fredag 31. august 2012

smile on your face even though your heart is frowning

Hello, I'm back again. I just thought as it is the last day of August, I might as well do another post. I just only watched the newest video with One Direction talking about the VMA's. And oh my gosh - the boys are standing in the changing room. Niall and Zayn is just in their boxers - which weirdly enough made me think of The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction. And then I just sat there feeling a bit disturbed. By myself that is. To be honest I feel like a granny watching a teenager in their underwear - even though they are my exact age. It's just, it feels a bit wrong. Moving on, I have actually managed to read a lot today. Although most of the reading was done on Wattpad. I sometimes wish I never found out about Wattpad. Life would have been so much easier. Next week I'm having a minor surgery, and although the main emotion probably should be fear - I am quite excited. I don't quite know why, but I've always wanted to be a patient. Not because of suffering of a deadly disease of course. But because of the experience. How is it to have a surgery? How is it to lie in a hospital bed? How is it to wear one of those hospital gowns? I'll have all those questions answered. I will admit that I'm not too fond of the idea that someone will be poking at my body. And if there will be any excruciating pain. That won't be too lovely. But I don't know. I like life because it gives you so many different things to deal with. To have a lot of experience - that is what I want in life. Oh, careful what you wish for. It might actually get granted.

nobody said it was easy

I couldn't help myself - I saw these two Coldplay CD's on sale, and I've been wanting them ever since one of my favorite Youtubers mentioned them as his favorite CD's. Obviously that's not the only reason. I actually love Coldplay very much myself, and some of my favorite songs by them are on these albums. When I woke up today, I had to restrain myself from starting the day with eating brownies. Instead I've just finished my cereal. Something Niall would call: "rabbit food". And yes obviously I'm going to drag One Direction into everything I write on this blog. I fucking missed another twitcam. This time it was the whole gang, which makes it slightly worse. But considering I was at school at this time, I can't really be mad. Since it's One Direction, you can always find the twitcam on Youtube the day (or less) after. I just watched it, and must admit that I don't mind Liam shirtless or a good view of Niall's bum. Oh, and then they make me laugh most of the time too, which I won't complain about either. And oh my gosh, I feel like missing out on every One Direction-related things. I don't think I actually have time to be a fangirl anymore. They've published both the new album cover and the title? And in a month their first single will be released. I think things in my life moves on quickly. But oh my god - think about the lads' lives. It's like - yeah, yesterday I had a gig at the Olympics, and today I'm releasing my new album. Nothing special. Nope. Most of the days from now on will be spent reading. If not school books, it's Wattpad (I take back every recommendations of starting reading on Wattpad. It's so fucking addictive I cannot stop) - or recently published - The Rise of Nine. I really have to read something school related, so I'm waiting to start reading The Rise of Nine, because I already know that I will not be able to put it down if I start reading. But I feel so jittery. I'm so close to letting my will get it's way. Oh, no I will be strong! I will. I hate it when my sensible part argues with my senseless part. Anyways. The plane tickets to Bergen is booked. Which basically means I've been travelling once each month from June till October. Paris, London, Trondheim, Bergen and Aalesund. Totally feel like a brat. But a thankful one.

onsdag 29. august 2012

når du engang kommer neste sommer skal vi atter drikke vin

Hello babes and lads. Today is Liam Payne's birthday. And no, I don't actually know all the lads' birthdays. In fact, I don't know Niall's. However, Liam has been raving on about it on Twitter the past weeks. It's almost like he's a girl raving about his sweet sixteen. Alright, that's too harsh. Everyone loves Liam. And I even love his name. It was even one of my suggestions for my nephew. And no, not just because it's Liam's name. I didn't even know of their existence back then. I've just always loved his name. Anyways - happy 19th birthday Liam! Finally some famous people that are born the same year as me. I baked some brownies today, because we got bags of free food, including brownie dough. It's not the cake on the pictures. That's the chocolate cake I baked for my brothers birthday at last Sunday. But yum. That was real good. Can't believe I've baked this much. Speaking of doing things loads of times. I've killed about four spiders the last week. Way to change the subject, yeah? But it's true. I've now learned that one of my sisters is terrified by spiders. That will come in handy for the future (mischievous laughter). But it seems that wherever I go, there is a spider. If I wasn't sane, I'd start believing I'm the next Spiderman. Right. Now I'm off reading a bit before heading to bed. I'm going to wake up and be really tired tomorrow. I fucking know it. 

