I just watched this amazing video on Youtube, and I just have to share it! It's like watching a little movie. Anyways, my sister is currently 32 weeks pregnant. And she will be 37 weeks when we are visiting her. What if she goes in to labor? Just in case anything will happen, I've spent the last hour or so, watching first aid for babys, and just loads of baby-videos. It is very helpful indeed, and I can see why school on Youtube is such a popular thing (I think there actually is a school on Youtube, if I'm not completely wrong..) Anyways, watch the video! It's precious!
onsdag 31. august 2011
show you wrong

Hello! Today I went to the mall straight after school, but I managed to restrain from buying loads of crap. Only essentials .. and this cardigan. I have been wanting it for awhile, but I decided not to buy it .. but then I saw it today on sale for only 50 Norwegian kroner. I just couldn't resist. However, it is a bit big on me, as it's a size M. Yesterday I found a blog; Sara Bergman and I just fell in love with her style .. though she's something like 15? I don't really know. I was really puzzled by why I would be so fascinated by her style .. and I realised that she has that "tumblr"-look (if there is something called "tumblr"-look. lol)
tirsdag 30. august 2011
stuntin dog days

Pacman! It's a picture I made in paint .. like years ago. Anyways, the only reason why I'm writing, is because I'm procrastinating as always. I should be starting my paper, due on Friday, but you know .. I don't want to start. Have you noticed that I've blogged over 30 posts in August? This must mean; I'm really bored in August. I'll leave you with a lovely quote: "Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once". - Lillian Dickson
mandag 29. august 2011
full speed

A lot of new music videos on Youtube. The trip to Ålesund is confirmed! The only thing that's itching my brain now, is that I want to go to London. Yes, still a bit mad about that. Oh well, I guess I can't have everything. Right now, I think I need to start doing schoolwork. I know I've already said that school officially started .. but I feel the stress now. Stress=school.
søndag 28. august 2011
I want to whisper in your ear

Slowly he fell down on her. Exhausted and satisfied. He didn't care to move, he wanted to stay in the same position forever. He kissed her face, her mouth, her neck. She smiled at him slyly. He smiled back at her, as if they were sharing a secret together. Slowly, he rolled over, and the intimacy they once had shared was abruptly removed. She stood up, trying to find her clothes. He lay on the bed, still, and carefully followed her steps with his eyes. He already knew that this would happen, and sorely wished that he wouldn't have moved away from her beautiful face. She looked confused as she searched the room for her belongings. "Have you seen my shorts?". He sighed, and stood up. "Here," he picked up a distressed Levi shorts from the ground. She smiled at him, as she caught the shorts. "You better get dressed too". He looked down on his nakedness, and decided to pull on some clothes. Before she decided to leave, she ran at him, and jumped on him .. in his arms. He held her tightly to his chest. She ran her hands through his curls. "I guess this is goodbye, then". She noticed his face turning dark. This would be the last time she saw him. Forever. At least probably forever. They were only kids, and she was moving across the world. They didn't know how to make it work, so they decided not to. "Yeah, I guess," he sighed. Her eyes filled with tears. He let her down on the ground, and cautiously wiped away her tears with his thumb. She looked down on their bare feet. He kissed her head, and hugged her gently. He didn't want to upset her more, so he hugged her tightly for a moment before he let her go. This time, for real. "Bye," he said, trying to have a straight face. She knew this would break his heart. And having to do this, broke her heart too. "Bye, love," she whispered.
I felt a bit inspired by My Love by Nick Jonas, Forever Young (cover) by One Direction, and having read Last Chance Saloon by Marian Keyes. So why not write a little love story? Hope you like it.
lørdag 27. august 2011
you had your dreams, I had mine

(Pictures: Tumblr)
"Untouchable like a distant diamond sky
I'm reaching out and I just can't tell you why
I'm caught up in you, I'm caught up in you
Untouchable, burning brighter than the sun
And when you're close, I feel like coming undone
In the middle of the night when I'm in this dream
It's like a million little stars spelling out your name
You gotta come on, come on, say that we'll be together
Come on, come on, little taste of heaven."
I sorta hate Taylor Swift for stupid reasons, but I love many of her songs. As I recently told a friend, I like to think that music is only about the music. Untouchable is one of my favorite songs.
I need to feel you close

