fredag 29. juni 2012

goodnight, travel well

"Sometimes there are things in our life that aren’t meant to stay. Sometimes change may not be what we want. Sometimes change is what we really need. And sometimes saying goodbye is the hardest thing you think you’ll ever have to do, but sometimes it’s saying ‘hello again’ that breaks you down and makes you the most vulnerable person you’ll ever know. Sometimes change is too much to bear, but most of the time change is the only thing saving your life." - Unknown.

make you feel my love

I have surprisingly not seen any Jonas-related TT's on Twitter the last day. Might have something to do with the One Direction live Twitter Q&A today. I've seen loads of 1D-related TT's, but mostly dedicated to Niall. Today I've mostly done grown-up things. Like cleaning all my paperwork the last few years. I went to the post office, had a quick meeting, etc. Did I mention that it rained like crazy today? I don't mind rain the minute I'm actually standing outside in the rain. However, when I'm situated in my cozy, warm and dry bed, it is little tempting to go outside. Yesterday, however, it was sunny. And I went for a "jog" late at night. The reason why I've called it a "jog", is because my mum decided to tag along. And I'll say one thing: if you want to jog, never bring your mum that have had five kids, and that never really train. We jogged 1/3 of the time. And that was slow. Like really slow. And then 2/3 of the time, we just walked. It was fun though - watching my mum attempt running. She looked like some crazy person chasing you. 

torsdag 28. juni 2012

see you soon

Much to my dismay, the past week I've been getting up really early. Always having something to do like hanging with friends, signing important papers, delivering things, etc. Today I went to the hospital and registered myself as blood donator. And I took two blood tests. Two, because my blood vessel didn't want to stay put. Which means the first wasn't really a test. I just got a needle into my skin. It gets me every time. I don't mind taking blood tests, however, I always flinch. Anyways, after taking off the cotton and tape on my arm, I look kind of like a narcotic person that shoves needles in their arms - not too delightful in other words. Sad thing is that I might not be able to give blood anyways, since you apparently must have a certain weight. It means that if I do decide to get my blood tapped, I might get really really dizzy, because it's a lot of blood for a small person. Since I woke up early today, I managed to finish reading The Fault In Our Stars, AND I still have the whole day. But I need to wake up early tomorrow as well .. another important meeting. But after that I can finally hit the snooze-button. 

the fault in our stars

"Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten."

I suppose I was a bit skeptical upon reading this book, as I've just started reading Inamorata, which I believe is excellently written. Therefore, I was afraid that perhaps The Fault In Our Stars would be poor in comparison. However, they are completely different in themes and genres. Plus, it did really please me. It was not just one of those sobby love stories. It is a novel written by a healthy man, who is married and have a kid. Nothing like the protagonist. So I spent much time wondering why on earth John Green chose Hazel as the protagonist. But mostly, I just wondered how the novel would end. It ended much like An Imperial Affliction - which I've now learned is a made-up book - with an open end. Except The Fault In Our Stars didn't actually stop in the middle of a sentence. John Green, the author, is also a very known Youtuber, which must be one of the reasons why I keep finding quotes from his work on Tumblr. Within twenty pages into the book, I realised that I had read at least three quotes from Tumblr. With very good rhetoric, John Green, managed to keep me busy reading. The novel is both funny and sad - which is just my type of thing. One second I was crying soft tears, the next I was laughing. Plus I find it slightly philosophical, which I also do enjoy. I would actually recommend everyone to read it. It is a novel that I find quite universal. And next, I might start reading Looking For Alaska by John Green as well. I've seen quite a few quotes from that novel too.

onsdag 27. juni 2012

keep calm and carry on

Ah, great. Now Nick Jonas and Joe Jonas are in Paris, two and a half week after I was there. It's like faith never wants me to meet two of my biggest role models. Today I've been at IKEA and my friends house. And there we caught some sun rays and watched Cougar Town. Right now I've just started reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. My sister recommended it to me, and I know Shaycarl from Shaytards have recommended it about thousand times. So I guess it's time for me to read it. And you can bet that you'll get some sort of review from me! Today I am achingly envious of people that are at the music festival Hove. Because I know the Shins, XX, and Ed Sheeran are there today. So so envious. Oh well.

