The time is 01:21, and it's May 29th - your birthday, my bestfriend. I'm not the one to really show any emotion .. you already know it. You are seventeen, not longer sixteen. The last year has gone by really quick, and I am not really able to point out things about you that have changed since. Well, perhaps your eyebrows. Haha. We don't meet up as frequently as before. We don't speak to each other as much as before, nor do we play as much as in our childhood. But that's perhaps the most wonderful thing about us. We manage to jump right back on track where we left it last time. Sometimes we have lots to tell each other, and sometimes we are silent. It takes hell of a lot to be silent and comfortable in presence of someone. But with you it's just another day.
I sometimes fright that we may not stay friends forever. We all know that people change, and promises are broken. What if she gets another best friend? What if we grow apart? What if we have a big fight? I cannot answer any of those questions. I cannot say that we will be best friends forever, because I don't know what will happen in the future. But I do know that I wish for us to stay best friends till death. Happy 17-birthday! ooxo