tirsdag 26. juni 2012

open bottles of beer but never champagne

(Picture: Tumblr )
I am indeed in love with Ed Sheerans music. And I am having a hard time with not ordering his CD. However, I do have some willpower. He is kind of the male version of Adele in my mind. They are both extremely good at lyrics. And their songs are wonderful. Although I do give Sheeran a bit more credit, as his songs aren't all love songs. They are actually songs about important problems to our society today. On the other hand, Adele's voice is in a whole different level - than anyone really. I will admit that I first became known with Ed Sheeran after I heard he had collaborated with One Direction on Moments. I had of course heard his hit The A-Team. However, it wasn't until then I really listened. And I'm not ashamed. You shouldn't judge any person by their personality and instantly think they have a "type" of music taste. Just because I do love The Jonas Brothers, I don't only listen to them. I will in fact say that plenty of the music I listen to today, is because of them. And I am very grateful, as I've been introduced to great classics and popular artists that are considered as mainstream today (in the good way - as in those who succeed). Speaking of Jonas Brothers - they are currently writing new music. And as I thought all old fans had moved on, I have been proved wrong. It's like they have a worldwide TT on Twitter every day. I'm not even joking. I really do believe they have had at least one a day. And it makes me smile. Simply because I love the Jonas Brothers, and only wish for them to succeed. When I recently got my computer back, my iTunes had been deleted. And I had to put my 700 songs back on iTunes. Not cool.

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