lørdag 19. juli 2014

we both have demons that we can't stand. I love your demons like devils can

Gooooood morning! I've been up since 8:00 am, and I've already had my brekkie and been to the grocery store. It's such a lovely day, and as you can see, I dressed up in blue. I almost wore my Nike Air Max' too, which are white and blue. But I thought maybe it was a bit of an overkill, ha. However, I wore my new Converse, which you can see are white and not high tops. I had a similar pair of these back in the days, but they got really dirty (because I think I once wore them during "russetiden") and they became too small to me. So they got thrown away. It's a bit strange, not wearing high tops, because that's what I'm used to. Anyway, I am also wearing an awesome bra today. I bought it a few weeks ago, because although it's a bra, it looks a bit like some sporty-looking swimwear. It's so nice looking, I sometimes find myself stopping in front of a mirror to look at it. It's so simple, but it looks so structured. It's also a soft bra, which means it's super comfortable. My goodness, I am obsessed?? Anyway, from one obsession to another-- I've been reading through a lot of posts about "narry" today, and (super sigh) they're so sweet. It's impossible for me to not smile when I see an interaction between them. One of my favourite part about them, is that whenever they hug, Harry (almost) always bends down to put his head in the crook of Niall's neck. It just makes me so fond, because although Harry is the tallest, he seems to always do this. Maybe it's a comfort-thing. The picnic yesterday was cancelled due to some rain. Instead we had sandwiches inside. Also, I tried making meatballs for the first time, and they were quite successful. I only wish I put some extra ingredients in them to add some more flavour and different texture. But you know, it was the first time, so maybe I'll remember for the next time. Oh, I managed to finish Men From The Boys by Tony Parsons yesterday. It's the last book in a trilogy I started last summer. The first book I read by Parsons was Man and Boy, and I fell in love with it. Admittedly, it has taken me quite a lot of time to finish the last book, a bit because I knew I was getting to  a bit heavy chapters, where things go downhill. The ending left me a bit unsatisfied, because there was no distinct ending, and I'm still left with questions. However, that's the nice thing with this trilogy as well. I feel like it's so honest, so easy to relate to. And likewise the real life, there are no distinct ending. The end of one chapter is the start of a new chapter. The next book on my list to read is probably Cloud Atlas, unless I decide to read another book. Yesterday I actually watched Crossfire Hurricane, which is a documentary about The Rolling Stones. It was interesting, because when I was at school, I mostly learned about The Beatles, Bob Dylan, etc. So I know almost nothing about The Rolling Stones. I am aware that Harry Styles have been compared to Mick Jagger, which I think is mostly because of their hair? But yes, I did definitely see a bit of a similarity. They both have that charm and cheekiness. It was really strange, because I felt myself grinning whenever I saw Mick Jagger. Who knows what kind of teenager I would have been if I was born in the sixties? Anyway, my parents will be home in four days, and I have missed them. Sometimes at night, I forget that they're gone, and I keep thinking they're going to be home in a bit. Right now I'm probably going to make myself some lunch and enjoy it in the sun. I've got work this afternoon, and then early tomorrow. But I've got Monday off, so that'll be nice. Have a great Saturday x. 

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