torsdag 21. juni 2012

shake like you're famous girl

A review? Really? Yes. No. Just my opinion. Honestly .. I kind of love it. I remember walking to the Urban Decay counter at Sephora, and I said "Hi, I've heard a lot good about one of your primers.." and the lady interrupted me, and said "Yes, this one", and reached for the product. She then proceeded to tell me about the product, but it was unnecessary. I was going to buy it anyways. I hardly ever wear any eye make-up, because from experience, I know it's going to end up under my eyes, and I'll look like a panda. But yesterday, I ran to the bus, walked in the heating sun, and even went to a pub. And when I came home? I was so ready to look at myself in the mirror, looking like a panda. But I was pleasantly surprised. It looked just as when I put my makeup on. Like, as if I had glued it on. I'd just say: buy it. However, I'm not prone to very very oily eye-lids. But I would still give it a try. 

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