tirsdag 10. april 2012

I keep on staring to the past

I've finally managed to finish watching Skins. Three months after it officially ran. They've really made it a habit to kill people for each cast, haven't they? It's so odd, because out of all the characters, I mostly loved Liv's episode, whom I didn't really care for the first season with the new cast. But then again ..  season five sucked balls. I didn't even once shed a tear, which is very very rare.

I am a little bit unsure what I think of this season. But I must say that I was very impressed by the first episode. I don't understand how they managed to capture so many things in such a short amount of time. I do also admit that I've had a laugh watching this season, and I've been drowning in tears. Which was the reason why I loved Liv's episode the most. I love a good cry. And it just perfectly captured everything I think Skins symbolizes. Confused teenagers who happens to be at the wrong places to the wrong times. Plus I really liked the last episode as well. It's nice to see that through all the hell they are going through, there can be a happy ending.

One of the cons was that I wanted to watch a little bit more of Rich's emotions. I was a bit like Liv: why aren't you screwed up? Your girlfriend died! But then again I think it was nice to see a little bit change .. that he managed to handle it all so well, rather than getting pissed and doing drugs all the time. Another con is very individual. I didn't find any new music that I loved. But maybe it was because I was so busy watching the whole thing. So I think I will thumb up this season. I will always be drawn back to the first two casts, and I don't think I really managed to make any favorites throughout this season. I will always miss Tony and Effy Stonem. Always.

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