søndag 15. desember 2013

If I can see it, then I can do it. If I just believe it, there's nothing to it

Don't you hate it when you have a song stuck on your mind, and you only know one line, so you keep singing it over and over again. I keep singing "I wanna go home for Christmas, I wanna go home this year" (big thanks to my belieber friend for that one). I rediscovered my Flickr last night, so I had a big Flickr-session and uploaded some pictures. Cause, it's unlikely that you'll lose your pictures if you upload them onto the big web. Also uploaded a profile picture on Facebook. I'm very peculiar about that, because I sort of try to not share anything on Facebook? But I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a profile picture. In my stockings today, I got a "julemann" today. Those who knows me, knows that I'm really fond of these. I just grew up with a neighbour that used to come around with a batch of these for Christmas (that neighbour actually liked my profile picture last night, which made me reminisce about the good ol' days). And ever since, I've been hooked. I must admit that the decorations on this one is rather questionable. Anyway-- it's really weird because all the Youtubers I've been watching this Vlogmas, have gone to/or are on a holiday. And it's made me really sad, because Vlogmas is supposed to be winter-y and Christmas-y, and jolly and cheery. But it's been everything else, really. My current favourite is actually Estee- and Aslan's vlogs (Essiebutton if you watch Youtube). I've grown really attached to them, because they like interior and architecture (latter is mostly Aslan), and they've got a dog (Reggie), and they're really normal-- like, people who I can relate to. My cough seems to be developing into one of those annoying coughs that leaves you awake at night. Bah, I hate those. You know, at midnight last night I thought to myself oh, I haven't been up past two o'clock for weeks? And that's actually really strange for me, because I'm very often up at night to 4:00 am, doing whatever I do at 4:00 am. So I actually thought to myself that maybe I should do one of those late night sessions before I have to think of my exam, and then it's Christmas and all my family will be over which means I'll feel obliged to be awake whenever they are awake-- and David is always awake so early, so I don't see the point in having late nights then. And then it's back to school literally right after Christmas, and then it's "praksis" for a hundred years. I feel so rational and grown up-- ew. I'm currently jamming along to Do What U Want by Lady Gaga feat R. Kelly. I just really love R. Kelly's verse, and R. Kelly in general (or just his song Ignition). I'm bound to get tired of this song so quickly, and that's why I've not really been listening to it on my own initiative. I actually listened to the song back in October, because I remember telling Marble about it. I guess that's the ups with listening to radio (only radio I listen to is Grimmy's breakfast show of course)-- getting to listen to the newest songs. Tomorrow is the day- the day the exam starts. And it's really starting to get to me now, though I don't think there will be any breakdowns until I see the actual assignment. I sort of have a busy day today-- I'm going to clean. And you know my stupidly accurate ways of cleaning, so it'll take a whole lot of time. I just need to get these things done so I won't have to stress over it during my exam-week, or worse-- so that I can procrastinate by cleaning. Oh goodness, Katy Perry dedicated her award to One Direction last night at the NRJ Awards France. I love all of the interactions between Katy Perry and One Direction. Makes me strangely happy to see that to this day, the woman that gave Niall a yes on X Factor (Katy Perry) is still in the picture? Like, you know how I went on about multiverses and faith and coincidences yesterday? Well, yeah-- that. I'm going to grab myself a cup of tea now, because I'm a 100% addicted to tea, it seems-- and then I'm going to watch Vlogmas. Have a really nice Sunday. Let's cross our fingers for snow for Christmas, though it looks like there wont. 

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