søndag 16. februar 2014

come and rest your bones with me

Morning, I've just finished watching the men's relay race in cross country skiing. And although it didn't go very well with Norway, it was still nice to see Petter Northug, and I think he did a good run, placing fourth. But the congratulations go to Sweden, which have been ace in cross country skiing this year's Olympics. And anyway, I've got a soft spot for Marcus Hellner, so I'm just glad. It's funny, because as we were watching the relay race for the women yesterday (at Oyster's), I was commenting along. And Oyster told me I should maybe become a commentator instead. But it's not so hard when you've been watching cross country skiing for quite a bit, and get to know the skiers and their signs of weakness and opposite. Anyway, I slept for ten hours. Two hours more than I was planning to. Must have shut off my alarm again, without noticing. I suppose it's okay, since I had so little sleep the previous night. I found a bag of chocolate yesterday, one that I'd forgotten about. But I found it when I was looking for my "shoot for the stars" bath bomb by Lush. I had a proper foot bath yesterday, as I'd been lusting for one. I ought to clean my bedroom now, and then get some food apart from that toast I had for brekkie. I should also organise my closet better, really, but I'm far too lazy. Maybe sometime after my "praksis" is done. I've got the schedule of my "praksis" above my desk, and I was just looking at it, which made me realise that time is running out. My paper is so far from done, and it feels like I've not got any time on the days I have "praksis". Oh well, time will tell how it goes. 

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