tirsdag 26. juni 2012

open bottles of beer but never champagne

(Picture: Tumblr )
I am indeed in love with Ed Sheerans music. And I am having a hard time with not ordering his CD. However, I do have some willpower. He is kind of the male version of Adele in my mind. They are both extremely good at lyrics. And their songs are wonderful. Although I do give Sheeran a bit more credit, as his songs aren't all love songs. They are actually songs about important problems to our society today. On the other hand, Adele's voice is in a whole different level - than anyone really. I will admit that I first became known with Ed Sheeran after I heard he had collaborated with One Direction on Moments. I had of course heard his hit The A-Team. However, it wasn't until then I really listened. And I'm not ashamed. You shouldn't judge any person by their personality and instantly think they have a "type" of music taste. Just because I do love The Jonas Brothers, I don't only listen to them. I will in fact say that plenty of the music I listen to today, is because of them. And I am very grateful, as I've been introduced to great classics and popular artists that are considered as mainstream today (in the good way - as in those who succeed). Speaking of Jonas Brothers - they are currently writing new music. And as I thought all old fans had moved on, I have been proved wrong. It's like they have a worldwide TT on Twitter every day. I'm not even joking. I really do believe they have had at least one a day. And it makes me smile. Simply because I love the Jonas Brothers, and only wish for them to succeed. When I recently got my computer back, my iTunes had been deleted. And I had to put my 700 songs back on iTunes. Not cool.

mandag 25. juni 2012

if you knew how much this moment means to me

I finally got my computer back today, but to my dismay I had lost a great deal of pictures. Now, if you knew me, you would know that I share a great love for photography. And my pictures have a big value to me. So when I saw that I had lost six months of pictures, I was devastated. However, I do have my Paris-pictures on my memory card. That does count for something. I am still saddened though, as I've lost multiple pictures of my nephew David, which I consider the most important ones. But new memories are to be captured, and therefore I am not too devastated. I introduced my sister to Wattpad today, and she laughed at me. For she knew I had been reading fanfiction, and therefore quickly brushed it off. However, I did manage to turn her around, as I introduced a very very good "novel" if I may call it so. There are so many great undiscovered writers out there, and Wattpad is such a great place to start. The novel I am currently reading is called "Inamorata", and it has left me in awe. The delight of finally reading something interesting and decent-written after reading the opposite for days, is quite lovely.

søndag 24. juni 2012

just kiss me slowly

I was looking through my blog, and I spotted old pictures from when I always used to eat fruit-salads. And so I felt like having one today - and it's so good. Beats every form of sweets. The weather has gone quite downhill, but I'm expecting some sunny days next week. I am planning to give blood next week, but first I need to go through a interview or something, so I don't quite know when. And then tomorrow I'm finally getting my computer. I'll admit that it hasn't been that bad. I just get really attached to my technological products. I was watching some of my regular Youtubers today, and I saw that many of them went to amusement parks. And it made me excited and giddy! I love roller coasters and amusement parks. The feeling you get in your stomach? Amazing. If I ever go to America - first stop: Six Flags! 

lørdag 23. juni 2012

what am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you

I was so tired yesterday, that I slept til 1 today. And I have decided that I will stop trying to catch a 1D twitcam. I think I much more fancy my sleep. The weather outside is frightful. It's pouring rain, and it's cold. I don't like that combination. I've recently signed up for Wattpad, which basically is a place where you can read "novels" or "one-shots" made by random people. You can also write. It really is amusing, because some of the writers are really good. I don't write myself, though. I just read. Writing takes so much time, certainly if you are a perfectionist. My mum started preparing food for me and my sister, as they are leaving for China in about two weeks. And it made me realise that London is creeping up on me. I cannot wait!

