fredag 6. april 2012

paddy de courcy

"Everybody remembers where they were the day they heard that Paddy de Courcy was getting married’ But for four women in particular, the big news about the charismatic politician is especially momentous … Stylist Lola has every reason to be interested in who Paddy’s marrying – because although she’s his girlfriend, she definitely isn’t the bride-to-be. Heartbroken, she flees the city for a cottage by the sea. But will Lola’s retreat prove as idyllic as she hopes? … Not if journalist Grace has anything to do with it. She wants the inside story on the de Courcy engagement and thinks Lola holds the key. Grace’s sister, Marnie, might be able to help but she’s too busy holding her perfect life – perfect husband, perfect children, perfect house – together. And what of the soon to be Mrs de Courcy … Alicia will has waited a long time for this and is determined to be the perfect politician’s wife. But does she know the real Paddy de Courcy? Four very different women. One awfully charming man. And the dark secret that binds them all …"

Another book review? Yes, you are entitled to sigh now. It's been a really long time since I last read this book, which was a good thing, because I didn't remember what happened with all the characters. It was a pain to read this sometimes, and sometimes I had to skip a page, because the details are so excruciating. I don't wait to be a spoiler, but this isn't really a book review, more like a blog post to release some of my thoughts. The dark secret that binds them all is that Paddy is violent. So violent he's probably be able to kill someone with his bare hands. Reading about how he treated the women, how he beat them .. it really did disgust me. But I also realise that I was almost more disgusted by the behavior of the women. I found myself wondering how someone could be so stupid and fall in a trap like that. And it made me scared. Most women says that if the man she loves hit her, she'll pack her bags and leave. But really, do you do it? Not all of them. Some are convinced that it was only a one-time-thing that will never happen again. And when it happen again, they make excuses. But it's not only the women. It's the man, the manipulative man that places words in her mouth. By reading this book, I can only hope that I will learn from their (the women) mistakes. But everyone knows that you can't learn from peoples mistakes all the time. There are certain things in life you will have to experience yourself. I love Marian Keyes, I don't think I've ever hid that fact. And this book is truthfully splendid. I don't understand how she is able to portrait something so horrible like this. And how it's still comedy though it's a glum theme. As a fan of Marian Keys, I know some facts about her. And through reading her newsletters I've made up my mind about her. And whilst reading this book, I found there were come characters in this book that were so much alike her. This book took me about three days of reading, though you could probably read it in two. It's over six hundred pages in small letters. But considering she is illustrating four different women, it's almost like she smashed four different novels into one.

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