onsdag 25. april 2012

crazy fangirl moment, sorry for being obnoxious

Do you remember when I said Zayn from One Direction is my favorite for two reasons? In case you didn't, I stated that he was my favorite because: 1 He would be great for Skins. 2 He slightly reminds me of Justin from Ugly Betty. And everything that reminds me of Ugly Betty is a win. I just watched an interview, where they were asked "if a movie was made about you, who would play each of you?". And guess what Zayn answered? Luke. Luke Pasqualino. As in Freddie. As in Effys boyfriend, who was murdered. Though I'm trying my hardest to fight against becoming a directioner, I find myself falling into a trap. However, though I have stated that Zayn is my favorite. Niall beats him. Just because he is Irish. Even though I'd have more in common with Zayn, Niall will beat him - because he is Irish. 

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