tirsdag 28. august 2012

when I was younger I saw my daddy cry

Hiya babes. I've just finished updating my story on Wattpad. Not a fan fiction, as my sister assumed. Just a random love story. Just a regular couple that likes each other. Not one of those "a famous meets a normal" stories that floats around. Right now I'm going to book some plane tickets, and then I'm going to jump in the shower. I seriously need to read some anatomy now. But I'm a bit sleepy, seeing as I went to bed a bit after 3:00 yesterday. Ha, I almost even lost my train today. But that was because I'm an idiot, and I always calculate the time wrongly. Right. I'm going to write something more interesting next time. Well, no, probably not. Because I am uninteresting.

mandag 27. august 2012

he broke his own heart and I watched as he tried to reassemble it

I did warn you about the photobomb, didn't I? Black and white has become one of my favorite effects, if you didn't already notice. If you were one of those with patience, and actually looked through the pictures, you'll also notice that a lot of them contains architecture. It isn't until now that it has dawned on me, that just maybe I should have thought of architecture of a career choice. But life isn't over yet. Unless I die now or tomorrow. 2012 has been quite an eventful year, and it will forever have a lot of meaning to me. Course you don't remember days and all, but memories. And 2012 has given me a load of memories. Being a russ, starting higher education, and all the travelling. The year started with travelling home from Ålesund, where I spent my Christmas. I went to Paris with one of my best friends. I went to London with my sisters. I went to Trondheim with my mum and younger sister. And then there are all the "I'm going to" in the future. Thus far I'm sure I'm going to Ålesund in order to attend my nephews birthday. And then I might take a little trip to Bergen as well. This is looking scarcely like a New Years Eve blogpost, but it's not. I'm just very thankful for my life sometimes. And sometimes I like to utter it. Anyways, I'm currently listening to The Only Exception by Paramore. And it's such a beautiful song. And the lyrics are just incredible. Just incredible. The second verse is my favorite.

Maybe I know somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Keep a straight face
And I've always lived like this, keeping a comfortable distance
And up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk

you stole my heart

Hi babes. Yes, your new nickname is babe. I'm finally home, although I must admit that I'm not too happy about it. Sure, it's nice to be in my own bedroom. But being home also means that I have to face reality. I've been in Trondheim, which is somewhere north in Norway. Yes, I am really good at geography in Norway. Sense the sarcasm please. I must say, and I probably say this about everywhere I go, but Trondheim is so sickly beautiful it's maddening. Last time we went there, we drove and I wasn't even aware of the amount of ocean surrounding the city. Again, really good at geography - not. This time, however, we flew, and then we took the bus to my sisters place. And during that little bus-drive, I saw some of the most breathtaking nature I've ever seen. The ocean coloured in the whole specter of blue. And montanas. Ah, I love Norway's nature. The first day we spent strolling around in the city, paying Nidarosdomen a little visit. I could have probably spent the whole day there, studying the architecture. But as my younger sister and my mum doesn't share my fascination for architecture and details, we left way earlier than I wanted. My sister, whom we visited, has just recently moved into a new flat. And so therefore we helped her putting stuff up. Me and my younger sister built two Ikea beds. And you know how you think Ikea is supposed to be easy? Haha. Those beds were not easy. It was two identical beds, so we were able to finish the second one in a lot shorter time than the first one. With the first one we did a lot of mistakes. But luckily we learned from then. A really important point about reading Ikea manuals, is to scan all the details. Check if you've really got the right tool or whatever. I also put together a chair, and chaise with my siblings. At the end of each day, the hall was filled with cardboard. Today, or well, technically yesterday, we celebrated my brothers birthday too. I baked a cake, which turned out to be really good. I'm quite surprised myself actually. I've taken quite a few pictures of Trondheim. And I think I might just post a lot of pictures in one blogpost. Ah, yes, I've got a lot in store for you.