a little touch of heavenly light

This just makes me want to go back to the cinema and watch Snow White And The Huntsman again. I can't get the pictures of the breathtaking nature out of my mind. And there are some scenes that I will not spoil here, but that completely caught me. If I watch it again, though, I will pee on beforehand and bring a blanket. When I watched the movie at the cinema, I had to run out and pee. I was debating whether I could just not go to the toilet. But as I was almost peeing myself and it being still an hour left of the movie, I ran as fast as I could. And cinemas tend to be really cold. I do not quite understand the logic, but I can tell you that my sister turned sick after watching the movie. I was quite prepared, though. I was wearing a really warm sweater, but it was still cold. I don't know. I'm a sucker for architecture and nature. Superhero-movies are not quite my taste. If I could describe this movie with one word: beautiful.

fredag 22. juni 2012

the sun goes down, the stars come out

Today I went to Oslo with my friend. But before that we went to school in order to get our pc's fixed. I will not have my beloved computer back until Monday. Which means I am stuck on this old and slow computer plus the iPad. But right now I'm so tired I might just go to sleep anyways. Bon nuit! 

torsdag 21. juni 2012

shake like you're famous girl

A review? Really? Yes. No. Just my opinion. Honestly .. I kind of love it. I remember walking to the Urban Decay counter at Sephora, and I said "Hi, I've heard a lot good about one of your primers.." and the lady interrupted me, and said "Yes, this one", and reached for the product. She then proceeded to tell me about the product, but it was unnecessary. I was going to buy it anyways. I hardly ever wear any eye make-up, because from experience, I know it's going to end up under my eyes, and I'll look like a panda. But yesterday, I ran to the bus, walked in the heating sun, and even went to a pub. And when I came home? I was so ready to look at myself in the mirror, looking like a panda. But I was pleasantly surprised. It looked just as when I put my makeup on. Like, as if I had glued it on. I'd just say: buy it. However, I'm not prone to very very oily eye-lids. But I would still give it a try. 

can't lose you, can't help it. I'm so sorry, I'm so selfish

Have summer come? I thought maybe that there would be no summer in Norway this year after the heat-wave we experienced not long ago. But I guess I was wrong. The past days have been very sunny. But not entirely. Nothing can ever compare to that heat-wave, but I think this is the nearest we will have to summer. Yesterday I was out at a pub after out school "graduation", and sad as it sounds, I was thinking "Oh my, Niall (of 1D) is having a twitcam right now, is he not? Not the entire night though, but some times. The rest of the night was spent saying goodbye and good luck to all my class mates who were there. It was incredibly cozy. However, also very saddening, as I realised that I will see little of my classmates ever again. Life has a tendency to give you friends, but also take them away. And then you gain new friends, and then they are taken away. Everything in life seems to move in an endless circle. Anyhow, when I came home yesterday, the first thing I did was to check up on my Twitter. And Niall had not had a twitcam, to my joy. And I have also realised that I am not the only fan that is frightened to miss a twitcam. However, as most of 1D are currently situated in the Los Angeles-area, the timezones are quite different. So, I fell asleep at 3, but woke up at 7, and then every 30 minutes from then. Just so that I could see if any of the boys were doing a twitcam. I am still checking up on Twitter every hour or so. Yes, you may now laugh at me. But I do not care much. I am indeed infatuated with 1D. 

tirsdag 19. juni 2012

I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe

How can you say no to this?

that little dress breaking every heart

Why? The one day I choose to sleep in. Well, okay, that's a lie. I've slept till 12:00 most days since school ended. But why today? Yesterday I missed Niall having a twitcam with his friend Josh Devine. And today I just missed Liam having a twitcam. I might have to get a new cellphone just so that I can be updated with twitter-feed all the time. I promise you, I'm in there like every hour to see whether they are doing a twitcam or not. Except when I'm sleeping, and it's seems like that's when they choose to have their twitcams. Ah, facepalm. Anyways, I woke up to beautiful weather today, though it's a bit windy. At least it's sunny and not raining. I might go for a swim with my friend later. And then perhaps a jog. Finally, after "russetiden" and all the exams I've been getting back into my "training mode". Which is quite important considering all the cheeseburgers I've eaten lately. Well, what can I say? I love cheeseburgers.  

