søndag 20. november 2011

den som lever får sjå

(A very long and descriptive blog about my weekend. Skip now, or read it all)
This has definitely been the best weekend in a long time. It started off a tad disappointing. Friday, I was a tired wreck - I'm pretty sure I could have fallen asleep on a bench during gym. Instead, I climbed to the top of the climbing wall. Oh, and I managed to hit my friend in the face with my badminton racket. I'm such an awesome friend. Anyways, Friday night was spent out with my friends. We were celebrating Alex's birthday, and I happened to meet a few friends of mine. I had a good time dancing and trying to talk over the loud music. Me and another decided to go outside .. take a break. The warmth inside was unbearable, so we went for a walk with the guys we'd met at the start of the night. As we came back, the police had shown up, and the time was about 2:00 a.m., so we decided to end the successful night.

Yesterday I woke up at 2:40 p.m., and I frantically ran down the stairs in order to get a glimpse of the last part of the start of the Cross Country Skiing world cup. Wow, long sentence. Anyways, I managed to burn my baguettes for breakfast, while excitedly cheering on Petter Northug. He finished second place. I wasn't too bummed, but I probably would have if I watched the whole thing. But I do admit that I prefer a mass-start, as the competition gets a bit more exciting. Anyways, I finished eating, and Roya called me. We met up at my local shopping-mall. It was me, Roya, and Maladi. We didn't do much shopping. I did, however, manage to buy the first Christmas gift! Later that night we squeezed together in the car, and went back to Roya. There we talked, well somewhat. And we made some chocolate mousse. Maladi went home at 7:30 p.m., and Mini came over. I guess the whole night was spent talking and catching up. Though I'm not too much of a fan of gossiping, it was a lovely evening. According to Roya I fell asleep at 2:30 a.m.

Today we woke up quite early, partly because of me. I was a bit eager to watch Cross Country
Skiing world cup. We made breakfast, while watching the female cross country skiers compete. Norway won both first and second place (team-competition). Knowing that I couldn't sit there and watch the next competition on Roya's computer, I got dressed. I do have some manners. Anyways, I ran to the bus, and prayed that I'd get home before something exciting would happen. My mum hates watching all kinds of sports on TV, so I had to negotiate. I'm doing the dishes tonight. Anyways, Northug marched the last meters in to the finish line as the first. Second was yet another Norwegian, Sjur Røthe. Who doesn't love a double victory both for the Norwegian females and males? I'm not finished. After watching this I switched the channel. I accidentally ended up on TV-2, which showed a handball match between Norway and Sweden. If there's any sports I love watching, it's cross country skiing and handball! And as all the previous victories weren't enough, Norway won 32-18 against Sweden.

To conclude, it's been a very exicting weekend with very little schoolwork done. My mum isn't too happy about that, and I'm not looking forward till tomorrow. Another Monday.

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