onsdag 22. mai 2013

(a blogpost in parentheses) (nothing interesting) (keep walking) (or in this case: keep scrolling) (or just exit this dammed blog)

(you don't know what you just escaped. a big post of commentary to gifs and pictures about one direction) (I was this close to posting it, and then my computer shut down) (I'm going to look at that as a sign) (it contained things like this, this, this, this, and this) (also this, this, this, this, this and this) (also this bc it's hilarious) (probably a lot more too) (oh my god, that's what I'm going to do) (I'll make a neverending post where I just regularly update with new gifs and pictures and whatnot) (I'll have to postpone it to the summer vacation bc I don't have time for it now) (but summer vac is like, in three weeks) (also known as in nothing) (I can finally do what I've postponed to the summer) (I should probs go study now) (you know, cause I've got an exam) (and I feel totally unprepared) (and I have a feeling I'm going to have a breakdown soon) (just don't know if it's before or after) (I'll probs not remember anything from the exam) (tend to shut everything out, I guess) (I never remember what I've written. so when people ask me what I wrote as an answer, I'm like idk) (excuse my horrible abbreviations, but it's my blog) (deal with it) (lou teasdale should be banned from making vines of Harry and Niall) (not really) (can u do one of them cuddled up together?) (pleaseeee) (i've gotten my daily dose of 1D now) (that was my excuse for turning on the computer) (i'm lousy at studying) (champion at procrastinating- I find the best excuses to avoid reading) (like my nephew forgot one of his socks) (looking at a sock is definitely a valid excuse for not reading) (i've gone crayyy) (i never say cray) (alright, i'm off to listen to lewis watson now) (discovered his music via 8tracks) (surprise surprise) (There is a reason (actually more than one) for why I love Grimmy) (this is my exact life) (i hate one direction) (they are all twats) (bastardious bastards) (but not really)

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