mandag 18. juni 2012

stuck in her daydream, been this way since 18

I love this. And when Zayn and Liam starts harmonizing with Niall. That's what I like about song-groups, they can sound beautiful only because of the harmonies. And then Harry kind of ruins things. I guess he's just being Harry. But I'd love to hear Niall do a cover of the whole song. Every time he sings "she's in the class A team", it gives me shudders. And I can just replay, replay and replay it. Plus I love how Niall and Zayn always can sing tunes together. Drake, JLS, Justin Bieber, etc. "I ship Ziall", as they say.

taint all your images of your "mr. perfect"

I kind of just want to sleep. Like a bear. And not go outside. Because I'm tired, and it's raining outside. And no one likes being tired and the rain as a combination. Well, I'm sure there probably are some, but I don't like it. However, my horoscope is forcing me.

Although you may want to be alone for a while, your day depends on how well you can get along with others. You might wish that you could escape into fantasies, but the real challenge today is to balance your dreams with what you must do in the real world. Once you accept the necessity of social interactions, you should be able to find the security you seek from within.

So I'm heading out for pizza with my classmates one last time.

søndag 17. juni 2012

take a shot for me

"I can see it in your eyes, you're angry
Regret got shit on what you're feeling now
Mad cause he ain't like me
Oh you mad cause nobody ever did it like me
All the care I would take, all the love that we made
Now you're trying to find somebody to replace what I gave to you".

lørdag 16. juni 2012

he sees her ghost every time he looks into her eyes

One Direction in my bed. Yep, that's right. Oh facepalm. But I must be truthful here, this was perhaps the most exciting buy from Paris. Ask my friend, and she'll probably say "perhaps??". This will be my story of how I got the "infection".

1. You see them everywhere. Every day they have a TT on Twitter. Something about how their fans are the best. And then a Justin Bieber/One Direction-fanbase fight starts. Their Youtube video is the most watched this week .. and the next week, and then the next week again. You log onto your Tumblr, and it gets worse. They are literally everywhere. You go like "oh, where have I seen that face?", and you facepalm as you realise it's them.

2. Your friend, sister or someone asks you to watch a video of them. And there's no point in saying no. You'll be forced anyways. You think "they're alright I guess", and go on living your own life.

3. And then you start watching their videos by yourself, and you no longer mind them being on your Twitter-feed, or the dashboard on Tumblr. It does not bother you anymore, it actually makes you smile a bit.

4. And then you watch a video, or you read an article. Or you just see a picture. And it clicks. Like, something inside you just clicks. And that's it! You have the infection too. 

I can remember me thinking who's all these TT's about? Who is One Direction? I did not understand all the buzz. But then my sister got me to watch them on ICarly, and I think that's when it clicked for me. I realised they are just five normal boys. And they seem so carefree. It's like, some artists are soo out of your league. And I don't mean dating-wise. I mean how they act. How they always do charity. How they are always doing all these good things. But these guys are actually people you can relate to. I mean, Niall Horan will just fart in between a Twitcam-session. What other "celebrities" will do that? And that's why I like them.

I get by with a little help from my friends

You look glum, there. You are playing your guitar, with one foot on a speaker. In a room with thousands of people, you look lonely. Thousands of people that are trying to get your attention. I cannot read your face - whether you are saddened, or just living in your own little world. But there you go, there you flash a little smile to the crowd. A very little one. And the very second you flashed it, it is gone again. You go back to looking glum whilst playing on your guitar. You are looking down at the guitar and the floor, mouthing the lyrics to the song. But then he comes along. He puts the microphone to your mouth. And you sing. And the crowd goes crazy. They shout even louder, as if it is possible. You smile broadly. He smiles back at you, and  he continues to sing himself. Even if it was only for a couple seconds, it made you smile. That is the power of a friend. You can have the shittiest day, and then a friend comes along. The friend might say something, or do something. It can be as simple as a smile. And you instantly feel better.

