Also, hello white Christmas! It's been snowing today too, and I'm really crossing my fingers for a white Christmas for Christmas Eve. Or else I'm going to be a bit sad. Oh well, have a nice Monday. 

søndag 8. desember 2013

I wish that I could take you to the star

The feeling when you discover new music-- it's quite magical. At least it is to me. I guess it depends on the kind of music. I spend a lot of time listening to the kind of music you don't really sing along to, the kind of music that just makes you sit back and listen. The sky is somewhat purple, or it looks like it from here. Maybe it's just my wishful thinking. Nevertheless, it looks quite amazing along the white white snow. Goodness, my sleep was disturbed by my iPhone buzzing today-- woke up to see snapchats of the snow outside, which made me sprint out of bed and look out the window. And indeed- it was snowing. And that's the day after I wrote that I wouldn't need my winter boots. Well, I guess I jinxed it. It was a nice time to wake up, seeing as I was going to watch the women's relay race in cross country skiing. Therese Johaug was very impressing, and it's always nice to have these kind of surprising outcomes. Not that I didn't think Norway I wasn't going to win the race, but when Johaug took off like the little racer she is. Also, I'm not that bothered about the men's either. I think it's great that Russia won-- great that people are willing to play along the little games Northug does each time. Obviously, it would be nice to have 1st place for Norway, but honestly-- if I remember correctly, there were three Norwegian teams in the men's top 4. That's actually very impressing. I'm a bit sad there's no handball tonight, because yesterday's was sooo intense. And those are the best games too-- even when it's only five minutes left of the game, and you still don't know for sure who's going to win. I wish I'd recorded it so I can re-watch it. I've honestly no idea what I've been up to today? Like, I'm trying to remember but oh, yes, now I remember-- I've been reading. Not curriculum as I had planned. Nope, I've been procrastinating, reading fan fictions upon fan fictions. Oh okay, so I have also been watching Vlogmas and worked on some Christmas presents. So it's not like I've done nothing. I think I'm going to watch a Christmas movie tonight, because I need to get into the spirit. It's rather disappointing, that even though I've had so much time off before Christmas, I still can't find the Christmas spirit. Tomorrow I might be productive and go buy the last Christmas presents. Or maybe I'll be lazy and hang out in the snow. Who knows? There are endless possibilities, ha. 

when the night is coming down on you, we will find a way through the dark

One Direction performed Through The Dark on SNL. That's like one of my favourites-- probably my favourite at the moment (considering how much I've been singing it). I watched the performance, and I just sort of melted a bit, because bloody hell I love that song. And HARMONIES!!!!! And it's a bit mind blowing (a bit unsettling even) how quickly they've changed through the years. That during one year, they can change so much both in music and style, and just bah. I'm slightly emotional. Also, it made me realise that pretty soon, I'm going to possibly hear that live (if they choose to perform it on their Where We Are tour). Sometimes these realisations just hits me from nowhere, and I just turn a bit into a goldfish. And it makes me want to bang my head on the wall, is the thing. Probably not the best thing to do, so I'm not going to do it. But still-- now I'm playing "Hate That I Love You" in my head. 

lørdag 7. desember 2013

don't burn out, even if you scream and shout

Was just scrolling through my Tumblr dashboard, and I said "oh, hi!" to this gif of Liam Payne and my sister, Monchita asked whether I was talking to her, or if I was an insane person talking to myself. In which I answered: "no, I'm just talking to the pictures (on my dash)". Then she looked at me, and responded: "Well, that doesn't really help your case". Story of my life. Ah, I'm pretty sure I'm obsessed with jackets and shoes. Mainly men's jackets. Those are the best (oh my goodness, coats and bomber jackets-- my favourite things this season). On another note though, I'm really grateful for a lot of things today. I'm so grateful I was born and grew up in Norway, and not in a country where the differences between rich and poor is scarcely high. I've just seen and read a few things, that's made me realise that I should be thankful for little things.  Not that I never am. It's just easy to lose perspective sometimes. I'm currently watching cross country skiing-- have been all day, really. It's the first time I've watched the women's this season, because I've always been asleep when it's their turn. It was a bit disappointing on the Norwegian women's side. But I'm still very impressed with Kowalczyk (I'm definitely liking the black attire!), not to mention Kalla. The latter has been a bit disappointing the previous season, so I hope she'll be better this year. I'm currently watching the men's now, and it's looking good. The trail is rather different with loads of hills, which is a good thing, because the people who are better "climbers" gets to show off. People have different strengths, you know. For some reason I find myself cheering on the Swedes (especially Hellner-- I do love him a bit). It's just that a lot of them were on the top not long ago, and the previous season it looked like they were all going downhill. And I guess I like cheering for the underdogs. I told my mum yesterday: "mum, I'm going to watch cross country skiing tomorrow, is that okay? Oh, and then I'm going to watch handball as well". And she sighed, before she asked when. She hates watching sports, is the thing. It's rather amusing how different my mum and I are. Oh well, I'm going to IKEA with Monchita in a bit, and then it's handball tonight. And as for my mood-- it's so much better today. The weather is looking nice, but I'm a bit sad there's no snow at the moment. But then again, I've not been able to find my winter boots, so maybe it's for the best. If I don't find them, I might have to freeze off my feet this winter. But then again, I doubt I'm going to be spending loads of time outside the next month or so. Oh god, that reminded me of "praksis" after Christmas-- jeez, it's going to last until March. So loooong. In nine days, it's the start of my exam. I know it's going to be okay in the end, but the thing I'm most worried about how stressed I'll be during the days of my exam. And the fact that my siblings are all coming home at that time. Oooh, I think it's going to be a Norwegian first place on the men's side today! No, I don't think-- it is! Not to mention, the third place goes to a Norwegian as well. Great, great news. And so nice to see other faces than the familiar faces on the podium. Oh my goodness, the winner is crying, and now I'm becoming all emotional too. I've got to go get ready now, so have a nice Saturday. And must you all have a nice and interesting day.