The past days have been heaven. Long walks, good food, lovely weather, and lovely company. My sister and her boyfriend left today. They are going on a cruise (Color Fantasy) to Germany. Their last vacation before the baby comes in October. Right now, I'm going out in the sun. Perhaps with the dogs. Scott is sorta crazy .. which is why I don't want to let him out. Yesterday he ran straight out on the road! Thank god there weren't any cars.
lørdag 30. juli 2011
onsdag 27. juli 2011
out and about
Monday: My sisters came. And my sisters boyfriend, her pregnant stomach, and her dogs.
Tuesday: After work, we went to Sweden - bought loads to drink. The only reason why I wanted to go, was mainly because of Capri-Sonne.
Wednesday: I went to work, came home, chilled out in the weather. Went to the mall. Right now - watching Shaytards out in the sun with a Capri-Sonne. Next up - color and cut my hair.
Wednesday: I went to work, came home, chilled out in the weather. Went to the mall. Right now - watching Shaytards out in the sun with a Capri-Sonne. Next up - color and cut my hair.
Oh, and I must recommend reading both The Watermelon and Angels by Marian Keyes. I promise you'll have a laugh reading them.
søndag 24. juli 2011
dear lord

(Photo: Dagbladet)
I am still shocked. I am angry, and horrified. In total there's 93 people dead. Several people are missing, and there are many people who are severely hurt. The whole country is in sorrow. I've been watching news non-stop the last days. This is not a thing that will pass easily. It will haunt us for life. I feel helpless. I've been sitting here for hours, and all I can do is to watch the news. I can't even laugh without getting a bad conscience. I can't smile. Tomorrow I need to go to work - I guess life must go on. I pray that the families who lost a daughter, son, sister, brother, father, or mother, will get through this. I can't even imagine losing a sibling or a parent.
lørdag 23. juli 2011
Skies are crying, I am watching

(Photo: VG - Powerful explosion in Oslo)
I am filled with such sorrow, I don't know how to describe it. It started with a shock, and almost denial. It's not the same as when people are bombed in a country far away. And I can't even believe I just wrote that. But it's the truth. When things like this happen in other countries I am saddened, but then turn back to a normal mode. You know that cover of Demi Lovato's Skyscraper and the "Sound of rain without music" .. that's the perfect song to this. The lyrics just hit me right in my stomach.
"Skies are crying,
I am watching,
Catching teardrops in my hands.
Only silence, as it's ending,
Like we never had a chance.
Do you have to make me feel
Like there's nothing left of me?
You can take everything I have,
You can break everything I am,
Like I'm made of glass,
Like I'm made of paper.
Go on and try to tear me down.
I will be rising from the ground,
Like a skyscraper,
Like a skyscraper.
As the smoke clears,
I awaken,
And untangle you from me.
Would it make you feel better
To watch me, while I bleed?
All my windows still are broken,
But I'm standing on my feet.
You can take everything I have,
You can break everything I am,
Like I'm made of glass,
Like I'm made of paper.
Go on and try to tear me down.
I will be rising from the ground,
Like a skyscraper,
Like a skyscraper.
Go run, run, run.
I'm gonna stay right here,
Watch you disappear.
Yeah, ohh.
Go run, run, run.
Yeah, it's a long way down,
But I am closer to the clouds,
Up here.
You can take everything I have,
You can break everything I am,
Like I'm made of glass,
Like I'm made of paper.
Go on and try to tear me down.
I will be rising from the ground,
Like a skyscraper,
Like a skyscraper.
Like a skyscraper,
Like a skyscraper."
fredag 22. juli 2011
jostein gaarder
I've now read four novels of Jostein Gaarder. I've realised that it doesn't help to read only one, or two .. but four. All the novels have an influence of philosophy. It's very noticeable, but also sorta manipulating. As I found Sofies Verden quite boring, I quickly decided that I would not be influenced by the novels, but I often find myself asking questions that are very philosophical. It's not very much like me, however, I quite enjoy it. I would love to write 1000 words right now about what I've been reading, and how it has affected me. But, I'll spare you for the pain (lol). I finished reading Kabalmysteriet (the last) yesterday - and I loved it. Well, no, I really enjoyed it! You might wonder why I have read four books by the same author .. well .. actually, I think I've already told you. If you want to get wiser, I think you should try out some of Jostein Gaarder's novels. Personally I'd mostly recommend Kabalmysteriet. I think part of the reason why I really enjoyed it, was because I had absolutely no expectations to this novel. Whereas I had expectations to the three others. Right now I'm reading The Watermelon by Marian Keyes just for fun. I've read it two times before, but it is extremely entertaining. I recommend everyone to go and pick up a book. Read something.
A part of Oslo was bombed today. It's crazy. They don't know if it is terrorism yet. However, it was recently a terrorism-attack in Sweden .. merely some months ago. I am watching the news now, and one said that Scandinavia seems to be a perfect target for terrorism. It's scary .. I've always thought of terrorism of non-existing in Norway .. and that it is the safest place on earth. But if this is terrorism .. it means that our security will be stricter. This doesn't necessarily make me happy. People die everyday of terrorism, but I never thought it would happen here.
torsdag 21. juli 2011
caught up in this moment

