mandag 20. mai 2013

a scrub is a guy that thinks he’s fly and is also known as a bastard

Oh hiiii (five) xx. I didn't actually think I would go on with my hiatus. Sometimes I try to not blog, because it actually takes time. Time that I need for other things. Usually when I try, though, I end up blogging anyway. So it's pretty rare that I actually do one of these hiatuses-- except now I don't have the urge to blog anymore. And I might as well just stop, now as I don't feel the urge. But I'm not. Going to stop, that is. 17th of May was a wonderful day, even though the weather wasn't top notch (as in it wasn't sunny throughout the whole day). I guess I had the best of both worlds; spent the day with my family, watching and participating in the 17th of May-parade. Then we went for ice cream, before we headed home to have a dinner. And then we drank lots of wine (me, basically). And then everyone had a nap. Wine is really tiring, but it's lovely with the right food, I guess. I'm pretty sure we went for another stroll and then went to a play park with my nephew. He was being followed by this little girl, who obviously wanted to play with him. But he didn't want to play with her. Life, innit? Haha. Sugar called me at 8:00 pm (I think), right after I came home, actually. And she asked me whether I wanted to come join her and the rest of the kilo-gang at this restaurant/bar in Oslo. And so, I was trying to set up a list whether it would be a good idea or not. And had I followed my brain, I wouldn't have gone. Even when I was standing at the bus stop, I was itching to go back home. Not necessarily because of school work, but because of my family. Thing is, I always try to spend as much time possible with my family when they visit. And they almost always get first prioritization. Especially when it's such a short visit. So, basically, I felt really bad. And I had to read, just to get my mind off it. Always thought reading was a calming thing to me-- and it is. But when I thought of why I read, I realised I'm just escaping my thoughts and worries at the moment. In other words: I read to escape the world. And it wasn't the most pleasant realizations. I've had a few of unpleasant realizations the last month or so. Maybe I'll write more of it another time. When I arrived at the bar/restaurant, my worries sort of flew away. They bloody played Ed Sheeran. The night was sort of doomed to be good, then. Also, there are my friends, who tends to make me happy. Some of them were kind of very tipsy when I came, so it was really amusing. Watching my friends being tipsy is one of my favorite activities. And then Sugar basically handed over her drink, which was really Kiwi's drink?? And that's how the night proceeded. Us talking and having fun, and the others handing their drinks over to me. I only accepted them, because there were very little alcohol in 'em. Before the night ended, we did a bit of a stroll. And I nearly fell over once-- not because of alcohol. But because of this big hole in the ground-- and me wearing wedges. Not a good combination. Luckily I didn't fall, and the cake in my hands was not damaged. Which, was a good thing, because me and M (I'm going to call her Marble-- first thing I thought of) sort of dug in whilst waiting for the train (mind you, this was without any paper or plates). It was incredible. The day after this, I went to a little amusement park they set up each year. My sister and my nephew went on his first ride. He had the time of his life, whereas my sister was terrified. (He turns two this year, she turns thirty). The heat was scorching, and we decided to have a BBQ. We should have gone to a store closer to our house, instead I was carrying two heavy bags of groceries all the way home (20-25 minutes with one break only). I definitely felt it the day after, which was yesterday. We also had a BBQ yesterday. And I think we also went for sushi later. My nephew had a little swim yesterday, and managed to splash me. I also did a bit of tanning, because we've had amazing weather for about two or three days? Oh, and at Saturday, me and my eldest sister had a really productive shopping trip. I didn't do any shopping, because I'm broke, but I was sort of my sister's assistant- pointing out where the shops were, and giving her my opinion on things. And lovely as she is, she tried to buy me things. She always does, and I (almost) always say no. After we were done, she looked down at her bags and me, and she said: "oh, you barely bought anything". Correction, I didn't buy anything. She bought me a tank-top. I only answered: "you know, poor student and all". In which she told me: "but that's why you should say yes to my offers". And well, I just shrugged because I didn't really want new clothes. Had she offered to buy me The Mystery of Mercy Close by Marian Keyes, I'd say yes in a heart beat. It's really hard to try stuffing in all the things I've done in one post only. And I feel like I've forgotten loads of things, but I can't be bothered. Because I need to get my arse into the shower, and studyyyyyyyyyy. Oh god, one week. 7 days. I just want to feel free, and it's so close, I can almost taste it. I'm going to cross my fingers for lovely weather when the exam is over. If I were to sum up the last days in a few sentences, I'd say: I've been hanging out with my family and friends, occasionally studying, drunk more alcohol than I've ever done (alright, so slight exaggeration), and walked in the grass bare feet. 

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