mandag 3. februar 2014

swore upon my sun I'd save you for a rainy day

I've fallen in love with Ellie Goulding's style, I think. She dresses in very sporty gear sometimes, and I've found that I really like it. Also, she's an inspiration in the sense of exercise. If you follow her on Instagram you'll understand, probably. I just genuinely really like Ellie Goulding. Strangely enough, I've been keeping up my exercise regime. And jeez, next year I might even actively try getting into "summer shape" or whatever it's called. I say I "might" because, I've never been the person to base my exercise upon changing my body. It's always been because I'm worried my inside (organs and whatnot) are in a horrid state. I mean, I was blessed with good genes (and I've always been very active during my childhood), and therefore I've always stayed rather slender. But I've always been a big eater. At least I used to. And this made me worry about the state of my health, which again prodded me to exercise. A few weeks ago, my friends joked about something to do with my eating habits. And my mum has increased her nagging at me to eat more, though she always has. I'm going to ask my sister later on, if she thinks I've developed an eating disorder. I'm just curious, is this a real concern? It is true that I've cut down on portions, and I've started trying to avoid the most unhealthy things. But that's because I've realised that my body doesn't need that amount of nutrition. Also, maybe it's something psychological in it, because it seems like my body has stopped needing as much nutrition the past year. Like, I can't eat a lot of food just before bedtime, or I won't sleep very well. Or is that just ageing? Anyway, if there is real concern, I'm very grateful, because eating disorders are a serious matter. And among the things I don't ever want to experience, eating disorders are high on the list. Like, I'm genuinely afraid of it-- have been since I had a presentation about it in high school. Anyway, this turned into a very serious topic. I went to the mall for a quick trip today (like the Saturday trip with Marble and Kiwi wasn't enough), and among the things I bought, I bought this sports bra from H&M. I've grown an obsession with grey coloured exercise wear for some reason. I just think it looks really pretty, for some strange reason. Would it be really strange if I started wearing jogging bottoms? Oh wow, seventeen year old me would cringe at twenty year old me. Now I really want to go to Nike Town in London. Blah. I decided to make this picture of Niall my background for my iPhone yesterday. Seemed to have been a good choice, because I can't avoid smiling when I see it. I'm a bit worried about how Niall will be recovering from his knee operation, as it's less than three months to their stadium tour. At least he was at a Taylor Swift concert yesterday. That must mean he's okay. D'you know The Vamps are the varmup band for Taylor? And then Ed Sheeran was a special guest on Saturday, and Sam Smith yesterday. It's a bit like imagining my iTunes library at the same place, ha. I'm really happy for a new Essiebutton vlog. It feels like I've been waiting for it forever, and when I saw it in my subscription box, I nearly fell off my chair with happiness. I'm going to grab something to eat and watch it. I ought to be productive today, as it is a fairly stressful week. Sally texted me just a few hours ago, and she was so sweet. Goodness, I think the next few months will be good. I hope so, at least. I also really want to go to Aalesund to visit my sister and co. But I'm rather broke, so we'll see. Anyway, have a nice Monday! 

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