torsdag 23. august 2012

you might have him, but I always have the last word

Ah, I'm way behind schedule and I miss this little guy. My nephew is turning one in two months, so I'm guessing I'll be skipping a lecture in order to fly back "home" and attend his birthday party. Sure, the first birthday party is probably more important to the parents rather than the kid who won't even remember anything. But who cares? He's still a little baby. A baby at his peak. When he's still cute and cuddly and not fussy and annoying yet. I have not finished packing, but I guess I'll just stuff some things along tomorrow. Hope I won't forget anything important. I have not opened my anatomy and physiology book either. However, I have actually crossed some things off my list of "to do's". I don't think I'm going to bed anytime soon either. Too much on my mind. And too much of my list that hasn't yet been done. And about the One Direction single. Turns out they aren't even releasing it tonight. I suppose I was too busy looking at them, rather than listening to what they said. Whoops. Anyways. Gotta go and carry on!

live while we're young

Sand Tropez by Essie is a varnish I've been wanting for ages, but just not bothered to buy. Sadly as I am starting nursing school, nail varnish is a thing I'll wear little of. It can be collected bacteria in the nail varnish, which can lead to serious consequences. But since it's weekend for me now, I'm going to use it. Right now I'm writing all my notes from earlier lectures onto my computer. Today was actually a really great school day. I must say that I'm getting more fond of nursing school. A bit more. Still not too eager for the reading. Yesterday was full of drama on Twitter. Zayn quit his Twitter because of the hate he was getting, but today he is back. My sister was telling me about how all her friends had been freaking out. You've gotta admit that it is slightly amusing watching fangirls. One Direction is apparently releasing a new single today. Which is, in my opinion - really early. I suppose they kind of need to, as they already have an upcoming tour in like .. November I think? Which is again really early. But it's still early days of their fame, which makes their life really really hectic. I am looking forward to hear the new music, but I'm sceptical. To be completely honest, One Direction is not completely my music style. This is where you should think "then why the hell do you always write about them?". And this is where I'm like ashamed of myself and admit that I like them because I think they are lush. Ah, if you only see the video where they announce the new single. Drool. They all look so incredibly hot with their hair styled and all. But hey, I'm not saying that they can't sing or anything like that. Not at all. That's what's so great with them. You can't actually say that they suck, because they were on X-factor, and they did get placed third. That must mean that they do know how to sing. Or else they would have been voted off earlier. It's just not really my music style. I am however really excited for new Jonas Brothers music. From what I heard on the live chat, it's quite amazing. Oh, and the beat - love it. Sure it's not very mainstream and all, but it's very appealing to me.

onsdag 22. august 2012

I know you're loving everything you see

I never really drink milk. I know I should, but I really dislike the taste of it. But with Oreo cookies, milk is almost necessary. These small packs of cookies were also a part of my gift from my best friend. And sadly this was the last one. Ah, I wish I could go grocery shopping in America. Like seriously, I don't even think I want to go to America in order to do shopping (fashion). I just want to explore the grocery stores. I'm so lame. Anyways, I'm so tired. And I'm a bit nervous about school to be honest. It's all so different to what I'm used to. Now my education is all in my hands. It's all my responsibility. It wasn't entirely like that before. And now I've got like thousands (six) books stacked on each other - all waiting to be read by me. And I don't even have all the books. It's now I want to hide in my room forever and just never go to school. Students - how do you do it? Anyone keen to let me know? Oh well. Tomorrow is Thursday, which means I'm leaving the next day. Tomorrow will be spent packing whilst reading. I am seriously going to bring my book along on my trip. That's how determined I am. A few random things that are so incredibly satisfactory - to see that a comment of yours on Youtube has gained a ridiculous amount of likes. This happens quite frequently, but I never know until someone comment back. This time it was a Taylor Swift video, and it's got like 200 likes. Or is it called thumbs up perhaps? Another satisfactory thing is getting random fans at Wattpad.

