torsdag 14. juni 2012

hey conor

Conor Maynard is one of the Youtubers, where I actually like his original music. This is very far from what I believe is my music taste. However, I'm still drawn to his music. I can only hope he does not quit Youtube forever, because he does beautiful Drake-covers (and others of course). Tomorrow is Friday, and I'll finally be done with my exam. Today I felt like crying, because I'm so far from finished. However, I can see some light in the tunnel, and it has occurred to me that I don't give a damn about the outcome. This is not a good thing, though. But at least that leaves me ok with getting an OK grade. And I won't cry about it .. not that I ever do. I cannot wait for tomorrow. When I'm done, I'm going home in order to sleep. I might as well sleep all day.

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