fredag 15. juni 2012

I hardly know you, and I don't want to let you go

I suppose this is an example of how broad my music taste is. From Conor Maynard to Harry & Alfie. I first heard of these through Gabrielle Aplin. They've done an amazing cover of Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons, and you'd believe it actually were Mumford & Sons. After my oral exam today, I headed home for some sleep. I wasn't really physically exhausted. But mentally. And then I slept till eight or something. And I just recently came home from a long jog! I actually managed to run 80% of a 50-60 minute run. I am very satisfied, as I've not taken a jog since a little accident that scarred me for life. Okay, not that traumatic, but I managed to stumble upon my own feet, and I fell and hit my knees. And I have been ashamed ever since. However, after having a long nap, I felt motivated to go for a jog. And I had not intended for such a long more. I had intended for a maximum of 20 minute jog, but I felt like I could go on, and so I did. Have a nice Friday!

torsdag 14. juni 2012

hey conor

Conor Maynard is one of the Youtubers, where I actually like his original music. This is very far from what I believe is my music taste. However, I'm still drawn to his music. I can only hope he does not quit Youtube forever, because he does beautiful Drake-covers (and others of course). Tomorrow is Friday, and I'll finally be done with my exam. Today I felt like crying, because I'm so far from finished. However, I can see some light in the tunnel, and it has occurred to me that I don't give a damn about the outcome. This is not a good thing, though. But at least that leaves me ok with getting an OK grade. And I won't cry about it .. not that I ever do. I cannot wait for tomorrow. When I'm done, I'm going home in order to sleep. I might as well sleep all day.

onsdag 13. juni 2012

in your words I hear a melody

No, but seriously. One second I'm typing words for my presentation. Next second I'm searching up things like "Niall and Zayn Bromance". And then the next second I facepalm, and pull my hair. And then I just scream because I'm irritated by myself. And then I just jump off my bed and run to my sister and ask her "Vas happenin'" .. okay, no, but I do ask her what she is doing. And then I'm back to studying and writing sensible things relevant to my presentation .. and then everything happens again. I'm pretty sure I can conclude with a failed exam. Someone kill me. Now. Okay, no, don't. I kind of want to live.

long nights, strange men

Hello there! I'm procrastinating as usual. Listening to Ed Sheeran as usual. On Friday I have my last exam, which will be really really nice. But now I'm still in the position, where I need to get my shit sorted, finish my presentation and study. My goal for today is actually to finish the whole presentation. I am having slight doubts though. I know I'm perfectly capable to make a presentation, but I do need quality! And quality does not come easily.

tirsdag 12. juni 2012

snow white and the huntsman

On Sunday afternoon I was planning to go watch Snow White and The Huntsman at the movies. The last minute, we decided to go with the Avengers instead, due to mixed reviews of Snow White and The Huntsman. And I was not in the mood to watch a bad movie. However, after watching the Avengers, I still wanted to watch this movie. So finally, I managed to drag my sister to the movies today. When watching the Avengers, I had quite high expectations, because I had only heard good things about it. Sadly, I was slightly disappointed. Because of the experience with the Avengers, I decided to have low expectations to this movie. But I don't think I really managed to control my expectations - I was still really looking forward for the movie.

One of the biggest critics to this movie (that I've read several times) was the casting of Kristen Stewart as Snow White. And I do get it, her stammering and awkward body language can sometimes be annoying. However, I do believe she did quite a good job, with one exception (spoiler alert - do not read!): when her and "William" kissed. I found it very familiar to the "Bella and Edward" awkward kisses. And it did ruin quite a bit. The rest of the movie, I think she looked absolutely beautiful. Even with dirt and mud all over. And I didn't notice too much stammering at all.

Charlize Theron did a good job as the evil queen. I had expected nothing less of her. And she did look fierce. Not only did she look fierce, but also acted fierce. I have nothing else to say about her, except that I admire her beauty. Chris Hemsworth was perhaps my favorite character. Because who doesn't love complicated men? A huntsman who acts like a douche bag, but who really is quite sweet. I much more prefer him with dirt in his face and hair like the Huntsman, rather than Thor.

The filming and the locations were absolutely mind-blowing. It was probably the best part about the movie. Like Snow White wandering breathless, watching the nature blossom for the first time in years - I was watching the movie absolutely breathless. Everything was amazing. Even the dark forest. I don't know what was real though. Technology is so good these days, you don't know what's green screen (except for creatures). But it all looked very real to me.

