mandag 31. oktober 2011
chasing cars

Hello there. Did you know that tomorrow is November 1st? That means it's only one month until December - which means Christmas! I'm so excited to Christmas: to be done with all schoolwork, and be with my entire (and extended) family. I've been putting off listening to Christmas-songs, because I'm afraid that the Christmas spirit will come now, rather than to the actual Christmas. Anyways, I've had a lovely day, with only movies on the school-schedule. Quite lovely indeed!
søndag 30. oktober 2011
landon austin
Landon Austin is another musician on Youtube, whom I just discovered. Not only does he have an amazing voice, but he also has a cover of Nice Guys! Hilarious! And he's probably been tweeted about by everyone (Kevin Jumba, Taylor Swift, iJustine, etc).
lørdag 29. oktober 2011
love takes hostages
"There's a reason I said I'd be happy alone. It wasn't because I thought I'd be happy alone. It was because I thought if I loved someone, and it fell apart -- I might not make it. It's easier to be alone. Because, what if you learn that you need love? And then you don't have it. What it you like it, and lean on it. What if you shape your life around it?
And then ... it falls apart. Can you even survive that kind of pain? Losing love is like organ-damage. It's like dying. The only difference is: death ends. This, can go on forever." (Unaccompanied Minor, Grey's Anatomy S7, e22)
torsdag 27. oktober 2011
if you need me I'll come running
What do I do in the middle of the night? I make birthday-cards while listening to Justin Bieber. I might just even start with the Christmas-cards soon too, as I haven't even bought one Christmas present! I'm pretty sure I had at least bought one present by this time last year. Oh, the worries of a materialistic world :)
onsdag 26. oktober 2011
Last night I was looking at the stars and I was wondering where the heck is my ceiling
A quite funny thing happened today, while me and my friend were in Oslo. We were walking through a mall, and then two guys stopped us. They were advertising, and asked us if we were over eighteen. Both nodded and said yes. Since I happen to be Asian, I also look quite younger than eighteen - so he said "are you really?". It might also have been because we were giggling. Anyways, I realised that I didn't want to stand there and listen to them advertising. "Actually, I'm sixteen," I said, and pulled my friend with me. One of the guys continued talking, and was like "hey, where are you going?" Oh the things you do to avoid advertisement huh? I did feel a bit bad later, but aren't you allowed to be a bit mean sometimes? Oh, don't make me feel more guilty.
make you mine

I went to Oslo today. I had actually planned to stay home and finish some schoolwork, but as I watched Paranormal Activity 3 yesterday, I didn't dare stay home alone. I'm usually quite cocky about not being scared by horror movies, but I've gotta admit that I was lying in the fetal position the last 20-30 (if not more) minutes of the film. Yep, definitely a good one. Anyways, when I went to Oslo today I decided not to buy anything for myself. But I did end up with a bathbomb from Lush and (finally) Fastlife by Joe Jonas.
tirsdag 25. oktober 2011
you're as fake as the moans you make
One of my favorite blogs to read is Frida Fahrman, sister of Sofi Fahrman. She's got a more sophisticated look, and I love it. And oh man, what a lovely looking man she has!
mandag 24. oktober 2011
don't be afraid of what you are
Today my school went to the theater. Well, the third graders did. And it was an excellent break from regular school. I really wish that we can attend more of these, but I highly doubt it. Anyways, you know how people say (about the opera) - you either love it or hate it. I definitely love the theater now. I've never really seen a play before .. well I did once when I was younger. I was about 10? Anyways I think I cared more about my friend being in the play rather than the actual play itself. Which is probably why I didn't care too much about the play. But I must confess that I would very much like to see a opera play too. If not ballet. It's just opened for a lot of new options. Though I'd like to go to the cinema soon. I want to watch Paranormal Activity 3. Anywayyyys, you know the drill - I've got schoolwork to do.
søndag 23. oktober 2011
who do you think you are?

I love men's fashion. Mostly of all, I love well-dressed men. And if I might ask .. is looking for style superficial? Maybe it is, if your looking for the wrong reasons. If you're looking for style because you share the love for style .. is it wrong then? I get it, if you're thinking: "hey, he might be rich". Anyways, right now I'm supposed to be studying for another test. Yes, studying for tests seem to be everything I do these days. And I have actually had the thought: what am I supposed to do when school is over? I mean .. it's been in my life for 13 years now .. and plenty more will come. Oh .. the questions of life, eh?
fredag 21. oktober 2011
can't take my eyes off you
jumper_Kappahl/jeans_Cheap Monday/necklace_Gogo Philip.
Finally wore my new jumper. It's sort of cropped in the front, and long in the back .. as I tried to illustrate with my pictures. I quite adore it, except that it's a bit scratchy. I couldn't pass it either, I just simply adooore it. Anyways, my hair is getting annoyingly long. Long hair and school is not a good combination. I always have to either pin it up or wear a pony-tail. Oh well, TGIF!
Finally wore my new jumper. It's sort of cropped in the front, and long in the back .. as I tried to illustrate with my pictures. I quite adore it, except that it's a bit scratchy. I couldn't pass it either, I just simply adooore it. Anyways, my hair is getting annoyingly long. Long hair and school is not a good combination. I always have to either pin it up or wear a pony-tail. Oh well, TGIF!
torsdag 20. oktober 2011
and then a hero comes along
Sometimes it's just nice to listen to old music. Mariah Carey looks so dainty and delicate, but her voice is so big and strong.
to change this lonely life