Precious isn't it? Tomorrow it's Friday! And it's one month left of the vacation. I don't know whether to be excited or not. It's not only the end of the vacation, but also the London-trip. I have a feeling that the trip is going to make me want to travel even more. But then there's reality and priorities. We once had a little lecture about travelling at school. It was the sister-in-law of my teacher who held the lecture. She had been in China for .. I don't quite remember, but it was a long time. Anyways, she told us that she hadn't taken her driver licence yet, and that whenever she got money, she bought a plane ticket to a random place. What she said really amazed me .. because that's what I'd like to do. I don't think my parents will be very happy about it though. "Whatever makes you happy".
onsdag 20. juli 2011
you played it too deep
This song is so powerful, and the music video just amplifies it. It reminds me of watching I Am Number Four - and part of the reason why I enjoyed it so much, was because of the soundtrack. It was stuffed with amazing and perfect music. Soundtrack means a lot to me .. it was also one of the reasons why Hangover 2 didn't reach to the top at my list. The music was terrible. Very unexpected - I watched the trailer for the movie, and Dark Fantasy by Kanye West was played. The song sounded fantastic, hence my expectation to the soundtrack. When I think about it .. all my favorite movies have great soundtracks. Oh well, need to sleep now!
tirsdag 19. juli 2011
happiness is a mood not a destination

You guessed it! (well .. if you guessed what I'm about to tell you, you guessed it!) The London-problem is fixed. I'm not leaving before the 16th. And I'm back the 18th. My friends parents are quite worried about safety and stuff, so I said: "Why do I always become friends with people with overprotective parents?" My dad suggested that I'd go to Paris instead, because we have family there. "I can call your uncle, and he'll show you around in Paris". I guess my friend isn't the only one with overprotective parents. Not that I'm ungrateful. I am very grateful indeed.
pumped up kicks

I am a bit bummed out. The London-trip I was planning seems to slip away. The problem is that I don't get money until August 15. And my friend wants to go the 13th. I could've borrowed money, but that's a thing I'm not very comfortable with. Oh well, another time then. If it's not London, I'll probably join my friend to Switzerland this fall, if I don't get another companion to London.
mandag 18. juli 2011
things I must do
So, last Saturday, when I was with my friend. I said that I wanted to become a good baker. And she responded that I should practice. I ended up making a chocolate cake and some pancakes today. Both turned out better than expected. Well I haven't actually tasted the cake yet. I'm stuffed with food. Anyways, I like eating cake the day after it's been made. Well, I actually like to eat everything the day after it's been made. But the pancakes were yummy!
søndag 17. juli 2011
hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
I spent my day at my friend yesterday. We went bathing and had a little barbecue. Then we went home, and watched movies and ate cake. My friend is going to Switzerland tomorrow, so we threw all the cake decorations on the cake. Yummy!
old friend why are you so shy
Lots and lots of pictures! I know! I've realised that nature and architecture are favorites of mine. Yesterday I went to Oslo with my mom, dad and my younger sister. And oh my gosh. Oslo is such a beautiful city when it's summer! We went to Akershus Fortress as it's called in English. I've actually never been there before, I just haven't cared to look. It turned out to be very beautiful! I've also discovered that I love doors. If I were a billionaire I'd design my own house from scratch. A navy-blue front door. How awesome wouldn't that have been?
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