Summary: If you hate Kristen Stewart, this is probably not the right movie for you. But if you are a fan of fantasy and fairytales, and are willing to ignore Kristen Stewart, you should watch it. I can promise breathtaking nature. I quite loved it, and I'd watch it again. But that's very biased. I know for a fact that there are plenty who would hate it.

turn all the lights on
Du ser det ikke. Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor. Alt trenger ikke å være perfekt. Du er du, og jeg er jeg. Blir du fornærmet om jeg kaller deg rar? Å være annerledes er ikke galt. Vi blir født som ulike individer - og vi er ment til å stå ut. Vær stolt av deg selv, sier jeg. Ikke vær redd for å være rar, sier jeg. Livet er for kort, sier jeg. Det er bortkastet tid å gå rundt på tærne i redsel for å stå ut. Hvis alle går med rosa skjørt, er det lov til å gå med et grønt skjørt i stedet. Jeg skjønner ikke at du ser det. Alt skal ikke være perfekt. Da blir meningen med livet borte.

mandag 11. juni 2012

it's too cold outside for angels to fly

Today I wore this. Everything is from Paris. Since I didn't wear anything from Paris either on Saturday or Sunday, I decided to wear something today. I am in love with both. The hole in the back? I don't know why, but I quite love it. And the shorts .. ah, I've been wanting a pair of these for ages. I miss Paris. I miss walking around in a foreign country with a language I don't understand, just exploring. I miss the metro, and I miss the people. Thankfully I'm leaving for London next month. A new place to explore! I love travelling. I really do. My brother left today, he's gone backpacking again. I'm kind of jealous. No, not "kind of". I am jealous.

I wish it was me that you call later on, cause you wanna say good night

1 Bourjois Mascara Volumizer/ 2. L'occitane Hand Cream/ 3.Origins GinZing Eye Cream/ 4. Sephora Nail polish in "Purple Jewelry"/ 5.  Sephora Nail polish in "Gold Fever"/ 6. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion/ 7. MAC Face and Body foundation/ 8. Bioderma Crèaline H2O. 
Here are all make up and skin products I bought in Paris. Exceptions are gifts. This far I've tried the eye cream by Origins, the face and body foundation by MAC, the hand cream by L'occitane, the Bioderma Crealine H2O and the nail varnish "Gold Fever". The only dislike is actually the hand cream - it makes my hands soft. However, it makes my hands really sticky, and it takes quite awhile before it sinks into the skin. Everything else I've tried, I love. Ah, I love to look at make up and skin products. And food. Did I tell you, whilst I were in Paris, we stopped at a grocery store, and I spent the whole time in the store with my mouth open. Just gazing at the huge selection of brands and products. OMG, I love food.

søndag 10. juni 2012

the way you make me feel

I've just been listening to some covers by Nick Jonas, and I'm always so amazed by how talented he is. Lately I've been kind of obsessed with One Direction, mostly Niall. And though I say it's mostly because he's irish, it's probably because of his voice. And as I'm writing this, I realise it's probably because of his similarity to Nick Jonas. It's because I miss Nick. He's like a drug. And when I cannot get more of this drug, I need to replace it with something in the meanwhile. Niall is a great singer, and I wish he would get more solos. He is also a good guitar player. And his name starts with an N. However, I don't think they can be compared. At all. Unless I hear Niall sing a whole song by himself, then, maybe. Probably not. I personally believe that Nick Jonas could cover any song and make it better. But that's a personal thought. Ah, I love Jick Nonas. 

lørdag 9. juni 2012

home is wherever I'm with you

Yes, I am home. I came home yesterday, took a lovely shower and went to bed. My body is so tired from walking, running, and just not getting enough rest. But it's what you do when you want to experience the most, in such a short amount of time. I already miss Paris. And I've made a promise to go back someday, because we didn't get to do everything. Plus, I think I've fallen in love with Paris and the french language. It's just so nice.

onsdag 6. juni 2012

falling from cloud nine

Du er så fin. 
Som en pianosolo. 
Som musikk til mine ører. 
Som "Mona Lisa" til mine øyne.
Du er så fin.
Men du er ikke min.
Og du vil aldri være det heller. 

