fredag 26. november 2010

don't forget to take a breath

I love Fridays. They're my freaking favorites. I love my family. I love my friends. I love this country. I love my freedom. I love all the opportunities I have. Ah, you probably get everything now. I don't celebrate Thanksgiving .. because we don't celebrate it over here - but you can always make some time to appreciate things in life. Every day you feel like dying, there's other people actually dying. Every moment you hurt yourself, there's gonna be someone else being tortured. Anyways, we had the worst work-out in gym today. My class was divided into two groups. The first group was doing spinning for 30 minutes, while the second group were doing some strength-stuff. I was on the group training strength, and everything went fine - it was hard of course. However, when we was going to switch activities, I saw the whole spinning-group with sweat down their faces, and their hair was all wet. You can bet that I was nervous. And oh my gosh. I really wanted to jump in the snow afterwards. I didn't do that, instead me, and some classmates played some badminton - while the others hit the showers.

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