tirsdag 21. august 2012

take this sinking boat and point it home, we've still got time

My legs are so dead, it's not even funny. After running around campus for approx two hours, doing crazy stuff, I had enough. I just really wanted to go home, take a shower and let my feet rest. I don't know how the others do it. Perhaps it's the alcohol - yes, most probably. I'm not too fond of alcohol myself. Makes me too dozy and too giggly. Like, I laugh at everything. No, correction - giggle at everything. I can't say I'm looking forward to school tomorrow, but after the lectures we have another outing. My study group goes out probably every day. It's like being a russ all over again. However, this time it's kind of stupid, as it is the beginning and not the end of our education. And I'm supposed to read like 140 pages of anatomy and physiology till next Monday. I suppose I'll have to do that on Thursday. Yes, I am going to be a good girl. After watching the Jonas Brothers live chat yesterday, I had to search up a song they did a cover on. Well, it was mostly Nick who did the singing .. and the guitar playing. It's called Falling Slowly. And it's so incredibly beautiful. So so nice lyrics. It slightly reminds me of The Civil Wars. Actually, they should totally do a cover of the song. Right, I'm off to bed now. Sleep tight. 

mandag 20. august 2012

in a sea of people, there was only you

School, school and school. That's my life now. And I realised I actually have to read 500 pages till December in anatomy and physiology, which looks scarcely alike chemistry. I am seriously going to try reading something now, and then I am going to watch the Jonas Brothers live chat. Finally. It's been ages since they've done a live chat. As I mentioned earlier, I watched the first Married To Jonas episode, and I must say I'm a bit shocked. You know how you have idols, and you just cannot see any flaws with that idol. I've always thought of the Jonas family as some kind of great and perfect family. But watching MTJ made me realise that everyone has problems. Sure, I know nobody is perfect and all, but I just thought that they maybe were close to perfect. But I was slightly wrong. And oh boy, Nick does not look too great from what I've seen (not his looks, but personality wise). He's so bossy it's maddening. I feel like just walking up to Kevin and give him a hug. That's how much of a dickhead Nick is portrayed. And who the hell discuss having a baby with their in-laws over a meal? I mean. Poor Danielle. I kind of must say that I knew watching MJT would change all of my thoughts of everyone. But as the fan I am, I just had to. I am currently listening to David Archuleta. I love going back to old favorites. Brings back so many memories. Right, I'm going to study now.

talks like you imagined when you were young

Right. Here it is, the gift that I was most excited about. If you didn't know already, I watch Youtube all the time. Though I must admit that I've not been on Youtube all that much lately. Anyways, I love watching make-up gurus, even though I wear minimal make-up myself. It's just very relaxing. Babylips by Maybeline is a product that has been raved about by my favorite Youtubers, so I'm kind of ecstatic to try this out. Right now I'm going to eat and watch Married To Jonas. Then I'm heading to Oslo for school once again. Ah, I can't actually believe that I have school till 8:15 pm. It's so incredibly odd.  Sorry about the crappy image, but I'm too lazy to be bothered. A positive thing about Monday, is that it will soon be Friday. And then I'm off to visit my siblings. I cannot wait! Oh well. See ya later.

you can take my heart, like a criminal

Ah, third blogpost this Sunday! I'm on fire. Yes, I know it's technically Monday, but I haven't gone to bed yet. Therefore it's still Sunday in my mind. This is another of those random posts. I'm just stalking Niall Horan as usual, and I came across these pictures of him being at what is named V Fest. A festival I suppose. But what's intriguing, and somewhat funny to me - is the fact that he is standing with George Craig and Conor Maynard. It's just .. those lads are people I became fond of before ever knowing about One Direction. It's like he's mocking me. Like, "hey M, look who I'm standing with - some of your favorite people, yep". Speaking of Conor, you should all listen to Turn Around by him feat Ne-Yo. You heard me. It's his first and debut album, and he's got a duet with Ne-Yo? I must admit that I was quite shocked myself. This tune is probably my second favorite after Drowning. I saw another picture of Nialler with Flackster (Caroline Flack). Unlike about every directioner, I don't really hate her. I actually think she's quite pretty to be 32. Although I think she would have looked better without all that makeup she wears. But then again, I'm all about style. No pun intended. And in my opinion, everyone with great style is pretty. And Flackster has quite an amazing style to be honest. And you've got to be crazy not to be jealous of her. I mean, she had Harry, didn't she? And who would not want to wake up with Harry in their bed? Sure, I know she's like ages older than Harry. And she's old enough to be his mum. But .. right .. moving on. Wait. Not moving on. Why is Nialler hanging with Flackster anyways? Right. I just saw a picture with him and Tulisa as well. I guess everyone from any X Factor-related things are there. Olly included. I'm sure you've got no idea of who I'm talking about. But that's okay. I'm going to read all the Wattpad stories I'm reading and then go to bed. Ah, I love Niall's quiff. I just want to run my hands through his hair. It's the same with Nick Jonas - it would be so lovely to run my hand through his curls. Oh, wait. He's not got any curls any longer. Or maybe it's grown back? I don't know. Okay. Right, this is getting really weird. Enough of this rambling. I'm going now, before I write anything else stupid. I surrender.