It's Saturday, and I've got nothing to do. The weather isn't quite as lovely as I wish it would be, but it's still warm outside. I've got my window open, and I was just outside painting my toenails. I just finished reading Last Chance Saloon by Marian Keyes. For some reason I've been putting it off, I just knew what would happen .. but I realised I had forgotten lots of the things that happens. So, I'm glad to read it. I might start reading Rachels Holiday now, because I might write about it in my upcoming paper. Oh, how I love Marian Keyes. I hope she'll publish a new book soon, because I've read her books multiple times now. Haha.
fredag 26. august 2011
my love

"I wanna write you a love song, and I wanna whisper in your ear. I wanna be the right when it's wrong, I wanna take away your fear. I need to hold you in my arms, I need to feel you close. Who knows exactly where we're going, but I'm ready to go down this road, with you, with you, it's true, it's true, my love." Nick Jonas.
I really wish Nick Jonas could record this song .. because it really is beautiful. It's a confession. It's a song that I never thought I'd hear from him though these words. He usually likes to hide his lyrics in metaphors, but this is honesty and sincerity. It looks very much like a piece from a diary. By what it looks like from Youtube, it's called My Love. If you want to listen, you should probably turn the volume down a bit, as it is a live version.
torsdag 25. august 2011
note #1

"Two may talk together under the same roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends." - Mary Catherwood. Sometimes a friendship ends. You grow apart, you have a big fight, etc. I've lost many good friends. Not because of death, but simply because we've grown apart. We don't share the same interests anymore, and we find new friends. I guess that's how it works in life. I can look back at a few friendships I wish I could've tried harder to keep. I'm not saying that I couldn't try today, it's not like they're gone forever. But I know it'll never be the same.
it's not my fault

Last night I went to the cinema, and I watched The Rise of the Planet of the Apes. A very long name, yes. It's not my typical genre, but as my friend wanted to watch it, I just said yes. And the other girls said yes too .. surprisingly. Anyways, I cried about 50% of the movie. So sad. I don't think it's one of those movies I'll remember, but it wasn't bad either. School has officially started, and though I don't take any hard classes, it's still a bummer. But you know, I'm still thankful that I have the opportunity to attend school :)
tirsdag 23. august 2011
do you really want to live forever?

This is pretty much what I do whenever the weather is good. I ask A to go swimming. We have two types of people in this world. Yes-, and no- people. Alright, so I guess you can't categorize people like that, but did you get the point? Some are very open to doing whatever there is, and others are completely opposite. Right now life is pretty good! School is boring as always, but way easier than the years that will come. I realised under a speech by one of my new teachers yesterday. We have a very important paper due in November or something (2-4k words), and she said something like "The reason why we have this paper, is because you'll have the chance to see how it's like when you are going to the uni". And it just hit me. I should be so happy to even have time to think about how boring school is. Be thankful for everything. That's the way it should be, because we often take things for granted.
mandag 22. august 2011
Some people care too much. I think it's called love

Forever young is the perfect summer song! I know summer supposedly is over now, but today we have clear blue skies! I did not however get the chance to enjoy it. I came home quite late, and I don't like staying in the garden when it's not sun, because of all the mosquitoes. Guess how many mosquito-bites I got today? Four. It's okay that summer is over for me .. it's not like I can wear shorts anyways .. I've got like a thousand bites on my legs.
søndag 21. august 2011
we can collide

Just listened to Collide by Leona Lewis, and I read loads of positive comments. Sadly, I didn't like it .. though I weirdly, sincerely wanted to enjoy it. I mean, I really liked the tune, but there weren't any wow or any catchy stuff. But then I clicked of the Afrojack mix of Collide, and hey! I really enjoyed that one! Click here if you want to listen. Wait, I just listened to the Sandy Vee remix too, and it's pretty amazing too. Click here if you want to listen to the Sandy Vee remix. I personally liked the first one the best, but that's just me.
lørdag 20. august 2011
the way that you flick your hair

Right now I'm flossing while listening to What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. I have no idea who they are, but I sorta like them. Every song does well for me in the evening (my ears are super-sensitive at this time), but hey, they are somewhat hot too! Anyways, here is my day in pictures. I woke up early this morning, in order to go swimming! The weather, however, disagreed with my plans. The sky was occupied with clouds, and there were no signs of a blue sky. I hoped that the sun would have the power to pop out, and surely it did! It did get quite chilly after awhile, so we biked back to A's, and tanned a bit. Summer doesn't have to be over, unless you make it.
fredag 19. august 2011
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