small bump

I am currently watching the Venus-passage. If it wasn't for my exam tomorrow, I would've woken up at 4:00 in order to get a glimpse of the end. Instead I'm watching a live streaming. At least I'm able to watch it. I sadly don't think I'm alive in 105 years, unless I live till 124 years. It could be possible, but I don't think watching the Venus-passage would be my first priority at the age of 124. Why I am so interested in astronomy? I think it has something to do with "Appelsinpiken" by Jostein Gaarder. 

tirsdag 5. juni 2012

sells love to another man

Did I ever tell you where I'm going? Paris. On thursday. It already feels like I'm leaving tomorrow. You see, I'm going to surprise my friend tomorrow. The trip is her birthday-gift. And I can't wait to see her reaction.  It's so weird how I've been keeping this big secret for so long, and how I've been sneaking around, getting all the teachers permission for her to leave for Paris. I once talked to her teacher in front of her. I totally forgot that she was standing only three meters away. I had this teacher last year, so when she asked what I was doing with him, I just answered "oh, I'm applying for something .. and I just needed one of the papers I wrote last year, but I don't really want to talk about it". Here's the thing, I'm not a good liar, unless I'm going to reveal the truth seconds later. Observing her slightly, I thought "oh she bought it, yes!". I can't wait to ask her if she ever suspected anything. I've been racing back and forward trying to fix this present. It's only 2 days left. However, I'm feeling a bit nervous, as the London-trip we planned together last year, fell through. Cross your fingers! I'm currently listening to The A Team by Ed Sheeran. And yes, I do realise it's quite "old". However, it's got such a great music video, and even better lyrics. I think Ed Sheeran is a new favourite of mine. 

mandag 4. juni 2012

nothing on you babe

I'm totally saying YES for Nialler. Oh my, I just died a little of myself. It's like I'm sliced in two different personalities. One is the crazy fan girl, and the other is the one facepalming and the one who's embarrassed for the crazy fan girl. Crazy thing is that I don't know why I like him, other than the fact that he is Irish. Oh, and his voice.

another world

1. Spenol/ 2. Aussie "Take the heat" leave in spray/ 3. Aussie "Miracle Moist" shampoo/ 4. SPAresource "coconut" butter. 
Today at school I watched two movies. As it is school, we mostly watch documentaries or movies that are educating. But we watched "Elling", which I've never seen before. And I do admit that I kind of loved it. I think they hit my humor exactly. I've taken a photo of my purchases today. Three of the products are some of my favorites. The only one I haven't tried before is the leave in spray by Aussie. I am excited to try it, as I love the Aussie products. Probably more because of the funny little things they write on their packaging rather than the product itself. Sounds silly, but when they write "There's more to life than hair but it's a good place to start", they give me a laugh. And when they say you have to use other products in the same line in order to get the best result, they write "And we're not just saying that. Honest..". I mean, how can you not like Aussie, when they write things like that? Anyways, I really need to go study now. Only two days left for the last written exam. And I'm feeling really nervous for this one.

søndag 3. juni 2012

a pound of flesh

I've actually managed to do quite a bit today! I can easily say that I've scratched off 5/9 on my list, where two of them aren't really too important (just things I need to be done with within a month). I have found my suitcase, and started packing. Time flies, and soon loads of my friends will be away for school. Which leaves me like .. alone. But every ending is a beginning. And life always move on, whether you want it or not. Right now I need to do some studying, because the exam on Wednesday is creeping up on me. 

lørdag 2. juni 2012

keep calm and eat a cupcake

I'm feeling a bit too calm, I find. Considering I need to find a suitcase, plan my upcoming trips, my exams, and the fact that I only have like a week or so with "real" schooldays. Obviously I'm not done until 21st of June, however, I have a lot of spare-time in between, and all the exam-days. Right now I think I'll have to finish some schoolwork, before I do some research for my upcoming trips. Always write a list of "what to do" if you want to get things done. It really does help to be able to cross things off a list.

fredag 1. juni 2012

we only said goodbye with words

In less than one week I'll be in a magical place. But soon I'll be heading to my best friends birthday party. TGIF, right? Love Fridays.