søndag 19. august 2012

she was that girl that make me do the hula hoop

Sometimes I think I'm blessed with having the bestest friends you can ever have. My best friend just got home from America yesterday, and therefore I went to visit her today. And this is what I got. A bag of goodies actually. I'm the type of girl that loves food. I love trying new foods, it's all so exciting. Not too fond of desserts though. Except for crackers of course. And so my best friend brings home a load of cereals and crackers. And yes, that is a POP magazine with One Direction. And then I got some makeup, where one of the things is the most exciting one. I'll show you tomorrow. I've just showered and put on new sheets on my bed. Ah, I cannot imagine anything better than falling asleep newly showered, in fresh bedding. However, the trip to my best friend did result in new additions of mosquito-bites on my body. I was waiting for the bus for max. five minutes. And what does that mean? Five new mosquito-bites. Three on my legs, and two on my face. It's like they hate me. And love my blood. It's like walking out in a war-zone. Oh well. I'm too happy to care really.

paper window dreams

Is it possible to push someone away? If you ignore them enough, will they go away? Just so you can spare yourself for anymore pain. It's selfish probably. People get hurt. But if you think you're doing it for them? Sure. You know the quote "If you love them, let them go". What if ignoring them is the only answer to "letting them go". What if you're wrong? What if? Ah, the uncertainty to everything. I've only just realised that I'm attracted to troubled people. Complicated people. Although, I think everyone's a bit complicated, they just don't entirely know themselves. I should probably not have taken psychology, then I wouldn't be analyzing everyone. It's why I watch Skins, it's why I prefer reading gloomy stories on Wattpad, it's why Marian Keyes is my favorite author. Anyways. It's a beautiful day today. Thus far the sky is blue, and I might just lie outside. Tomorrow is sadly Monday. Monday means the beginning of a new week, which means school, which means having to get up early. But right now it's Sunday, and I'm going to enjoy it.

fredag 17. august 2012

tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted

Is it really any secret that I have the hots for Niall? I mean he is my screensaver on my phone. I just thought Nialler was really lovely in this video. And the song really suits him. Anyways, yesterday was a bit of a fail. I didn't go out. Out as in clubbing. Because I was freezing my arse off. I was biting my teeth whilst speaking. That's what I do during winter. I suppose wearing shorts in the park for hours is not very appropriate. I'll know that till next time then. It was also a bit of a fail since I couldn't exactly find my study group. I think they retreated to our sponsors flat. But since I didn't know where that was, I stayed with my friends group. So you know .. I got to know people that aren't even from my own group, and whom I'll probably see little of. Heck, I even got to know someone that doesn't even go to my school at all. I've spent the last hours or so looking through books I might possibly buy. It feels a bit wrong to be shopping .. for books. At school today we did a CPR course. First theory, and then we practiced it on a mannequin. I have done this before a while ago, when my sister forced me to do it. So I was not looking forward to it, because I already knew how hard it is to perform chest compression. It takes so much strength. My hands were sore afterwards. And I don't think I was the only one. However, it was quite funny - as we were all in a ring doing 30 hearth compression, imagining the beat of Staying Alive by Bee Gees. But now I'm glad it's finally Friday. Just being home feels like luxury. But hey, on Monday we will have a lecture that I think I'll might enjoy. Except that it last from 4:30-8:15 pm. But then Jonas Brothers have a live chat shortly after! And that, I do long for.

