onsdag 15. mai 2013

every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you

Hiya! My hiatus has been a bit longer than first intended. And I'm afraid, it'll continue for a bit. Or I might stop by sometimes, and it'll be shitty blogging. Anyways, here's an update of my life. I need to get it down, so I won't forget in the future. First off, One Direction. The problem about touring, is that there are always new things that happen. In the first gif they are singing a cover of My Heart Will Go On. They do a lot of covers because they are always asked to do them in section of the concert with the Twitter questions. And most times they stop when they've forgotten lyrics, and they don't really take it seriously (when do they ever?). Except in this cover, they actually didn't stop in the midst of something, even if they forgot lyrics. And bloody harmonies. I was speaking with my belieber friend the last weekend, and I was discussing if we were a millionaire and what we would do. My belieber friend said something about getting Justin and Niall to do a concert together, whereas I said I wanted to have Niall in my bed forever and sing me to sleep. But then I was troubled, because I couldn't decide whether I'd want the whole band or just Niall. Because I love harmonies, and aaaahh. Really hard choices. If I were to choose a gif that described One Direction, I think I would choose the second gif. They ought to be the most silly people in the world (and it's so bloody endearing). It's been a week and a day since I saw One Direction, and I'm so sad, because it feels like I've never seen them, like I'm back at square one. When in truth, I saw all of them, very alive, just a week ago. I was right too, about the weekend. I mostly spent it on watching videos from the concert. Also, I've been bloody active on my Twitter account since the concert. 51 tweets (I think) in eight days, when I usually tweet between 1-5 a week?? Also had a few break downs, I think the stress (exam) caught up with me, in addition to my post-1D-partum depression. (I've hit the walls countless times and you could find me on my bed in fetal position more times than not). On a happier note, I went with Sugar and Kiwi to watch them get their tattoos, and since I'm so easily fascinated, I'm glad I went. I can't wait to get my own. Yesterday was spent at school from 08:30am-20:20pm. First a lecture, then studying for the exam. I've sort of had a bit of a boost, and my worries are almost gone (for now-- they're probably coming for a visit very soon). It's just that I realised something on Sunday evening. I've got the loveliest family and friends. And I'm just so bloody lucky-- it's like sometimes I feel like I must have done something good in an earlier life, honestly. Is it weird if I've actually missed staying behind at school a bit? Last semester, just before the anatomy-exam, I practically lived in a study room at school. I've not been doing the same this time, but maybe I will now. It's just that I don't know how to book a room, which makes it really hard to find a place to study uninterrupted. Yesterday we found the ideal-room, and sadly it was mostly occupied today, which lead to us sitting in an auditorium instead. With sound technicians testing the stereo-- so it probably wasn't the best environment to try to study in. My nephew is coming tomorrow, and they're staying until Sunday if I'm not wrong. So, I'll probably not blog as much then. Also, my exam is the 27th of May. This is probably the least I've blogged a month, since I started this blog? The only thing I know now, is that after my exam, I'm going to sleep. Like, for a few days. And then I'm going to hang with my friends. So yes, bye for now (although I might stop by anyway). And this is your cue to start singing  "you say goodbye, and I say hello" (please say you know who this is???)

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