Today was the first time of my entire life where I wished I had the driver licence. I waited for the bus with a bunch of annoying first graders, then the bus was late, and then the bus was stuffed. And I don't mind any of that. Because it happens every day. But I was tired, and a guy who smelled of smoke stood beside me. I'm no fan of smoke. In fact .. I hate it. It's the worst smell ever, and I don't ever want to hang out with someone smelling of smoke. Okay .. back to the point. None of these bagatelles really annoyed me. But there were four old people who came in the bus, and absolutely no one offered for them to have their seat. I don't know if that's how you do it in other countries. But when people say Norwegians are rude - they might sometimes be true. Courtesy sometimes doesn't exist over here. In fact, I read an article earlier about "what annoys the cabin crew". And as I usually do, I scrolled down to the comments. A person wrote: "Whiner! You are paid to serve us, and if you think that we want to spend a lot of energy to entertain you, while you serve us, after a tiring day. You're wrong. Do your job, that's what you're paid for. There's probably plenty other professions that don't like all aspects of their job either." I mean, honestly. Who writes these kinds of things? Sorry for rambling, but there are somethings that pisses me of in the world. And if I'm not allowed to express it trough a blog .. then I don't know what else to do, other than keep the anger inside me. And according to psychology, it's probably not a good idea.
I cannot carry the weight of the heavy world
onsdag 19. oktober 2011
can't take one more sleepless night
R introduced me to this song yesterday. I have seen it around Youtube, but I've never actually cared to listen to it. I'm glad I have, because now it's on repeat.
can we dair believe?
"[...] Chuck sees in Blair only what he wants. He doesn't care how she really is like. He only accepts the side that is more similar to his personality. Dan on the other hand didn't stop at the scheming, tyrannical side. He was able to watch deeper and discover the real Blair. A girl who has feelings and some weekness too. She could never show her tender side to Chuck.." (a comment from Youtube)
I'm drinking jack all alone in a local bar
Today I managed to forget my computer in a mall. I was about to take the bus home, when I suddenly realised that I didn't have my computer in my arms. My friend was lovely enough to help me .. and I thought I was going to have to buy a new one. Luckily I found it in the shop where I also bought this lovely cable-knit (picture). Nobody stole it! I must have good karma! I have never forgotten my pc before, but I've actually dropped my computer two times before, but it didn't break. Many of my classmates, however, turns up at school with somewhat shattered computers. I don't want to jinx it now.
smiling, but we're close to tears

Have you ever tried to say something, but then nothing comes out of your mouth? I did that once, and that was when I saw you. The sight of you makes my day better. Your captivating smile makes me happy. Even the thought of you makes me happy. I wish to know what makes you smile, what makes you happy. I wish to watch the stars with you.
mandag 17. oktober 2011
only girl in the world
Today I had a test in psychology, and it went really really bad. But sometimes you've gotta prioritize. I chose family, rather than studying for my test. I do hope that I won't count that much though. I have another test on Friday in history, which I really have to prioritize. When you are at the bottom, there is only one way to go - up (does that sound cheesy? It is true though). Anyways, I received another package today, containing this lovely "chocolate" bronzer. I've been wanting this since I was supposed to go to London this Summer. Right now I'm going to eat something, before I start studying for history. Have a great day!
søndag 16. oktober 2011
sometimes it hurts instead

Right now it feels like everything is wrong. It's easy to slap on a smile and pretend that everything is okay. And slap on that "I should be thankful" thought that I always try to. It does however not make me any happier. Don't get me wrong .. there's nothing really wrong - no big things. But then again .. it's the small things that count.
Edit (4 hours later): At the moment I'm baking with my sisters, and we just sat down and ate cheese and crackers. Before that we went for a long walk. Everything feels better in a while, but I still have something scratching in the back of my mind. Something is still wrong.
lørdag 15. oktober 2011
you don't know a thing at all
I pretty much love this song. I remember listening to it for the first time, in the middle of the night. I knew I'd love it.
fredag 14. oktober 2011
I'm hoping we don't get too close
torsdag 13. oktober 2011
everyday I'm falling more in love with you
onsdag 12. oktober 2011
I don't know what your love has done to me
I really really really shouldn't be watching Gossip Girl. It's bringing out the crazy-fan girl out in me. Probably not the best quality of mine. The thing that's so unbearably addicting, is the fact that there is hope for Dair. While watching Gossip Girl, I sometimes want to shout to Blair: "Your real prince is standing right in front of you! It's Dan". Watching them together is like reading a novel really really slowly .. which is not very delightful, as I usually read a novel in 2-4 days. If they don't end up together - then, I guess something is wrong with the definition: soul mates. Ok, ok, I'm going to stop now. I am however probably going to post more of these Dair blogposts of mine. The song is a cover of Superhuman by Hobbie Stuart, whom my friend kindly introduced me to via lovely Youtube.
mandag 10. oktober 2011
gravity wants to bring me down

I love montañas covered with snow. It is one of the loveliest things I know of. They take my breath away, and I could just sit and look at them forever. This is one of the reasons why I might move up north in the future - the beautiful nature. I flew home yesterday .. well technically I came home today (00:00). Anyways, I already miss everything. But you know; there is no place like home. Right now I'm going to catch up on all Youtube-videos .. and then some math.
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