in a pipe she flies to the motherland or sells love to another man

After running around in Paris and London, I realised that my backpack just maybe is a quite popular brand. Ah, who am I kidding. It's fucking popular and I didn't even know. When I first got it, I took away the label, because I much more preferred it simple. This way you don't actually see that it's an Eastpak backpack unless you look at the zipper or the authentication. Speaking of bags. A brand I saw quite often in Paris, and a bit less in London, was Longchamp. And I knew then that I really really wanted one. However, I didn't actually know the name of the brand. But I saw one in Oslo these days, as it's where I spend my days now. It's the Longchamp Le Pilage tote bag I want. And preferably in navy. Course it has to be in navy, that's my favorite colour. The Le Pilage tote bag is so simple in design, that it won me over the second I saw it. The only problem is the fact that I am a student. A student that plan on spending a lot of money on school books, leaving me quite poor. Therefore I don't know if it will be a purchase of mine soon. Ah, if I only knew about this tote bag whilst being in Paris. That would've made everything so much cheaper. Problems of a consumer. Anyways, when I got home from school today, I tried reading my new school books. However, my eyelids were so heavy, I had to take a nap. Although I had planned a nap for one hour only, it lasted for three instead. So now I'm going to read up on some anatomy. And a bit other things.

torsdag 16. august 2012

this feels like falling in love

Third day of school. I actually really enjoyed today's lecture about microbiology. I think it's safe to say that I'm back on track again. I do not longer have the urge to skip school for a year .. or forever. I also went to the library today and borrowed an anatomy book, but also a book about bipolar disorder. Although the latter isn't actually in my curriculum. But it looked very interesting. I think it's currently raining outside, but still I'm going out in my shorts. We might go to a nightclub today, because I need to get to know my study group. Thus far it's been awkward conversations, and the urge to run back to my friends is really really high. Hence why I am going to try to get to know them better today. It's a process .. you know, getting to know each other. But I'm guessing it'll be worth it in the end. Anyways, next Friday I'm going to visit my sister up north. It'll be awesome. And it just happens to be where my brother just moved too. And his birthday is next week too. Life can be such a roller coaster. Right now I really want to snuggle in my bed and go to sleep. But I'm going to be tough and let the world eat me. Right, bye. 

onsdag 15. august 2012

mess me up so good until I'm begging for more

I did predict that I would instantly hate nursing school. And indeed I do. I almost fell asleep during a lecture today. But I put on my earplugs and played Animal by Conor Maynard. It was my savior for the day. I've been at school from 9-5. Although I didn't actually get home until 6:30 pm. I know higher education is harder and requires a higher level. But it's only been two days. And I'm totally burned out already. Sure, I cannot wait to read my schoolbooks. Can you believe that? But the lectures are so damn boring when you've got no fucking idea of what the lecturer is speaking about, and when the room is so damn hot, and there's no air conditioner in sight. And what possibly bothers me most, is the time schedule. I'm so used to order in my time schedule. In this however, I might have school at 10:00 til 12:00 in the morning, and then have another lecture at 17:00 til whatever. I mean. What the hell am I supposed to do for five hours in Oslo? I might as well just travel home. Oh, and I'm scared shit of the exams. And having to be able to put a catheter in someones urethra. I mean .. sticking a needle in someones arm is nothing in comparison. Ah, I was so tempted to just give up today. Just take a year off. Or in fact just never study and live home at my parents forever. That's how intimidated I was today. But I just need to keep thinking of why I am becoming a nurse. Right .. the day is nearly over for me, and it feels like I just got back home. This makes me so depressed. I didn't ever imagine that my life would be completely taken over by the studies. Well, now as I think of it, I did. But I didn't expect it happen this soon. I've just started, and I'm already going to lectures? This is crazy.

tirsdag 14. august 2012

“I'll always love you, Sid.” “You will?” “Yes, and that's the problem”.

Right. First day of school done. And it feels like I just got home, but now I'm soon off to bed only to wake up early and head to school. Again. I am currently wearing this (pictures) on my nails. And I'm too lazy to read the names of the nail varnishes. Sorry, but life is unfair. I kind of regret not buying any more Barry M products whilst being in London. But then again, I kind of regret not buying a lot of things. I finished watching Skins season two today. And I sobbed like a little baby as usual. Skins is filled with lovely quotes. It's most certain that you'll find gif's or quotes on Tumblr. It's been such a long time since I've watched this season. I mean, I totally forgot about Sketch. Oh and the cheeky ending with Effy there. I see what you did, yeah. Effy will always be my ultimate favorite because she was so lucky to be in four seasons, which is not the usual thing. Usually a cast is only limited to two seasons. Effy was however in the first and second cast. And because she's been in a lot more episodes than others, I've learned to know her character more. Hence my love for her and her manipulative personality and her troubled ability to feel happy. Anyways, we got the new IKEA magazine in the post today. And it was with a heavy sigh that I browsed through it, because I'm always imagining how I'm supposed to live. Always have been. And for once I actually had the chance to do it. Sure, I still have the chance. But there must be a reason why I'm still living at home, isn't it? If you really want something, you'll get it. That is what they say, right? Then I mustn't really want it, do I? Right, I've just been informed by my friend that I am indeed going to school early tomorrow, which means I need to go to bed now. Or, well soon.

they say bad things happen for a reason

This is going to be one of those random posts where I just write things on my mind. I have school tomorrow. And I'm currently procrastinating before I go to sleep. It's so funny how Call Me Maybe by that Canadian chick can bring all these people together (Sorry, I never remember her name). I'm referring to this youtube video . And no, I'm not linking to a virus. I'm simply here to bring you entertainment. A few days ago I tumbled across another British youtuber. His name is Jack Harries, and he has an identical twin. And I can't make up my mind about who I think is the hottest. I'm just going to link to this video, where you can see both of them. If you don't fancy them at all, I don't know what world you're from. Have I not told you about Wattpad enough? I'm just going to link to one of my favorite stories called Inamorata. Well, actually I'm going to link to another one called Always You. It would most defnitely be categorized as one of those chick lits. Although it's a bit more dirty. As in PG-13. The picture I've posted is another random thing. Just came across it, and Niall's blue eye and blonde quiff made it worth to post. Speaking of Niall. I really really want to go to Nandos right now. I was scrolling through Finn Harries' Twitter, and I spotted a picture of him being in Nandos. Yes, I am indeed stalking Jack Harries' twin brother. Anyways, I really want some chicken from Nandos. I've been craving candy throughout the whole day. If you didn't know, I stopped eating candy (exception: chocolate) a year and a half ago. And today I was staring at a pack of licorice planted on the sofa table, and I was so tempted to just lick one. I was arguing with myself in my mind. But then I sucked up and just went to my bedroom. Another random thought .. I had a nightmare about standing in the queue in a liquor store, only to be short of money. And I wasn't even buying liquor, I was buying snus. So now you know. The innocent angelic me have nightmares about rebel-ish things. If that is even counted as something rebel-ish. Right now it's 11 minutes past the time I planned to go to bed. A real old friend contacted me today. Completely out of the blue, and I'm kind of shocked. You'll probably not understand why, and I'm not even going to bother try explaining. Anyways, have a good evening. Sleep tight, and live like it's your last day to live. Except don't go crazy on the drugs, will you? Wow, I just found like films on Youtube. Like the whole film. Guess I'll be watching some tomorrow. Alright, I surrender. Seriously going to bed now. 

mandag 13. august 2012

let's travel the world

I was doing a bit of drawing yesterday, and this is what I came up with. Don't dis my skills, yeah? I only drew from my mind. And I can only remember how Norway, Sweden and Finland look like, because it's like a lion or something. That's why Denmark is missing, and why Britain is placed even more north than Norway (face palm), and why the north atlantic ocean is so small. Sorry. Right now I'm watching Skins. I'm halfway through the second season, and it's so terribly sad. I only watch Skins when I'm in the mood to be sad really. And today my brother left. And I didn't wake up to say goodbye, which made me feel like shit. I was supposed to do it, but I managed to shut off my alarm and then go to bed again. He's been living at home for nearly a month. And now he's gone off six hours away or something (with car). And he can't catch a two-hour train back home like he used to. But at least he's living in the same city as my sister. It's been a luxury to have him home this long, and now I've got to let go. My mum recently said that she didn't want me to leave. And I can understand why. I really do. Tomorrow is the first day of school. And I am not looking forward to it. You know. Endings are only a new start. If only I was rich .. and could travel the world.